"action plan for environmental education." Plan of events dedicated to the environmental safety of the environment “Me and nature Environmental events

Floors 24.01.2024

Anastasia Karaganova

Target: formation in children and parents of a sense of belonging to all living things, a humane attitude towards environment and a desire to take care of preserving nature.

Tasks: Create environmentally friendly environment on the territory of the preschool educational institution for the implementation of priority areas. Organize a practical environmental activities of children and parents. Develop mutual understanding and mutual assistance between children, teachers, parents, the need for constant self-development ecological culture. To instill in children an attentive, reasonable, caring attitude towards the surrounding nature of your region.

Promotion "Clean World"

1. Discussion with children plan and content of the action, setting goals and developing paths and means of its implementation.

2. Conversations with parents, purchasing necessary items inventory: gloves, clothespins, bags.

3. Making a poster with children - an appeal to the residents of the city. Kinel about maintaining order and cleanliness in the city.

4. Cleaning areas of debris.

5. Digging in, whitewashing trees, watering.

6. Appeal to residents of the microdistrict about maintaining cleanliness and order (demonstration and hanging a poster on environmental theme).

7. Photo session “The cleanest and most beautiful area”.

Promotion “Look how nice the house you live in”.

1. Conversations about caring for your family nature.

2. Observation of trees and shrubs on the site.

3. Excursion to the Children's Park.

4. Hiking to a birch grove.

5. Speech by the eco-propaganda team "Sprout".

Promotion "Let's decorate the world around you» .

1. Purchase of flower seedlings.

2. Planting seedlings of trees and shrubs on the plots.

3. Planting flower seedlings in flower beds.

4. Caring for flower beds.

5. Slide show (photo) "The world of flowers in our area".

Promotion "Don't chase the pigeons".

1. Purchasing bird food.

2. Excursion to the children's park.

3. Feeding pigeons.

4. Bird watching, conversation.

Promotion "A Smart Look at Garbage".

1. Purchasing equipment for garbage collection.

2. Cleaning up garbage on the territory of the children's park in Kinel.

3. Making crafts from industrial and household waste.

4. Decorating the territory of the kindergarten with crafts.

Publications on the topic:

Weekly plan of events dedicated to World Water Day Working with children Monday 1. Conversation: “Who lives in the water”; 2. Reading fiction: A. Barto “The Dirty Girl”; 3. Experimental game.

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Plan of events dedicated to Mother's Day Municipal preschool educational institution “Kindergarten No. 180 “Solnyshko”, Frunzensky district, Saratov Plan of thematic events.

Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 22" Plan of events dedicated to the Year of Literature No. Name of event.

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Nefteyugansk district municipal educational budgetary institution "Lempinskaya secondary school"

Protect the environment!

Development of an extracurricular activity

environmental orientation

Monastyrnaya Elena Evgenievna
primary school teacher

1 qualification category
NRMOBU "Lempinskaya Secondary School"

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Nefteyugansk district

With. Lempino



Target: to awaken children's interest in the fate of our Earth, to cultivate an ecological culture in schoolchildren, a kind, caring attitude towards nature and all living things.


Form a culture of behavior in nature

Develop ideas about the world around you

Develop children's cognitive abilities

Foster respect for the environment and nature

Instill a love for nature, a desire to take care of it, and take care of your health

Teach children to be responsible for their actions

Planned student achievements:

Learn that ecology is a science that teaches you to take care of the environment.

Understand that people are to blame for the disappearance of birds and animals in forests.

Learn to protect natural resources.

Develop individuality through creative and intellectual tasks.

Materials and equipment:

screen, projector, laptop, presentation, soundtrack (bird voices),cape covered with candy wrappers, paper, cellophane (for a student’s performance), jury composition,certificates and prizes for awarding.

Form: competitive game program.

Location : small primary school.

Age composition of students: 7-10 years

Analysis of the event results.

During the extracurricular activities, the set goals and objectives were achieved. The lesson complies with the Federal State Educational Standard, where students gain new knowledge based on their personal experience. They find a basis for classification, synthesis, comparison, and draw conclusions.

Progress of the event.

    Organizing time. 1 slide

Teacher: Guys, I am glad to welcome you to our lesson.

My friends, comrades,
I want to tell you:
"Let's become friends
Protect nature!
Let's not litter anymore
Always keep an eye on her.
And she will be grateful
Our mother earth!

    Communication of the goals and objectives of the event 2 slide

- Today our meeting is dedicated to nature and ecology. Only by knowing the laws and secrets of nature can we become its true friends and helpers.

We have gathered to once again remind each other that the planet on which we live is in danger, but we have the power to save it.

Today we will talk about nature. About how to love and protect her wealth. We will learn a lot of interesting things, get acquainted with new concepts, compete and identify real nature lovers.


1 student:

There is just a temple

There is a temple of science.

And there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding reaching out

Towards the sun and winds.

He is holy at any time of the day,

Open to us in the heat and cold,

Come in here

Be a little hearty

Do not desecrate her shrines.

2 student:

Take care of these lands, these waters,

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within yourself.

    Preparing children to perceive the material.


Sometimes you hear: man is the king of nature.

But who put man above nature? The man himself?

And who is a person without nature? It's impossible to imagine. Life without air, water, birdsong, the aroma of meadows, the rustle of leaves. Nature generously gives all this to people, and in return asks for careful, kind treatment.

Guys, today's extracurricular activity is dedicated to the protection and conservation of nature. Indeed, sometimes we do not notice the beauty that surrounds us. We trample flowers, break tree branches, and destroy bird nests. Man destroys nature, poisons the atmosphere, and pollutes water bodies with his giant factories.

3 student:

It's time for humanity to understand

Taking away the riches from Nature,

That the Earth also needs to be protected:

She, like us, is the same - alive!

5.Introduction to a new concept. 3 slide

Who knows what science studies human interaction with the environment? (Children's answers.)

Yes,improving the state of the environment is a very young science– ecology . Its name was formed from two Greek words: “ekos” - house, and “logos” - science. Therefore, we can say that ecology is the science of our common home, whose name is planet Earth.

(Enter Ecology in a cape covered with candy wrappers, paper, cellophane, etc.)

4 student:

Ecology :

Are you talking about me?

Here I am!

Hello my friends.

I am Ecology.


Amazing time! The new millennium has begun! Perhaps a person can consider himself lucky and be proud of himself. After all, he conquered the ocean, the air, the earth. He made great achievements in the field of technology, art, and education. But..., unfortunately, many people made mistakes and mistakes.

On radio and television you can hear the word “ecology” many times. And not by chance. Today our natural home is in great danger. Scientists speak with alarm about an impending environmental catastrophe on our planet. Everywhere we hear calls for the need to engage in ecology in order to preserve our Earth for future generations. Today, every person should become a little environmentalist.

Why do we say that planet Earth is in danger? The nature of our Motherland is rich and diverse. There are many dense forests, wide steppes and deep rivers. But the improper use of natural resources has led to the fact that nature is becoming poorer, many plants and animals are disappearing, insects and birds are dying. Every year the environment itself becomes more and more dangerous for human health.

6. Emotional mood before meeting with the object of knowledge.


Do you guys like what ecology looks like? (No!) Let's correct the mistakes.

How can these items be reused? (They remove the cape from Ecology).

Now you guys are responsible for nature. Respect it, take care of it, try to protect what is left on our planet.


Thanks guys. Come with me!4 slide

Do you hear? Listen. Where have we ended up? How easy and free it is to breathe in the forest.

Hello nature! Hello, fields, forests, rivers, lakes and seas!5 slide

Hello, birds - nightingales, sparrows, larks!6 slide

Hello, animals - wolves, hares, bears!7 slide


If a person said hello every day like this, not only to his family and friends, but also to all living beings, perhaps all the animals and plants that we would never see again lived on Earth until now, because... people destroyed them. Gives examples: passenger pigeon, great auk.

