Templates for making roses from iron. DIY metal rose. DIY metal rose DIY metal rose

Ceramics, fireclay 17.10.2023
Ceramics, fireclay

A metal rose is a stylish decoration for any interior. Such a flower will never lose its attractiveness, and if made with your own hands, it will become an original gift for a loved one. Making such an unusual flower is quite simple. You just need to be patient and have the necessary tools.

What you need to make a rose from metal

To create a metal flower, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a smooth metal sheet, the thickness of which will be approximately 5 mm;
  • a steel rod for a rose stem with a diameter of about 10 mm;
  • anti-corrosion agent or motor oil for processing crafts.

Necessary tools to create decoration:

  • grinder or grinding machine with two types of discs - for grinding and for cutting;
  • drill for working on metal with drills up to 1 cm in diameter;
  • pliers and pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • welding machine;
  • gas-burner;
  • hammer and anvil.

It is better to make a flower outdoors or in a ventilated area. It is important to follow safety precautions when working with tools and metal. Having provided all the necessary conditions, you can begin making roses.

The process of making petals for a metal rose

To make a flower bud, we cut out at least four 10x10 cm squares from a sheet of metal. The more petals there are, the more magnificent and luxurious our rose will be. Using a regular felt-tip pen, we draw sketches of the petals on the blanks, according to which we cut them out with a grinder or a grinder. There is no need to cut them until the very end.

Next, you need to give the workpieces the necessary texture. To do this we use a hammer and an anvil. Using gentle blows of a hammer, flatten the edges of the petals on one side. The same must then be done with future leaves of the stem.

To place our petals on the stem, you need to make a special hole in their center. To do this, you can use a drill or welding. When using a drill, drill a hole in the center of each petal equal in diameter to the flower stem. The use of welding involves burning holes of the required diameter using the electrode of a welding machine. We do this carefully so as not to make holes larger than necessary.

After the petal blanks are ready, we put them on a metal rod one by one and weld them to it. We put the first blank for the petal on the rod, leaving about 2 cm from its end. We arrange the petals crosswise. When connecting the petals to the flower stem, try to melt the rod more, since the metal of the petals is thin and can burn out. We bend the lower petals down, forming a sepal of a flower.
To give our petals the desired shape, we use a gas burner, with which we heat the products. Next, using pliers, bend the central petals inward and the rest around them. Having connected the petals, you need to slightly bend their edges.

Making metal rose leaves

In addition to the bud itself, it is necessary to supplement the flower stem with leaves. To do this, draw a sketch of future leaves on a metal sheet and cut them out using a grinder. We make small notches along the edges of the leaves and make them slightly wavy, so that it looks natural. We connect the finished leaves to the stem by welding.

In the same way, you can weld metal spikes to the stem of the flower, which are cut in the shape of small triangles. If the stem is too long, it can be trimmed with a grinder. The average length of such a stem is usually 40 - 50 cm.

Treatment of roses against corrosion

The final stages of creating a metal flower will be anti-corrosion treatment. If this is not done, the craft will lose its appeal over time. For these purposes, you can use varnish or spray paint. It is very convenient to purchase special paint in a can, which can be silver or golden in color. It is convenient and evenly applied to the product and dries quickly.

Another treatment method is to use unused motor oil. It is applied to a pre-heated product, processing all its elements. After this, the rose is heated again to remove excess oil. Using this method will give the flower a noble dark shade. An elegant souvenir is ready.

Good afternoon, in this letter I will try to tell you the whole process of making a rose from tin, which can be an excellent gift for loved ones.

To create a rose from tin you will need a minimum of tools:


Metal scissors



If possible, a compass

Tin roses step by step:

So, we will need metal mugs - you can use roofing iron or simple tin cans. We cut out circles with different diameters, approximately from 150 to 130 mm - the difference is 5 mm each, i.e. 150-145-140-135-130... You will need 5 of them - this is a blank for the flower itself.

Then cut out two strips approximately 2.5 cm wide. One should be 110 mm long, and the other 125 mm - this is for the inner leaves of the flower.

Then we need a star - fashionably four-pointed. We cut it out from a circle with a diameter of 110 mm - this will be the lower part of the flower.

On a separate sheet of metal we draw and then cut out the leaves themselves - 1 single and one triple is enough... I think this is better... then we cut the notches along the edges of the leaves - a real appearance of a real leaf appears... and you can knock out the veins in the middle of the leaf with a simple screwdriver .

Then we bend the stem of the sheet inward - with pliers... and we get a finished sheet... Here - we need another piece of wire - maybe 6 in diameter - I make these... and a piece of copper tube can be used to cut an internal thread on one side under the M6 ​​screw - this is to screw the entire assembled rose... bud... and on the other side we simply solder it into the wire.

And so we cut out four-leaf flowers from metal circles and press each leaf as shown in the photo with pliers... squeeze it into a vase and turn away the edges a little - also with pliers... then when everything is ready, insert all the baskets one into the other and edit the folds of the leaves by eye ... then we drill a hole in the middle for a screw and twist it to the prepared tube - we solder the tube to the wire and screw the leaves with a metal strip prepared earlier ... - the edges can be soldered ... that's all ...

From these tin roses you can make anything that comes to mind - a hanger, a lamp, used to decorate a gate, etc.

We present to your attention one of the largest organizations in St. Petersburg for the production of metal structures, ferrous and stainless steel products, painting of metal products and artistic forging (forging of visors).

Good luck to you and all the best!!!

Attention! Any use (copying) of the article is permitted only with the written permission of the author of the material and the site administration.

With minimal skills in working with metal, you can make original and beautiful things. One of them is a rose, stylish and original. It will make a wonderful gift or home decoration. In this article we will look at how to create a rose from metal with your own hands. Information about drawings and dimensions is also provided.

List of materials and tools

We will need the following devices to make a metal rose with our own hands (a photo of the work being completed is presented in the article):

  • Bulgarian;
  • angle grinder;
  • machine discs: grinding, cutting;
  • drill;
  • drills of different diameters, up to one centimeter;
  • gas heating pad;
  • round-nose pliers, flat-nose pliers, long-nose pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • anvil;
  • file;
  • marker;
  • welding machine.

Materials you need to stock up on:

  • a metal rod (the stem of a future rose);
  • sheet metal;
  • unused motor oil.

List of parts and their quantity

To make a rose we will need the following parts:

  • The first outer leaf has 5 petals.
  • The second leaf is slightly smaller in diameter - 4 petals.
  • The third leaf of the same diameter has 4 petals;
  • The fourth leaf is slightly smaller in diameter - 3 petals.
  • Fifth leaf (propeller of slightly smaller diameter) - 4 narrow petals.
  • Five leaf star.

For the stem:

  • Branches 2-4 pieces.
  • Leaves 2-4 per branch.

Petal drawings

Four or more squares (depending on the volume of the rose) measuring 10 by 10 centimeters are cut out of sheet metal. Rose petals are drawn on them with a marker. A figure similar to a compass rose is drawn on one of the squares. This square will be the template for the sepals of the future flower. To achieve greater realism, you do not need to maintain perfect symmetry.

Use a grinder or a grinder to cut out the rose petals, but do not cut them all the way. After this, the blanks of petals, leaves and sepals are flattened along the edges. This can be done with a hammer on an anvil. With short blows of the tool, the tips of the workpieces are flattened, and then the texture of the leaves is applied to the metal surface with the pointed side of the hammer. It can be done on one or both sides.

If you need to shorten a metal rod, use a grinder. On average, the stem length is 40-50 cm, but this is a matter of taste. Then holes should be made in the petal blanks. They are performed in one of two ways: welding or drilling.