Student Message 5: 8 slide

The most striking and obvious examplemethodical extermination is historypassenger pigeon . Once upon a time, multi-million-strong flocks of these birds flew in the skies of North America. The incredible gluttony of these birds irritated the colonists. Moreover, the pigeons tasted very good. Therefore, the extermination of pigeons turned into fun. The pigeons were placed in ice cellars, cooked immediately, fed to dogs, or simply thrown away. There were even pigeon shooting competitions. The last passenger pigeon, named Martha, died at the zoo in 1914.

Student Message 6: Slide 9

A similar fate befellgreat auk (guillemot), “penguin of the northern hemisphere” - a harmless flightless bird that nested on the northern islands of the Atlantic Ocean. They were killed for meat and the famous down, later, when auks became rare, for sale to collectors. The last great auks were killed on a small island nearIceland in 1844year.


There are many such examples. Now you guys are responsible for nature. Respect it, take care of it, try to protect what is left on our planet.

7. KVN "Take care of nature." 10 slide


Do you know plants that grow in forests? Animals that live in forests? Birds flying near you? Then I invite you to participate in a fascinating environmental KVN called “Take care of nature.” We will divide into 2 teams.

    Command representation:

1 team - "Mushrooms"


Protect the green forest - do not offend anyone.


We challenge our rivals to battle,

And we really want to fight with you!

But it is not appropriate for us to concede victory,

Well, friendship helps with this.

Team 2 - "Rain"


Man, remember forever:

The symbol of life on Earth is water!


Our entire squad is assembled today

And we will defend our honor.

Ready to play KVN,

Lift a heavy load of problems

And even very difficult environmental problems.

    Competition – “Warm-up”

On land, in water, in the air, in the forest, wherever possible, these plants and animals grow and live. We are all familiar with them. Your task is to exclude from four concepts one that is not combined with other common features.

The fourth "extra"

- lily of the valley, chamomile, mushroom, snowdrop (mushroom) 11 slide

- fox, eagle owl, wild boar, elk ( owl) 12 slide

- edible mushrooms and fly agaric (fly agaric) Slide 13

- strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, raven's eye (crow's eye - the berries are poisonous, the rest are edible)Slide 14

    Read the names of the animals from the letters provided.

First team - (can-boar, luggage-toad)15 slide

Second team - (scythe-wasp, movie-horses)16 slide

    Competition - Ecological.

Why is garbage left uncollected by tourists in the forest dangerous: burning cigarettes, paper, bottles, cans? (a cigarette can cause a fire, and garbage pollutes the forest: paper decomposes in 2 years, a tin can takes 70 years, a plastic bag takes 100 years)17-18 slides

You saw a bird's nest. How to behave correctly? (Do not trample the grass near the nest. Do not touch the eggs. Do not pick up the chicks)Slide 19

Why (especially in spring or early summer) should you not make noise in the forest, turn on a tape recorder, or light a fire? (the noise and smell of smoke frighten forest dwellers, and they leave their holes and nests; cubs appear in the spring)20 slide

What other rules of conduct in the forest do you know?Slides 21-23

    Competition “Recognize the plant”. 24 slide

1) Spring wreaths are woven from it, and when it fades, it flies to all directions of the world. (Dandelion.)25 slide

2) What trees are called evergreen? (Spruce, pine). Why?26 slide

3) What trees have white bark? (Birch, aspen).Slide 27

4) What flower do girls in love like to tell fortunes on? (Chamomile).28 slide

5) This is the very first flower to appear from under the snow. (Plantain).Slide 29

6) Which flower is called the queen of flowers? (Rose).30 slide

“Musical break” 31 slides

A pre-prepared group of children sings ditties.

1. Protect the green forest, do not offend anyone.

Don't destroy the trees, save the flowers in the forest.

2. We'll go through the woods and pick up the trash together.

Let the nightingales chirp from dawn to dusk.

3. Let's preserve the seas and air, mineral resources, forests and silence.

So that there is work and rest, as happened in the old days.

4. I had a wonderful dream, I will never forget it.

Here is the globe - the globe, so pure and dear.

5. To eat without getting sick, drink water without fear.

It is necessary that they never dare to spoil the water anywhere.

6. I will stop cutting down the forest and plant new trees.

Let them bloom and bear fruit, to the joy of people and the Earth.

    Competition “Recognize the Animals”. 32 slide

1. Chicks, which bird does not know its mother? (Cuckoos)

2. Who travels through the air on a string? (Spider)

3. Who has a pantry on the knot? (At the squirrel)

4. Which thread is the thinnest in nature? (Web)

5. Why is hunting prohibited in spring? (In the spring, fur-bearing animals molt, which is why the fur depreciates in value. In addition, animals give birth to cubs in the spring.)

6. What bird is called “white-sided”? (Magpie)


Teacher: Children must remember

And understand:

Birds' nests

You can't ruin it!

Now let's solve the riddles. And let's listen to some birds. 33 -34 slides

I catch bugs all day

I eat worms

I don’t fly to warm regions,

Here, under the roof, I live.

Tick-tweet! Don't be timid! I'm experienced... (sparrow).

Motley fidget,

Long-tailed bird,

Talkative bird

The most chatty one. (Magpie)

Small motley bird

He is not afraid of catching a cold in winter.

She dreams of our treat.

He comes to us often... (tit).

Comes to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Builds a house under the window

Made from grass and clay. (Martin)

Who is without notes and without a pipe

Is he the best at producing trills?

It snowed, but this bird

He is not at all afraid of snow.

We call this bird

Red-breasted... (bullfinch).

The beak is huge, the look is stern,

She is a frequent visitor to the courtyards.

Sitting on a bitch near the house,

Caws loudly... (crow).


How difficult it has become for animals to live even in the forest. And the reason for this is man. And why can’t man live in harmony with nature?

But man poisons not only nature and the environment, but also his body. Forests serve as filters on earth. Having opened its immense wealth to us, generously gifting us and reliably protecting us, being an integral part of our lives, the forest deserves the right to respect and care for it.

    Blitz tournament. Teams take turns choosing the correct answer. 35 slide

1. You found a very beautiful flower in a clearing. What will you do?

a) let’s admire it and move on.

b) carefully cut and place in a vase.

2. You have found a nest with a chick. What will you do?

a) feed the chick

b) let's call the guys so they can watch it too

c) we will watch from afar

3. The guys gathered in the grove to get birch sap. Will you go with them?

a) let's go, but we will collect very carefully;

b) ask the teacher about it;

c) let's not go

4. After a camping stop, you are left with a lot of empty cans and bags. How would you deal with them before continuing your hike?

a) would take it with them to throw it in the trash.

b) they would take it to the bushes so that no one gets hurt.

c) would be buried in the ground.

8. Summing up. Rewarding. 36 slide

9. Final part.


Well done guys, you know nature well, love it, and I’m very happy for you. The earth is the greatest miracle, we have only one.The earth is our home, we live here, drink this water, breathe this air. Everything on this earth should be dear to us: a small stream, and a curly birch tree. And there is so much cruelty and indifference to nature around. Forests, rivers, meadows are on the verge of destruction. And our task is to prevent all this.

Dear children, we will take care of our land and together we will ensure that there is always order in our school and village.You can’t solve big problems yet, but there are some things you can do: plant a tree, take care of a grove, feed birds and animals in winter, protect an anthill, a clearing. Then the forest will thank you with its generosity.

Reading by the teacher of Y. Akim’s poem “The Planet is a Garden.” A song about the homeland sounds quietly.

There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds.

Only on her alone will you see -

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here -

They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other one in the world!

12. Reflection. Slide 37


    Guys, what feelings did you experience during our event?

    How will our new material be useful to you?

    What do you remember most?


    Astanin L.P. Nature conservation. /L. P. Astanin. - M.: “Kolos”, 2000.

    Vasilenko G.I., Eremenko N.I. and etc. “Extracurricular activities at school. Science Days in Primary School". Scenarios for subject holidays and extracurricular activities dedicated to school sciences - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

    Extracurricular activities: 4th grade / Author: O.E. Zhirenko, L.N. Yarovaya,

L.P. Barylkina, T.I. Tsybina.-3rd ed. reworked and additional M., VAKO, 2008.

    Martynov “Extracurricular work at school. Extracurricular activities in elementary school." Games, quizzes, classes, holidays.