  1. Welding. The electrode is brought to the center of the petal and the arc is ignited. Its thickness should be approximately three millimeters, pressing into the metal plate, it is pierced through. The set current value is 100 A. The hole is burned quite simply, so you should be especially careful that its diameter is not wider than the size of the stem. In order for the welding to be correct and the strength of the structure not to be affected, it is good if the holes are not perfectly even, since 50% contact is sufficient. To control the process, it is recommended to try the stem to the hole as often as possible.
  2. Drilling. The hole is drilled strictly in the center. Its size should ideally match the thickness of the metal rod, which is the stem. The rod should fit tightly into the through hole, this will make the further welding process easier. If it turns out to be a little smaller, then drill more holes next to the hole and connect them together, checking the required diameter.

Cutting flowers and petals

After the petals have been given a characteristic structure, the outline is once again outlined with a marker, and the details begin to be cut out. There is no need to try to exactly fall into the line; at further stages of processing, the curvature of the petals will only make them more realistic. Experience has proven that it is easiest to first cut a circle along the contour, and then cut through the petals from the outside to the center. After this, the workpiece is turned over and the remaining sides are cut. Initially it will not be very convenient, since there is no pattern on the reverse side, but in the end everything will work out. Making a rose out of metal with your own hands according to the instructions proposed in our article is not difficult. But remember, the flower will look natural if you do not make all the details symmetrical.

Once the petals are cut out, you can move on to the leaves for the stem. They are drawn by hand, since symmetry is not needed here, and then cut out with metal scissors. Don’t worry that the metal may bend during the cutting process; later everything will straighten out and look as it should.

Assembling the rose, giving shape

A few centimeters are removed from the end of the stem and clamped with a vice. Observing the order, string the petals onto the tip through the holes made and weld each subsequent layer to the previous one.

They start with a five-leaf star, then come a five-leaf star, 2 four-leaf leaves one after another, a trefoil and a propeller petal. When all the petals are collected, a rose bud is clearly visible. All that remains is to give it a more natural shape.

Starting from the center, alternately roll the petals into a tube and bend the edges. Next comes the trefoil: the petals are raised up, and their edges at the very edge are bent outward. You shouldn’t get hung up on a certain shape, no two colors are the same, it’s better to play with shape and texture.

Anti-corrosion treatment

In order to preserve the appearance of the rose for a long time, it must be treated with an anti-corrosion compound. This can be paint, special spraying or varnish. However, most often craftsmen use motor oil; this processing technique is called “bluing”.

To do this, you need to heat the rose properly, cover all its components with motor oil and reheat it so that the excess oil burns off. Since the component smokes strongly when heated, it is better to carry out the procedure outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. As a result, the rose will acquire a beautiful shade and will be protected from corrosion.

Rose made of thin tin

If you don’t have a special device, but really want to make a rose out of metal with your own hands, you can also do without welding. To do this you need to take a thin sheet of metal.

To make a rose from thin tin you will need:

  • cans;
  • pliers;
  • metal and regular scissors;
  • wire;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • nail;
  • ruler;
  • templates


  1. Tin cans are cut, unfolded and templates are applied to them. All details of the flower and stem are outlined on the blanks, and then cut out.
  2. Using a nail and hammer, holes are made in the center of the parts.
  3. Using scissors, notches are made along the edges of the leaves, and veins are made in the center with a screwdriver.
  4. Using pliers, the stem and leaves are bent inward, forming a branch.
  5. The ends of the star are made thinner by turning them inward with pliers.
  6. I make the inner rose petals from the strips.
  7. The petals of the flower rise up, forming a basket.
  8. The wire is cut into pieces: 3 pcs. 25 cm long and 1 pc. 35 cm.
  9. The ends of three short wires are twisted into a coil, and the longer one is wrapped only on one side.
  10. All blanks are twisted to form a stem. The curls at the bottom are unrolled, thus making a stand for the flower.
  11. The stem is tightly wrapped with a thin wire along with the branch, not reaching the end 4-5 cm.
  12. Finally, the parts are strung together, starting with the star. The end of the wire is hidden inside the flower.
  13. The finished product is coated with paint from an aerosol can.