    Digital educational resources:

"The ABC of Ecology"

Extracurricular activity in 6 classes

Form of work: quiz

Target Events: environmental education of students, create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom


    Expand students' horizons in the field of ecology

    Arouse children's interest in studying wildlife

    Formation of environmental competence

    To foster an environmental culture in schoolchildren, a desire to work with encyclopedias, reference books, and expand children’s knowledge

    Form a holistic view of the world around us and man’s place in it.

    Cultivate accuracy and hard work

    Develop teamwork skills

    Stimulate students' cognitive activity

Planned result:

To improve schoolchildren’s knowledge about ecology, the role of humans in nature and life, the need to protect and care for the environment

Formed UUD:


Improve knowledge about ecology


Develop the ability to work in a team, find a common solution, and the ability to argue your proposal;

Develop the ability to maintain a friendly attitude towards each other, mutual control and mutual assistance as the task progresses;


Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation.


To form self-assessment abilities based on criteria for the success of educational activities

Equipment: multimedia complex

Preliminary preparation:

Three teams of 8 people are formed, each of which is given homework:

    Draw a picture, leaflet, poster “Take care of the Christmas tree!” (choice of forms of work) and prepare a speech

    Come up with a team name

    A jury of teachers is selected and discusses the evaluation criteria and scores for each competition. Based on the results of each competition, preliminary results are summed up.

Progress of the event:

    Teacher's opening speech

    Presentation of the jury, teams, captains

    "Green Planet"

    "Beast Planet"

    "Planet of Anxiety"

    "Planet MBOU "Secondary School No. 8""

8) Conclusion

Progress of the game.

Hello dear guests. We are pleased to welcome you to our extracurricular activity class.

Good afternoon guys. I ask you to turn to each other, extend your hands to each other, palms up, wave, smile. And may your day become brighter with a smile. Take your seats. I see that you are in a good mood, and I hope that you and I will work very friendly and actively today. I don't even doubt this.


And now everyone is looking at slide 1, and guess what we will talk about today (Presentation No. 1. ABC of ecology)

Today people talk a lot about ecology. What is this? The word ecology comes from two Greek words “oikos” - house, dwelling and “logos” - knowledge, teaching. Ecology is a science that studies the relationship of all living organisms on our planet Earth.

And today we have gathered to take part in the environmental lesson “The ABCs of Ecology”. You have chosen the teams. Let's welcome them! (Slide 2)

From the beginning, let me introduce you to our jury

(presentation of the jury members)

I invite you to take a trip to eco-planets on an imaginary spaceship

So, to the start, attention, ... “Let's go!”

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our spaceship

arrives at " Green planet"(Slide 3) 10 questions are prepared for all teams, which must be answered quickly; the jury counts the number of correct answers.

"Green Planet"

Competition 1 “Guess the plant”

1 team "EAGLES"

1) Which trees have red leaves in autumn? (maple, rowan)

2) From what flower did Thumbelina come from? (tulip)

3) Who wears the same color in winter and summer? (fur tree, pine tree)

4)Which coniferous tree sheds its needles in the fall? (larch)

5) How many years does an oak tree live? (300-400)

6) When does lilac bloom: in spring or summer? (spring)

7) What Danila, the master, couldn’t do (stone flower)

8) This is a light-loving coniferous tree. Can grow on sandy soils.

Its crown always rises high into the sky. What kind of tree is this? (pine)

9)Which tree flowers produce the best honey? (Linden)

10) This tree is called “weeping” (willow)

2nd team "YASTREBY"

    Fortune telling flower (chamomile)

    The artist gave a million of these flowers to the singer (rose)

    Finding a flower of this plant with five petals is good luck (lilac)

    What is the popular name for the calendula flower? (marigold)

    What position do yogis like to sit in? (lotus)

    What is the name of the cherry blossom tree in Japan? (sakura)

    Red tea is made from the flowers of which plant (hibiscus, hibiscus)

    This berry will help normalize vision (blueberry)

    The largest flower (rafflesia)

    This medicinal plant is called cat herb (valerian)

Team 3 "SHARKS"

    Did the evil stepmother send her stepdaughter for this flower in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”? (lily of the valley)

    The fruits of which tree are rich in iron? (Apple tree)

    This tree has “trembling” leaves (aspen)

    What the merchant promised to bring to his youngest daughter Alyonushka (the scarlet flower)

    Ellie fell asleep in a field of these flowers on the way to the Emerald City (poppy)

    According to legend, the flower of this plant indicates a treasure (fern)

    The first berry of summer helps get rid of kidney stones. (strawberry)

    Continue. The daisies hid, drooped... (buttercups)

    Which flower was addressed with the words “Fly, fly, petal through the west to the east?” (seven-flowered flower)

    Flower that fell on Azor's paw (rose)

Leading: Attention! Attention! Our spaceship is setting off! Don't forget to fasten your seat belts!

Listen to a short travel information.

    The largest migratory fish is the beluga, which lives in the Volga River and the Caspian Sea. The length of this sturgeon fish reaches 5 m, and its weight is 1 ton. The largest beluga, weighing 1230 kg, was caught in the lower reaches of the Volga in 1922.

    The largest nests are built by bald eagles found in the United States. A nest 2.9 m wide and 6 m high was discovered. It is possible that several generations took part in the construction of such a nest. The weight of the nest exceeds 2 tons.

    Hatchery mounds built by weed chickens in Australia reach 4.75m in height and 10.6m in length. It is estimated that the construction of such a nest requires 289 m 3 of material weighing more than 300 tons.

    The smallest nests are found in birds of the long-winged order of the hummingbird subfamily. The bumblebee hummingbird's nest is no larger than half a walnut shell, and the deeper bee hummingbird nest is no larger than a thimble.

    Migratory marine fish, salmon, find the mouth of their native river, covering a distance of up to 4000 km.

Leading: Attention! We arrive at " Beast Planet" (Slide 4)

Nature has vibrant colors,

And let her live without fear,

Let both animals and birds live,

Let a person not be afraid of anyone!

Competition 2 “Who are we talking about?” Presentation No. 2.

1 team "EAGLES"

1. This Central American native is often mistaken for a rat. Although in fact it is a swamp beaver. Name it.

(nutria) Slide 2

2. This animal is called the pearl of the Siberian taiga. Even in Kievan Rus, skins were replaced by money. The cost of its fur is not inferior to that of sea otters and chinchillas. Who is he? (sable) Slide 3

3. This fish is used to fight malaria. (gambusia) Slide 4

4. Which bird is the largest on Earth? (ostrich) Slide 5

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1. The bare, flat, scaly tail of this animal and its aquatic lifestyle gave medieval monks reason to classify it as a fish and include it in the monastery menu during fasting, when eating meat was not allowed. What kind of animal is this? (beaver) Slide 6

2.These beautiful birds are traditionally considered the property of Elizabeth

(swans) Slide 7

3.This delicious fish is named after a Mediterranean island. Its first fishery was organized near it. What is it called?

(Sardinia island) Slide 8

4. Which bird flies the highest? (eagle) Slide 9

3rd team "Dolphin"

1. When he was a teenager, he was called “neblyuy” and “pentyukh”. What do they call him when he grows up? (reindeer) Slide 10

2. On the lek, the male of this small bird seems to repeat “It’s time to sleep, it’s time to sleep!” (quail) Slide 11

3. Abroad, in a restaurant you will be served regular mackerel, but on the menu they will call it differently. How? (mackerel) Slide 12

4.Which bird can fly tail first? (hummingbird) Slide 13

Competition 3 “Who’s the odd one out?”

Teams are offered three sets of animals. You need to find the odd one out in each group and explain your choice.

1 team "EAGLES"

    Peregrine falcon, lion, antelope, coyote, hyena

    Horse, dog, big pond snail, cat, cow

    Dog, lynx, goat, cow, horse

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1) Mole, earthworm, centipede, May beetle larva, dragonfly

2) Bream, dolphin, pike, crucian carp, catfish.