As you can see, creating a rose from metal is quite easy. Even with fragile female hands you can make a beautiful flower from a thin sheet of tin. The most important thing to pay attention to is to be careful. Working with a sharp iron is a dangerous activity.

Metal jewelry has never gone out of style. Of course, you can easily buy them from folk craftsmen. But what could be more beautiful than a handmade metal rose as a gift to your beloved woman, or a hand-made candlestick presented to friends on the occasion of a family celebration?

How to make a metal flower?

The technology for making a metal rose is not difficult to master. You just need to show patience and practical savvy.

To make metal jewelry by doing the work yourself, you will need a sheet of roofing iron, which is best annealed to give it plasticity and softness. Next, you need to mark five star-shaped figures on the metal. Four stars have pointed petals, and the fifth has straight petals. The diameters of the circumscribed circles of pointed stars: 12 cm, 10 cm, two 6 cm each. The figure with straight petals has a diameter of 8 cm.

The next step is to manufacture three cylindrical mandrels with base diameters of 1, 1.5, 2 cm. The mandrel material can be hard wood or metal. The cut out star is placed on a slab of hard wood or lead. The mandrel is placed along the line connecting the center and tip of the petal. With light blows of a hammer, bend the metal of the petal around the mandrel. All petals are processed in this way. The smaller the diameter of the sprocket, the smaller the diameter of the mandrel you need to take for processing it.

Next, the mandrel with its end rounded end is placed in turn in the center of each sprocket and hit with a hammer. The stars should take a neat cup shape. Using pliers, you need to bend the tips of the flower petals outward at your discretion and desire. For the inner sprocket of the smallest diameter, leave the tips straight. The processing must be carried out in such a way that after its completion all the stars easily fold into each other. Metal flowers, skillfully created with your own hands, can be made not only in the form of a rose, but also any other flower. It all depends on your desire and imagination.

Next step. Cut leaves with embossed veins from metal. As a stem

you can take thick wire. Attach the blanks to the end of the stem and grab them for strength.

To give a flower a complete color scheme, it must be heated until red, cooled in oil and washed in gasoline. After all these procedures, the product will have a beautiful, very dark shade.

DIY metal candlesticks

A unique candlestick can be made using simple materials and tools:

  • a metal strip made of sheet 3 mm thick, 40 mm wide, 400 mm long and a strip of the same metal 20 mm wide and about 500 mm long;
  • a piece of metal sheet 2 mm thick, dimensions 100 x 100 mm;
  • green paint;
  • hacksaw;
  • files - flat and round;
  • hammer;
  • drill with 6 mm drill bit;
  • ruler, needle and core for marking;
  • for assembling parts.

Candlestick - sketch

Bracket part No. 1, which will be attached to the wall, is made from a strip with a cross-section of 3 mm x 40 mm and a length of 400 mm. The ornament of your choice is applied along the edge of the workpiece using a round file. A hole is drilled in the strip for hanging on a wall mount. The upper end of the strip can be bent using a hammer, holding the part in a vice.

A piece in the form of a circle is cut out of a sheet 2 mm thick to install a candle. This detail can be decorated with a flower, which is cup-shaped in the manner described in the previous section. A hole with a diameter of 6 mm is drilled in the center of the round part. Souvenirs made with soul and with your own hands require imagination and some skills when working with plumbing tools.

Next, bracket No. 2 is made with a cross-section of 3 mm x 20 mm and a length of about 50 cm. One of its ends will then be attached by welding to bracket No. 1. The second end is cut lengthwise into 100-150 mm. The ends are bent in different directions, they are given an arched shape. The resulting candle bowl is placed on the resulting stand and spot welded to the strips.