3) Grasshopper, bee, fly, mosquito, rock pigeon

Team 3 "SHARKS"

    Seagull, petrel, fish owl, kingfisher, bat

    Cat, walrus, octopus, rhinoceros, shark

    Bat, pigeon, ostrich, butterfly, flying fish

Competition 4 “Lost Animal”

Teams are asked to insert missing animals into sentences

1 team "EAGLES"

1) In bad weather, a good owner... will not kick out (the dog)

2) Not all.. Maslenitsa (cat)

2nd team "YASTREBY"

1)…there will always be dirt (pig)

2) Knows...whose meat the dog ate (the dog)

Team 3 "SHARKS"

1) Old... will not spoil the furrows (horse)

2) Better... in the hands than... in the sky (tit, crane)

Leading: Attention! Attention! The red button on board lit up! It means we're flying past “Planets of Anxiety” (slide 5. Presentation 1)

Attention attention!

We received a radiogram from the planet Anxiety:

Our planet is a living house!

But how can she live under a smoky hood?

Where the gutter is the ocean!

Where all nature is caught in a trap!

Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion.

Where the grass groans: “I can’t take it anymore!”

Card No. 1


Card No. 2


Everything is connected to everything

Card No. 3


Everything is connected to everything

Environmental situation competition

Card No. 4


Everything is connected to everything

Environmental situation competition

Card No. 5

Exercise. Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

Competition for fans

1.What is the science of mushrooms called? (mycology)

2.Which bird throws its eggs into other people's nests? (cuckoo)

3. “Royal mushrooms.” A kilogram of such mushrooms can cost more than 4 thousand dollars - significantly more expensive than gold.

What mushrooms are we talking about? (king truffle)

4.Her tail is like a whip, it’s great for driving away biting insects. ( cow)

5. His tail helps this wonderful jumper maintain balance.


6. She only has a tail in infancy, and then disappears.


7. The black triangles on the white fluffy royal robe are the tips of their tails. (ermine)

8. On the tail of this representative of the cat family there is a fluffy tassel, and in it a sharp claw (lion)

9. This mushroom has many names: grandfather’s tobacco, Galkina banya, devil’s tobacco. What is the real name of this mushroom? (Raincoat)

10. This nocturnal animal sleeps with its tail wrapped around its head. (lemur)
11.Which mushrooms never harbor worms? (chanterelles)

12. Which mushrooms appear first? (Mols and lines)

13. What plant is named after the bird's eye? (crow's eye)

14. This prickly animal begins to shake its tail when meeting an enemy. At the same time, long needles come off and fly in all directions. (porcupine)

15. What formidable animal cannot stick out its tongue at all? By the way, the female of this animal carries her cubs in her mouth. (crocodile)

16. What mushroom is called “chelysh” while it is small and young? (boletus)

17. This jumping animal has the head of a hare, the body and front legs of a mouse, the hind legs of a bird, and the tail of a lion. (jerboa)

18. These insects build nests, which we call hives, but they are considered wild insects. (wasps)

19. How many legs does a fly have? (6)

20. The fruit of this tree made it possible to discover the universal law of gravity (apple tree).

Leading: Dear passengers! Our spaceship is approaching

To “Planet MBOU Secondary School No. 8” (slide 6)

competition “Homework” Defense of the project “Save the Christmas trees!”

Slide 7 (after the girls’ performance)

We cut down forests and arrange landfills.

But who will take everything under protection?

The streams are empty, there are only sticks in the forest.

It's time for humanity to understand

Taking away the wealth from Nature,

That the Earth also needs to be protected:

She is just as alive as we are!


Leading: So, our space journey is coming to an end.

While the jury is summing up the results, I would like to once again address you with the words of D. Rodovich: (Slide 8)

Tree, grass, flower and bird

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet!

Our planet is beautiful and amazing, let's take another look at our blue planet, part of the vast, endless Universe

Teacher.So, our competition has come to an end. I ask the jury to sum up. The jury members sum up the results.

(event continues)

Student. Poem (slide 10)

Let's save the planet!

There is nothing more beautiful in the whole Universe,

There is only one in the whole Universe,

What will she do without us?

5Reflectionintrospection and self-assessment of the process and result of the activity

Continue the sentences:

Today in class I learned...

The most interesting thing in the lesson was...

The most difficult thing for me was...

Today's lesson showed me...

We have achieved the goal of our lesson...


1. M.M. Bondaruk, N.V. Kovylina. Biology. Additional materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in biology and ecology in grades 10–11. Volgograd Publishing house "Teacher" 2008

2. Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P. Shchetinina V.V. The unknown is nearby.-M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010.-192 p.

3. Internet resources

4. Molodtsova Z.V. In the land of environmental mysteries. – Novosibirsk, 1996.

Sinitsyna E.I. Smart riddles - M.: “List”, 1999.-144 p.

5. Rat M.V. What is ecology or how to save nature. – M., 1993.

Team Evaluation


Number of points





1. Competition “Guess the plant”

1 riddle - 1 point Max. – 10 points.

2. Competition “Who are we talking about?”

1 title -1 point Max. – 4 points.

3.Competition “Who’s the odd one out?”

1 title -1 point Max. – 3 points.

4. Competition "Lost Animal"

1 title -1 point

Max. – 2 points.

5. Competition of environmental situations

Max. - 5 points

6.Project protection

Max. - 5 points


29 points

Answers. Environmental situations.

Card 1.

About 13-14 million tons of petroleum products enter the World Ocean annually. Oil enters water bodies as a result of leakage during tanker loading, tanker accidents, or the discharge of residual oil cargo.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation during the oil spill, its consequences and suggest ways out of this situation.

Oil pollution is highly toxic. The taste of the water deteriorates, and the fish acquires an unpleasant and irremovable aftertaste. At a concentration of petroleum products above 0.5 mg per liter, fish die; at a concentration of 1.2 mg per liter, plankton and benthos cannot survive. The toxic oil film prevents the evaporation of water from the surface of the World Ocean and disrupts its normal gas exchange (up to 50% of oxygen and 82% of moisture enter the atmosphere due to the ocean).

Oil glues the feathers of seabirds. If the oil is fresh, it acts as a poison. The oil film prevents oxygen from penetrating deep into the sea. Algae and crustaceans are suffocating. The fish have nothing to eat - they die from hunger. Control over the transportation and unloading of oil is necessary.

It is necessary to comply with regulatory organizational and economic and production measures when operating facilities associated with the transportation of petroleum products. If a leak occurs, urgent measures must be taken to eliminate the consequences: cleaning the ocean surface with the help of special reagents, limiting the spread of oil spills, rescuing animals.

Card 2.

Man is part of living nature. Human health is determined not only by the state of the environment, but also by lifestyle and nutrition. The city's stores have a fairly wide selection of dairy products. At the same time, private individuals in unspecified places sell milk in recycled plastic bottles.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation, its possible consequences on human health and suggest ways to solve it.

When consuming milk purchased from private individuals, you can get food poisoning, since polyethylene containers cannot be heat treated. Microbes in untreated bottles can cause acute intestinal diseases. If milk from a sick animal is sold, there is a risk of contracting foot-and-mouth disease, brucellosis and other diseases. Persons selling milk in plastic containers often do not have certificates about the health of animals and the quality of the products sold. In addition, bottles can be collected from trash containers.

It is best to buy milk and dairy products in stores, since the products in this case are certified and sales dates are indicated. If milk is purchased from private owners, it is necessary to ask them for a veterinary certificate about the health of the animal and the quality of the product, pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes - glass containers - and the appearance of the sellers, and boil the milk.

Card 3.

Maritime transport extremely pollutes the world's oceans. Tin cans, plastic bottles, paper and plastic bags and other garbage are thrown away. Fishermen leave synthetic fishing nets in the sea.

Exercise. Analyze the consequences of pollution of the World Ocean by maritime transport, propose a way out of this environmental situation.

This leads to ocean pollution, turning it into a landfill. Marine animals are dying, in particular leatherback turtles and seals. They mistake plastic bags for jellyfish and swallow them. The stomach becomes clogged and the animals die. Very often, when opened, tin cans, lumps of fuel oil, and other objects are found in the stomachs of sharks, since sharks, when hungry, grab everything.

Often sea animals (seals, whales, dolphins, birds) cannot live and eat normally, since their body is tightly bound by a mesh, it does not decompose in nature and therefore causes suffering to the animals throughout their lives.

Measures: do not throw garbage into the ocean that is not disposed of in nature, conduct educational work with sailors and passengers of maritime transport, introduce fishing quotas.

Card 4.

Uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus) leads to oversaturation of water with organic compounds. This causes the growth of blue-green algae.

Exercise. Briefly describe the further development of the environmental situation and suggest ways to solve it.

The rapid development of blue-green algae (“blooming of water bodies”) is accompanied by intensive consumption of oxygen dissolved in water, the lack of which subsequently causes their death. As the algae die and settle to the bottom, they decompose, which also consumes oxygen. All this entails mass death of flora and fauna. Algae release a large amount of substances that inhibit zooplankton and microflora, and in some cases poison fish, poultry, livestock and humans.

It is necessary to regulate the application of mineral fertilizers to fields, to monitor compliance with the rules for storing mineral fertilizers in warehouses and farms. In case of contamination of water bodies with fertilizers, do not allow livestock into the water body. Fight for the restoration of water resources, carry out wastewater treatment measures, as they also stimulate the proliferation of blue-green algae.

Card 5.

On one distant island, people decided to destroy mosquitoes. They used pesticides for this. The mosquitoes did disappear, but after a while a lot of rats appeared. They attacked the fields and barns of local residents in hordes, eating grain. People could not understand why this “scourge” appeared.

Exercise. Reveal the cause-and-effect relationships that led to the development of this environmental situation, characterize the consequences and suggest ways out of this environmental situation.

Pesticides that kill mosquitoes ended up on plants, which, in turn, fed on cockroaches (insects). The insects fed on the plants, but did not die from the poison. At the same time, it accumulated in their bodies.

These cockroaches were caught by lizards. They weakened from the poison and became easy prey for cats. The poison turned out to be fatal for cats. Soon there were no more of them left on the island. The time has come for rats.

Ecological tournament “Clean Planet Day”


    to focus students' attention on environmental problems of our time;

    promote a healthy lifestyle and environmental culture in an unconventional form;

    develop the creative abilities of students and the culture of communication among high school students.

Slide 1 Epigraph

Take care of these lands, these waters,

I love even a small epic.

Take care of all animals within nature,

Kill only the beasts within you!

Evgeniy Yevtushenko,

Russian poet

Presenter: (25-30 min)


1. Today we are gathered to talk about our common home, about the most mysterious and unknown, about the most beautiful and dear planet.

You probably guessed that our conversation will be about our cradle, about our common home - planet Earth.

You probably know that many holidays are celebrated in spring: Bird Day, Earth Day, Water Day. And we will conduct our lesson today in the form of a tournament, not a simple one, but an environmental one. But first, let’s talk a little about the environmental situation that currently exists on our Planet.

We are the young generation, which means that the future of the planet is in our hands and a lot depends on our attitude towards it. We are all children of Mother Nature and must treat her with respect and live according to her laws.

2. A student reads a poem.

Asonov Vitaly

Like an apple on a platter
We have one Earth.
Take your time, people
Scrape everything down to the bottom.
No wonder you get there
To hidden hiding places,
Loot all the wealth
In future centuries.

We are the common life of grain,
Relatives of the same fate.
It's shameful for us to feast
For the next day.
Understand this people
Like your own order
Otherwise there will be no Earth
Each of us.

Mikhail Dudin, Russian sweat

Leading:Humanity has entered the 21st century, full of anxiety not only for its future, but also for its very existence on Earth. The voices of the public, specialists, and politicians are increasingly heard calling to stop the pollution and destruction of nature, since the Earth’s vital resources are approaching their limit.

Self-healing processes in nature are not able to cope with the ever-increasing load that humans place on it. The time is coming when the world may suffocate if man does not come to the aid of nature. Only man has the ecological talent to keep the world around him clean... “One of two things: either people will make the planet less polluted, or its pollution will make it so that there will be fewer people on Earth.”

Today we will find out what problems threaten life on Earth and how they can be solved.“The bird that pollutes its own nest is bad” , says the popular proverb. Has all of humanity, and each of us, become like such a bird? Let's try to answer this question.

Today, pollution of the planet with garbage has become one of the global environmental problems. A huge amount of household waste is generated every day in cities and villages. Currently, each inhabitant of our planet produces an average of about 1 ton of garbage per year. If all the accumulated garbage was not destroyed, but poured into one heap, a mountain would form from the Himalayas - the highest mountain in the world. Statistics show that the amount of garbage is growing every day.
Question: Where does the garbage come from?
- It is produced by man himself.
– All man-made industry first produces products for use, which then become garbage.

Previously, the garbage problem was considered purely urban. Today, both villages and the outskirts of large cities suffer from garbage. Their surroundings turned into wild dumps. The roadsides are littered with garbage; it can be seen in the forest and meadow, on the banks of lakes and rivers. Strong winds blow paper and plastic packaging around.

Our parents remember the time when glass bottles were collected and returned to stores in exchange for money. These bottles were taken away for processing and making new ones. And now? Now both glass and plastic bottles litter our streets. And not only. And plastic bags, and disposable tableware!

Used packaging makes up the majority - 50 to 80% - of all waste, formed in our homes.

The huge amount of garbage on the streets of our city makes us think about the question: what does plastic bring to people - benefit or harm?

Today Plastic occupies an almost reigning position in our lives. And that's a problem!

Slide 2, 3

3. Survey. Survey results

We would like to introduce you to the results of a survey that was conducted in our city among 43 families.

A group of analysts conducted a survey among families in our city, where 43 families were interviewed. Let's listen to them.
43 families from Kaliningrad took part in the survey. What questions were asked to the survey participants, and what answers were received?

Question 1.Do you buy food in plastic packaging? Which?

– Yes – 43 families

No - no one answered

Which? What is the charge per week?

Mineral water – 44
– Carbonated water, juices – 87
– Sunflower oil – 49
– Mayonnaise – 53
– Ketchup – 32
– Drinking yogurt – 125
Curds, cakes, noodles, mashed potatoes, fish, salads, halva – 44

Question 2.What do you do with plastic bottles after use?

Throw away - 29
– Burn – 4
– We use it on the farm – 34
– We bury – 2
– Other – 2

Question 3.If you don't throw it away, how do you use plastic bottles?

For planting seedlings – 25
– For the household – 21
– Use for milk, kvass, jam –16
– Making crafts – 7
– Other – 1

Question:What conclusion can be drawn based on the survey?

Slide 4

Conclusion : The survey showed that all families buy food in plastic packaging, in disposable dishes, and in most cases the packaging is thrown away or burned, and is also used in the household.

Nowadays, plastic utensils and plastic food packaging have become commonplace for us. Do you think this has affected the cleanliness of our city?

Conclusion:Yes, there is still a problem...

Our goal:find out what plastic is? Does it do any good or harm? How to use it correctly without harming the environment?

4. What do you know about the dangers of plastic today?

Slide 5

Amateur chemists have conducted some experiments with plastic packaging (polyethylene). Observing the process of decomposition of polyethylene (plastic packaging) in sulfuric acid, nitric acid and potassium hydroxide, experimenters noticed that polyethylene does not decompose anywhere, i.e. remains unchanged.

Accordingly, we can conclude that if plastic does not decompose under the influence of chemicals, then under natural conditions plastic packaging can remain in its original form for as long as desired - hundreds of years!