Now you need to think about how to attach the candle to the candlestick. For this purpose, you need to take a piece of rod with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 35-40 mm. One end of the 10 mm rod is machined to a diameter of 6 mm. At the second end, a point is created on a lathe or using a file. The end with a diameter of 6 mm is inserted into the hole in the bowl of the candlestick.

After assembling all the parts, the candlestick is painted with metal enamel in a dark green color or patinated. If you like hand-made metal engraving as a decoration, then the best option is the electro-chemical method, which is accessible to everyone.

Curved gratings produced by cold forging

How can you decorate your site with imagination with your own hands? Curly bars, gates, wickets. But if you use products obtained by hot forging, then such improvement can result in a very decent amount. You can, of course, make all these structures from a 4 mm thick strip, bent using primitive devices. However, the appearance of such grilles, as well as their reliability, leave much more to be desired.

The most optimal is to use equipment that allows you to create parts from a rod with a cross-section of 1 cm x 1 cm and 1.2 cm x 1.2 cm that imitate hot forging products. The resulting products are much cheaper than hot-forged ones, but are also beautiful and reliable.

Various devices in combination with welding work make it possible to make real metal patterns using your own hands: multi-point spiral curls, a rod or strip twisted along a vertical axis, three-dimensional parts that are used in the production of “three-dimensional” gratings.

Particularly impressive is the figure obtained from square rods 6 mm x 6 mm welded together. It's called a "flashlight". Using welding, it is possible to obtain periodic “boyar” and “wave” patterns from parts bent using the “” method.

Patterned metal pieces, cold forged and assembled, can be used to create gazebos, pergolas, porch decorations, staircases and canopies. Such shaped metal products are perfectly combined with all architectural styles and can decorate any premises and garden plots.

DIY roses made of tin

Good afternoon, in this letter I will try to tell you the whole process of making a rose from tin, which can be an excellent gift for loved ones.

To create a rose from tin you will need a minimum of tools:


Metal scissors


If possible, a compass

Tin roses step by step:

So, we will need metal mugs - you can use roofing iron or simple tin cans. We cut out circles with different diameters, approximately from 150 to 130 mm - the difference is 5 mm each, i.e. 150-145-140-135-130... You will need 5 of them - this is a blank for the flower itself.

Then cut out two strips approximately 2.5 cm wide. One should be 110 mm long, and the other 125 mm - this is for the inner leaves of the flower.

Then we need a star - fashionably four-pointed. We cut it out from a circle with a diameter of 110 mm - this will be the lower part of the flower.

On a separate sheet of metal we draw and then cut out the leaves themselves - 1 single and one triple is enough... I think this is better... then we cut the notches along the edges of the leaves - a real appearance of a real leaf appears... and you can knock out the veins in the middle of the leaf with a simple screwdriver .

Then we bend the stem of the sheet inward - with pliers... and we get a finished sheet... Here - we need another piece of wire - maybe 6 in diameter - I make these... and a piece of copper tube can be used to cut an internal thread on one side under the M6 ​​screw - this is to screw the entire assembled rose... bud... and on the other side we simply solder it into the wire.

And so we cut out four-leaf flowers from metal circles and press each leaf as shown in the photo with pliers... squeeze it into a vase and turn away the edges a little - also with pliers... then when everything is ready, insert all the baskets one into the other and edit the folds of the leaves by eye ... then we drill a hole in the middle for a screw and twist it to the prepared tube - we solder the tube to the wire and screw the leaves with a metal strip prepared earlier ... - the edges can be soldered ... that's all ...

From these tin roses you can make anything that comes to mind - a hanger, a lamp, used to decorate a gate, etc.

A metal rose is a stylish decoration for any interior. Such a flower will never lose its attractiveness, and if made with your own hands, it will become an original gift for a loved one. Making such an unusual flower is quite simple. You just need to be patient and have the necessary tools.