Question: How long do you think it takes for a plastic bottle, paper, or tin can to decompose? Any guesses?(Students' answers are listened to)
– Did you know that many types of garbage decompose very slowly?
(the following information is on the slides)
Slide 6

Paper decomposes in the ground - 1 month,

banana peel – 6 months,

wool – 1 year,

tin can – 100 years,

plastic bottle - from 500 to 1000 years.
If a plastic bottle remains in the ground for so many years, then soon the grass on the street will not grow. When plastic bottles are burned, they release toxic smoke that pollutes the air.
– We are talking about plastic. It would seem like such a small thing. But it brings such global problems as:

unpleasant smell, especially in summer and spring when garbage is burned
– infectious diseases dangerous to the health of humans, birds, animals
– rats, dogs, cats, flies – carriers of various infections
– aesthetically unsightly appearance
– water and soil pollution

And this is only a small part of the problems that result from the increased production of disposable tableware and plastic packaging, and, accordingly, its excessive use. Currently, many manufacturers are trying to create environmentally friendly packaging in order to cause less damage to the environmental background of the Earth. Most stores have stopped providing free plastic bags at checkouts. Many stores have already replaced plastic bags with paper ones. This is the beginning to improve the ecological picture of our Earth!

The future of our Planet is in our hands!

Slide 7

5 . And before we move on to the tournament, we would like to show you video clip“The planet is choking on garbage.”

Please take a look and think about the answer to the following question:

1. How to avoid polluting our planet with garbage, how to reduce the amount of garbage on Earth; at least in the city where you live?

---Watch the video “The planet is choking on garbage”

Questions about the video:

1. How to avoid polluting our planet with garbage, how can we reduce the amount of garbage?

2. How can we help solve this problem, what role can we play in this situation?

6. Presenter:Guys, it cannot be said that humanity is only littering its “nest”.

Question: How do you think, What ways of environmental protection are people currently looking for and developing?

Leading:Humanity has developed variousways to protect the environment and has already begun to implement them.

Slide 8

First way consists in the creation of various types of treatment facilities, the use of low-sulfur fuel, the destruction and processing of garbage, the construction of chimneys with a height of 200-300 m or more, land reclamation, etc.

Slide 9

Second way consists in the development and application of a fundamentally new environmental production technology, in the transition to low-waste and waste-free production processes.This path is the main one, since it not only reduces, but prevents environmental pollution. But it requires huge expenses that are unaffordable for many countries.

Slide 10

Third way consists in a deeply thought-out, most rational placement of “dirty” industries that have a negative impact on the environment.

Most economically developed countries of the world began to implementenvironmental policy . Green parties have emerged in many countries and various public organizations have emerged.

- Question: What environmental organizations do you know?

Presenter (briefly)

1. WWF – World Wildlife Fund For Nature ( World Wildlife Fund )

Advocate for the protection of species and climate. One of the world's largest environmental organizations.

2. Greenpeace

The Environmental Protection Organization fights against nuclear testing, sea pollution or the transport of toxic waste.


Inspired by the legendary Robin Hood, environmental organization ROBIN WOOD has been fighting forest loss here in the country and in the tropics since 1982. The public benefit association is also active in the fields of energy and transport.

4. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), World Health Organization (WHO), green world, cross, etc.

Those. There are a large number of organizations in the world that are on the side of protecting nature and the environment. These organizations are not formed because their members are paid huge amounts of money, no, it’s completely different. It’s just that people began to understand that recently their activities have become so destructive for the natural ecosystem. And, if we do nothing, then in the near future what awaits us is not a bright and green Planet, but a faded and colorless territory for the survival of the fittest. Everything depends on ourselves! All in our hands!

Slide 11

And yet, each of us, citizens of the 21st century, must always remember the conclusion reached at the Rio 92 Conference:“Planet Earth is in danger like it has never been before.”

7. Leading:Showing criminal carelessness, man influences nature and quickly changes the natural habitat. Man - this most gifted and powerful representative of all life on Earth - has begun a broad transformation of the natural appearance of our planet, and above all its plant and animal kingdom.

A student reads a poem:

Novikov Alexey

My planet - human house.

Well, how can she live under a smoky hood,

Where is the gutter - ocean,

Where all nature is caught in a trap,

Where there is no place for either a stork or a lion,

Where the grass groans: I can’t do it anymore!

Here she is flying, how small she is!

Here she is sad, delving into her thoughts,

Here she floats, blowing with unsteady coolness,

Still lives! Still believes people!

Here she is sailing through the stormy midnight,

He calls all people and asks them to come to the rescue!

Asks to come to the rescue!

Asks to come to the rescue!

8. Slide 12 (2-3 min)

Teacher: I propose to move on to tournament. The teams are already tired of competing in their knowledge. The fans are also impatient!

Teams from groups C11 and SPOC11 take part in our tournament.

Tournament participants, please choose names for your teams and a captain. And introduce yourself. (teams are introduced)

Fans, meet your teams!

A team is invited to the first gaming table

groups C11. The team includes:

(surnames and first names of participants are listed)

A team is invited to the second gaming table

SPOC11 groups. As part of the team: (last names and first names of participants are listed)

Our tournament is judged by a competent jury! Greetings! The jury consists of: (names of jury members are listed)

- Tournament conditions :

    Each team will have to go through several stages, the maximum number of points at each stage will be announced

    each subsequent competition starts with the next team (without additional draw)

    fans can encourage their teams with thunderous applause and all sorts of decent cheers

    our tournament will be judged by a competent jury!

So let's begin!

ROUND 1 “Help cleanse the Earth or a dump called earth.” (4-5 min)

Slide 13-18

Teams receive three plaques with the numbers 1,2,3. For each question asked, three possible answers are given. After consulting, the teams take turns raising signs with the answer number. Each team will be presented with 5 questions. Answer all questions - 5 points, answer 4 questions - 4 points, and so on.


1. Most of the garbage that pollutes the Earth is:


2. Before you start recycling waste, you must:


    Collect in one place.


3. Harmful emissions have an impact:

    Only to those regions where pollution has appeared.

    To nearby regions.

    Even in areas remote from the place where the pollution “saw the light.”

    Household waste.


    Mineral fertilizers.

5. The entry of harmful substances into the habitat that lead to disruption of the functioning of ecological systems is called:


    Environmental crisis.


6. The first place in terms of total emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere is occupied by:

    Thermal power engineering.

    Oil and gas processing

    Motor transport.

7. A plastic bottle or jar thrown in the forest will remain unchanged:

    10 years.

    50 years.

    100 years or more.

8. The discarded paper will be “eaten” by invisible microbes for:

    1-2 of the year.

    5-8 years.

    20 or more years.

    1. The primary concern when choosing a landfill site is:

      1. Protection of the earth's surface and groundwater.

        Fencing the dump site.

        Equipping with appropriate equipment.

10. What is the most effective way to combat the growing amount of waste entering the environment?

    Their burial

    Development of legal mechanisms for regulating the process

    Recycling (reusing waste)

Result: Let's summarize the results of the first round. Word to the competent jury!

ROUND 2 "Overtaking" (3-4 min)

Slide 19

Comic questions "The double life of animals."

The task is to guess the words that coincide with the names of a wide variety of living creatures. For each correct answer 1 point. Go!

1. Winter swimming enthusiast (walrus);

2. Pedestrian crossing (zebra crossing);

3. Bus stowaway (hare);

4. Long lever at the well (crane);

5. Replacement for tractor and tank wheels (caterpillars);

6. A person who likes to get up very early (lark);

7. A person who likes to go to bed very late (night owl);

8. A small protrusion of the front part of the barrel of a small weapon, used for aiming (front sight);

9. The side of the coin opposite to tails (heads);

10 A chess piece that moves in the letter G (knight);

11. Children's toy on a string, launched into the sky (kite);

12. Brush for cleaning bottles (Ruff is a river fish with spiny fins);

13. The name of the writer is classic (Leo);

14. A well-known German company that produces sportswear, shoes, equipment (puma, or jaguar - a large wild American cat.)

15. False rumor (duck);

16. The device that an electrician puts on his feet to climb onto a power line pole ( cats);

17. Sports equipment in gymnastics ( horse);

18. Manifestation of tenderness, love, (affection);

19. Film on cooling milk ( warbler (a warbler of the warbler family);

20. A large Russian publishing house specializing in the production of educational literature. (bustard is a large steppe bird)

21. Famous foreign shoe manufacturing company ( Salamander).

Result: Let's summarize the results of the second round. Word to the competent jury!

ROUND 3 "Pantomimes". (8-9 min)

Slide 20

Exercise: Team members go out one at a time, draw out a card with a task, and the members of their team depict the proverbs as accurately as possible, and they, in turn, guess. For each proverb guessed 2 points.

    As it comes back, so will it respond.

    No matter how much you feed the wolf, he keeps looking into the forest.

    You can't pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

    Still waters run deep.

    The goose is no friend to the pig.

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

Result: Let's summarize the results of the third round. Word to the competent jury!

ROUND 4 "Captains Competition!" (3-4 min)

Slide 21

The assistant brings out the “Black Box”, which contains objects whose names the captains must guess.

The black box contains objects whose names the team captains must guess after listening to the task. 5 points for the correct answer.

- Question No. 1

The black box contains a branch of a plant with inedible leaves. This plant is dedicated to the god of science and art, Apollo. It is awarded to artists, performers and scientists as a sign of their creative achievements. This is where the word “laureate” comes from. What is this plant and where is it currently used?

(answer: laurel)

- Question No. 2

The black box contains a fruit that is consumed fresh, dried, or soaked; the plant is cross-pollinated by insects. The fruits are healthy and contain substances that remove toxic heavy metals from the body. In our city of Kaliningrad they grow in almost every garden?

(answer: apple)

Result: Let's summarize the results of the fourth round. Word to the competent jury!

Round 5 “Emergency” (3-4 min)

Slide 22

The envelopes contain task-questions that need to be answered close to the correct answer. The teams address them to each other. For the correct answer 2 points.

“Emergency” questions:

1. Is it possible to wrap a sandwich in glossy paper with a colored pattern? (No, since paints may contain salts of lead, cadmium and other heavy metals, as well as harmful organic compounds)

2. What to do with a used battery? (Batteries may contain heavy metal salts, so they should not be thrown away anywhere, but must be taken to special collection points)

Result: Let's summarize the results of the fifth round. Word to the competent jury!

6 tour. "Through the Mouth of a Baby" (4-5 min)

Slide 23-29

On this tour you get acquainted with the most common waste and the possibility of recycling it.

You, the teams, act as children and address your childish statements to each other. The opposing team must determine what it is about.

Five statements have been prepared for each waste. Your task: try to understand what the children meant. The team that guesses the name of the waste gets 1 point. Those. for each correct answer 1 point.


1. It comes in different colors and is very difficult to break.

2. Items made from it weigh little.

3. I have a lot of toys made from it.

4. If you set it on fire, it produces a lot of black smoke that smells bad.

5. It cannot be thrown away, since it does not decompose in nature.


1. It was invented by the Chinese.

2. We get it from wood.

3. It burns easily.

4. It produces a lot of garbage.

5. People usually draw or write on it.


1. It is made from sand.

2. Most often it is transparent.

3. When it falls, it breaks.

4. If you heat it up, it becomes sticky like dough.

5. If abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


1. It's almost invisible.

2. There is a lot of this in an industrial city, where factories and factories operate.

3. This causes people to get asthma, bronchitis, and cancer.

4. Green plants can collect this on their leaves.

5. In a city where there is a lot of this, lichens do not grow.

(Gas waste.)

1. Always black.

2. There is a lot of this in the city, especially where there are plants and factories.

3. This is very harmful.

4. Causes illness in a person, and his clothes become dirty.

5. There is a lot of this when burning.


1. This is something we can no longer live without.

2. We use this every day.

3. When this gets into the water, it creates a lot of foam.

4. It kills fish in the water and plants on the ground.

5. It makes everything cleaner.

(SMS, washing powder.)

Result: Let's summarize the results of the sixth round. Word to the competent jury!

7 TOUR “Ecomusic” (3-4 min)

Slide 30

There is no silence in nature... Birds sing their songs... Animals make sounds... Leaves rustle under human feet... All this creates unique music...

You are invited to perform (sing!) lines from songs that mention the names of birds, animals, and plants! Whoever stops loses. The winner gets 2 points.

Result: Let's sum up the results of the seventh round. Word to the competent jury!

8th round Leaflet competition on the topic “Earth is our common concern” (5 minutes)

Slide 31

Create a flyer, booklet, brochure of your choice. Show how you see our Planet - Earth. In your opinion, what kind of future awaits our Earth - an improvement in its condition or a global catastrophe. Show your vision of the problem, situation.

While the participants are preparing their works, the distinguished jury is counting the scores for the entire game!

And now the fan competition.

ROUND 9 “Fan Contest” (3-4 min)

Slide 32

One fan comes out from each team.

    One names the names of flowers, plants, and the second animals. Without stopping, the one who stops loses. For example: lily of the valley is a bee.

The winning fan earns his team 5 points.

    Name the houseplants.

One starts, the 2nd continues. The one who names the most wins.

Result: Let's summarize the results of the ninth round. Word to the competent jury!

(5 min) Presentation of their works by participants. Describe the leaflet, what it shows, what they wanted to say.

Result: Let's summarize the results of the ninth round. And games in general, which team scored more points. Awarding places. Word to the competent jury! Presentation of certificates and prizes

9. Conclusion (2-3 min)

After listening to all the speeches and answers to the quiz questions, we were convinced that our Earth was seriously ill. She was amazed by the human intervention. People! It is high time to understand that it is not Nature that needs our protection. It is we who need her protection: clean air to breathe; crystal water - to drink; all of Nature is to live. Let's live in harmony with nature and not violate its laws and order, use its gifts and wealth wisely.

Slide 33

A student reads a poem

Starovoitova Diana

Everything good on Earth comes from the Sun,

and everything beautiful comes from man.
Man is also nature,
He is also a sunset and a sunrise,
And there are four seasons in it,
And there is a special way of music in it.
And the special mystery of light,
Now with cruel, now with kind fire,
Man is he winter or summer.
Or autumn, with thunder and rain.
It contained everything: miles and time
And he became blind from atomic storms.
Man is both soil and seed,
And the weed in the field, and the bread.
And what is the weather like there?
How many solitudes and meetings does it contain?
Man is also nature...
So let's save nature!

Mikhail Prishvin

Slide 34

All the best! May our common home always be clean, kind and happy!

Introduction (teacher's word):

There is simply a temple, there is a temple of science.
And there is also a temple of nature -
With scaffolding reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in the heat and cold,
Come here, be a little hearty,
Do not desecrate her shrines.
(S. Smirnov)

“To this day, most people do not realize the extent to which we have destroyed the world in which we live. We behave like young children left unattended in an incomparable, amazing garden, and slowly but surely turn it into a barren desert with the help of poisons, saws, sickles and firearms. It is quite possible that in recent weeks another reptile, another plant, has disappeared from the face of the earth. I hope that’s not the case, but I know for sure that someone’s days are already numbered.” These bitter words, which one cannot help but listen to, were written by the English naturalist D. Durrell.

Unfortunately, the concept still lives in people: man is the king of nature, a conqueror, a conqueror. Taking as much as possible from nature is the main task. What for? Is it necessary to fight with nature, to conquer it?

Not all people who develop certain natural resources know how to think correctly environmentally. Often, immediate benefits in the eyes of business executives overshadow not-so-distant consequences.

What our planet will be like in fifty or three hundred years depends on you and me. Will it become a sultry desert, will it dress in a concrete shirt, or will a person learn to live with nature in complete harmony, carefully using the benefits it provides, but at the same time sensitively responding to its needs.

So, each of us can love, protect, and appreciate nature. But love is impossible without knowledge. It is for this purpose that we are holding our meeting. During today's fun game on serious topics, we will remember the basic environmental concepts and consolidate the environmental knowledge acquired in the lessons. And then you can safely make discoveries for yourself, communicating with nature, and reinforce your knowledge in specific natural conditions.

1. “Ecological boomerang”

Teacher: names examples of human influence on nature.

  • In the city park, fallen leaves are burned in the fall...
  • Massive deforestation of tropical forests...
  • A landfill for radioactive waste was created in the vicinity of the city...
  • At a large livestock complex, animals are kept without bedding…
  • Water pollution from wastewater from livestock farms and cattle-feeding complexes...
  • Use of occupied fallow in crop rotation...

Teams: identify the environmental consequences of specified actions.