What you need to make a rose from metal

To create a metal flower, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • a smooth metal sheet, the thickness of which will be approximately 5 mm;
  • a steel rod for a rose stem with a diameter of about 10 mm;
  • anti-corrosion agent or motor oil for processing crafts.

Necessary tools to create decoration:

  • grinder or grinding machine with two types of discs - for grinding and for cutting;
  • drill for working on metal with drills up to 1 cm in diameter;
  • pliers and pliers;
  • wire cutters;
  • welding machine;
  • gas-burner;
  • hammer and anvil.

It is better to make a flower outdoors or in a ventilated area. It is important to follow safety precautions when working with tools and metal. Having provided all the necessary conditions, you can begin making roses.

The process of making petals for a metal rose

To make a flower bud, we cut out at least four 10x10 cm squares from a sheet of metal. The more petals there are, the more magnificent and luxurious our rose will be. Using a regular felt-tip pen, we draw sketches of the petals on the blanks, according to which we cut them out with a grinder or a grinder. There is no need to cut them until the very end.

Next, you need to give the workpieces the necessary texture. To do this we use a hammer and an anvil. Using gentle blows of a hammer, flatten the edges of the petals on one side. The same must then be done with future leaves of the stem.

To place our petals on the stem, you need to make a special hole in their center. To do this, you can use a drill or welding. When using a drill, drill a hole in the center of each petal equal in diameter to the flower stem. The use of welding involves burning holes of the required diameter using the electrode of a welding machine. We do this carefully so as not to make holes larger than necessary.

After the petal blanks are ready, we put them on a metal rod one by one and weld them to it. We put the first blank for the petal on the rod, leaving about 2 cm from its end. We arrange the petals crosswise. When connecting the petals to the flower stem, try to melt the rod more, since the metal of the petals is thin and can burn out. We bend the lower petals down, forming a sepal of a flower.
To give our petals the desired shape, we use a gas burner, with which we heat the products. Next, using pliers, bend the central petals inward and the rest around them. Having connected the petals, you need to slightly bend their edges.

Making metal rose leaves

In addition to the bud itself, it is necessary to supplement the flower stem with leaves. To do this, draw a sketch of future leaves on a metal sheet and cut them out using a grinder. We make small notches along the edges of the leaves and make them slightly wavy, so that it looks natural. We connect the finished leaves to the stem by welding.

In the same way, you can weld metal spikes to the stem of the flower, which are cut in the shape of small triangles. If the stem is too long, it can be trimmed with a grinder. The average length of such a stem is usually 40 - 50 cm.

Treatment of roses against corrosion

The final stages of creating a metal flower will be anti-corrosion treatment. If this is not done, the craft will lose its appeal over time. For these purposes, you can use varnish or spray paint. It is very convenient to purchase special paint in a can, which can be silver or golden in color. It is convenient and evenly applied to the product and dries quickly.

Another treatment method is to use unused motor oil. It is applied to a pre-heated product, processing all its elements. After this, the rose is heated again to remove excess oil. Using this method will give the flower a noble dark shade. An elegant souvenir is ready.

To make this flower, the master used noble non-ferrous metals such as copper and brass, which become covered with a beautiful patina over time, giving the product a more mysterious and aesthetic appearance. Glass rhinestones were also added to the petals, which sparkle and shimmer when rays of light hit them.

The production of flowers today is very developed in blacksmith shops, where they forge beauty from metal, but the guys from “Steampunk” do not lag behind and make no less unique flowers from copper and brass.
The blanks are cut and given the required shape with a punch, then assembled into a single structure, the stem and leaves are added.

So, let's take a closer look at how the author created his flower and what exactly did he need for this?

1. sheet brass
2. sheet copper
3. glass rhinestones
5. copper tube (from an old refrigerator)
6. copper wire
7. bolt
8. nut
9. super glue

1. drill
2. metal scissors
3. file
4. punch
5. board with recess
6. burner
7. tap
8 die
9. ruler
10. sandpaper
11. hacksaw for metal

The process of creating a metal flower with your own hands.

According to the author, there is nothing complicated in making a flower and anyone who wants to have such a miracle at home can do it. Having made such a rosette from copper and brass, you can then give it to your beloved wife, girlfriend, mother, grandmother, imagine how happy they will be from such a gift.

First of all, the master prepared all the tools necessary for the work; by the way, the author’s punch is an ordinary ball joint from a Lada.

Afterwards, a leaf-shaped blank is cut out of brass sheet, like this.

And with the help of a punch a convex shape is punched out.

A hole is drilled at the ends of the petals for subsequent assembly.

Gathers into a bud.

Gives a wave-like shape.

He takes the bolt and makes a cut in its upper part.

The edge of the brass plate is inserted into the cut site and soldered.

Rolls up into a roll.

And it is pulled out a little by the edge, thereby stretching it slightly.

The edges of the petals bend.

After which the master proceeds to create a cavity in the wooden beam, namely, he presses it with a punch and a hammer, hitting it properly on a homemade tool.

I cut off 2 copper plates and pre-heated them with a torch, so the metal becomes softer and easier to process.

The copper blank is placed over the cavity in the beam and the following manipulations are performed using a punch and hammer, blow by blow the shape is given.

The edges are trimmed.

Inserted into each other.

This is the kind of rose the master produces. Beautiful, is not it?

Then you should create a base for the flower, here the author takes these components.

He cuts and takes away the necessary tubes.

This is the telescope being assembled)))

The resulting elements are soldered and then bored in a drill.

Holes are drilled in the main stem.

Afterwards, the leaves are prepared, also from brass, cut to shape and the design and relief are punched out.

And with the help of super glue the rhinestone is glued into the resulting seat.

That's actually all the finished work you saw in the head photo. As you can see, the process of assembling a flower is quite simple and does not require complex tools and skills, and most importantly, the uniqueness of this product, which is very much appreciated today.
Do more creativity, develop your talent, create.

This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
Come visit more often, don't miss out on new items in the world of homemade products!

The article is presented for informational purposes only!

Before the holiday of March 8, many men are besieging shopping centers and online stores in order to finally buy the gifts they desire for their beautiful ladies. With International Women's Day steadily approaching, a wife, a friend, a mother, a grandmother, a sister, and fellow employees are in pleasant anticipation of a present! And even if on February 23 you yourself received from your women a set of cologne, socks and shaving foam - this in no way detracts from the need to please the fair half of humanity.

It is known that a gift is much more valuable if it is made with your own hands. And on March 8, a chic gift will be a flower - a forged rose!

You can see everything in detail in the photo, and you can see it even better in the video.

Step-by-step description of making an iron rose with your own hands

Let's look at the drawings and sketches of a metal rose.

First, round blanks are cut out: 3 identical, 1 smaller.
Then you need to mark 5 petals, round the edges, and drill a hole exactly in the middle.
Using a hammer, dents are made (see photo), creating a texture. Leaves are processed in the same way.
An electrode served as the stem (it was beaten with a hammer), we weld metal on it and grind out spikes. To attach the petals, a thread is cut.
We cut out the sepal in the shape of a New Year's star and bend it.
We fix everything on the stem, and then comes the fun part.
We “wrap” the entire rose using a torch and pliers.
We weld and grind the leaves.
At the final stage, you need to clean everything using a metal brush, and then - as you wish - you can paint it in your favorite color, or varnish it, or make it blued.

Our forged rose is ready! It must be remembered that sooner or later rust will begin to appear on untreated metal. And the corrosion process must be prevented - this can be done through spraying, varnishing, and painting.

In my case, I chose bluing. To do this, heat the rose, take motor oil and cover the flower with it. Then heat it again - this will burn off the excess oil. All work must be carried out in a well-ventilated room, preferably in the fresh air, since heated oil smokes.

The flower needs to be heated well (again, not red hot), and you will get a beautiful surface protected from corrosive processes.

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