2. “Ekomyachik” (competition of captains): pass the ball to each other:

“You roll our eco-ball,
For a long, long time in hand,
Who has the ball left?
He will tell us now...”

The one who has the ball left answers the questions.

1. In the city (a large industrial center) all green spaces were removed. What could this lead to?

2. A ship carrying oil suffered an accident. It poured into the sea, spread over its surface, and covered the shores. What environmental consequences could this accident have?

3. Midges (small mosquitoes and midges) in some areas greatly annoy humans. What will happen to the natural environment if these insects are completely destroyed using pesticides?

4. For a long time, wolf hunting was encouraged in our country, and a bonus was given for each killed animal. Then hunting was completely banned. Currently, in a number of areas this ban has been lifted again and some wolves are allowed to be shot. How do you think this “inconsistency” in the orders of environmental authorities can be explained?

5. Fertilizers and pesticides are washed off into a reservoir (not large in size) from the surrounding fields with rain and melted snow. Make an environmental forecast of the possible consequences of this phenomenon.

6. In the Black Sea over the past 15 years, the intensity of “water blooms” has increased 31 times. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? Why is there a massive death of fish in places where there is a strong bloom?

3. “Listen, don’t yawn”

A. After listening to the poem, find a description of all the food circuits.

“A ferocious wolf with a nursing wolf cub
The she-wolf is a threat to innocent herds;
An eagle, rushing from under the heavens like an arrow,
He threatens the dove with evil death;
The dove, like a sheep, must
While feeding, destroy sprouts and seeds.
Huntress-owl, in the middle of the dark night,
I don’t feel sorry for the singer of love and languid bliss,
And the nightingale eats the firefly,
Without looking at the beauty of the light.
Firefly, a lively light of the night,
Crawling up, the sleepy flower eats.”
E. Darwin

b. After listening to the poem, determine the type of relationship between organisms.

“An evil gadfly in the body of a horse, a bull,
The deer is inhabited by a worm;
The worm burrows, gnaws under the dark skin
And, having grown up, God comes into the light.
The rider is inspired to stock up
Provide nutritious food to offspring
He hurries, thrusting his sting many times,
They need to drill more caterpillars;
Having found shelter in a foster mother,
The larvae eat her living flesh.”
E. Darwin

V. After listening to the poem, determine what it is about.

“For a book, sometimes, the volume
All other signs are more important.
This book has every volume,
The thinner it is, the more valuable it is.
I wish this book
Be one page thick.
Then I would be happy to know
What instead of a beast, a fish, a bird
Only the “beast” has disappeared from nature
Nicknamed “poacher-grabber.”
V. Antokhin

4. “Correct the mistakes”

After reading the text, find the mistakes made by the children during the walk and justify your answers.

A trip to the forest

For a whole week there was only talk about a future trip to the forest. At the last moment, teacher Anna Vasilyevna fell ill. But the children still decided to go for a walk themselves. The road was familiar, we took a compass and didn’t forget about the tape recorder. But we learn what happened next from the story of one of the students.

“We notified the forest with cheerful music - we’ve arrived! The days were hot and dry, but in the forest the heat was not felt so much. A familiar road led us to a birch grove. Along the way we often came across mushrooms - porcini, boletus, and boletus. What a harvest! Some cut off the elastic legs of the mushrooms, some twisted them, and some pulled them out. We knocked down all the mushrooms that we didn’t know with sticks.

Halt. They quickly broke branches and lit a fire. We brewed tea in a pot, had a snack and moved on. Before leaving the grove, Sasha threw away cans and plastic bags, saying: “Microbes will destroy them anyway.” The coals of the fire winked at us goodbye.

In the bushes we found the nest of some bird. Holding the warm bluish eggs in their hands, they put them back in the nest. The sun rose higher and higher above the horizon. It was getting hotter. At the edge of the forest we found a small hedgehog. Deciding that his mother had abandoned him, they took him with them - he would come in handy at school.

In the forest we met many anthills. Sasha decided to show us how formic acid is produced. He planed some sticks and began to pierce the anthill with them. A few minutes later we were happily sucking on ant sticks.

Gradually, clouds began to roll in, it became darker, lightning flashed, and thunder roared. It started to rain quite heavily. But we were no longer afraid - we managed to run to a lonely tree and hide under it.

Excitedly, we walked to the station, jumping over puddles, with armfuls of wildflowers. And an hour later the train was already approaching the city.”

5. “Photo-fact”

Having examined the drawing diagram, find the sources of environmental pollution of the natural environment. (Annex 1).

6. "There's a problem"

From the proposed options, choose one correct solution to the environmental situation or several that complement each other. (Appendix 2).

7. “Ecological traffic light”

The ecological traffic light was installed in order to protect nature and help children observe the rules of reasonable relationships with nature.

  • Black color
– stop! Your actions harm the environment.
  • Red color
  • - be careful! Try not to harm nature with your actions! Follow the limits and rules!
  • Blue color
  • – you are a true friend and defender of nature! Your actions are useful for her! Keep helping nature!

    Show black, red, blue circles, depending on the decision being made.

    1. The guys are watching the ants. (With)
    2. The children left the fire in the forest. (h)
    3. The guys fenced off the anthill. (With)
    4. The boys took a dog into the forest in the spring. (h)
    5. The girls did not pick lilies of the valley in the forest. (With)
    6. The guys cut mushrooms with a knife. (To)
    7. Students clear the park of trash. (With)
    8. The guys saw a nest in the grass. (To)
    9. The boys throw garbage on the road. (h)
    10. Children make a lot of noise in the forest. (h)
    11. A boy walks with a dog on the lawns. (h)
    12. A girl picks flowers in a flowerbed. (h)
    13. The children only walk along the paths in the park. (With)
    14. The boy climbed into the bushes for the ball. (To)
    15. The guys caught the bullfinch and put it in a cage. (h)
    16. Children hang a feeder. (With)
    17. Children catch tadpoles in the pond. (h)
    18. The boys look at the beetle. (To)
    19. Children hang birdhouses in the park. (With)
    20. Teenagers wash a motorcycle in the river. (h)
    21. Students plant trees near the school. (With)
    22. Children collect birch sap in the forest. (h)
    23. The boy carved his initials into the wood with a penknife. (h)
    24. During a walk, the boy threw an unnecessary piece of paper found in his pocket onto the ground. (h)
    25. Teenagers throw stones at a stray dog. (h)
    26. High school students gave presentations on environmental issues to junior high school students. (With)
    27. A student brought to school for class a herbarium of rare and endangered plants listed in the Red Book of her region. (h)
    28. A young correspondent wrote an article for a local newspaper on an environmental topic. (With)
    29. Children on a walk in the forest killed insects for fun. (h)
    30. The girls collected flowers in the forest, of which there are many and which are not protected by law. (To)
    31. Fishermen use nets and electric fishing rods to catch fish. (h)
    32. A girl rinses her clothes in the river. (h)
    33. The children picked blueberries in the forest using a combine harvester. (h)
    34. Children cured a bird found in the forest. (With)
    35. The students decorated their classroom with indoor plants. (With)
    36. During the hike, the guys destroyed a bird's nest. (h)
    37. On the river bank, the guys had a competition to see who could throw the stone into the water the furthest. (To)
    38. The children arrived at the lake and turned on the music loudly. (To)
    39. The guys decided to swim in an unfamiliar place. (To)
    40. The boy wants to wash the dirty bucket in the stream. (k, h)

    8. “Ecological Lotto”

    Match biological terms with their definitions. (Appendix 3)


    “Man made a huge mistake when he imagined that he could separate himself from nature and ignore its laws. The gap between man and his natural environment has existed for a very long time. The old contract connecting primitive man with his habitat was terminated by one of the parties - man, as soon as he felt strong enough to henceforth recognize only the laws created by himself. This position needs to be completely reconsidered and a new agreement with nature must be signed, giving people the opportunity to live with it in complete harmony,” suggests J. Dorst.

    “Take care of the Earth!
    Take care of the lark in the blue zenith,
    A butterfly on a dodder stem,
    There are sun glares on the path,
    A crab playing on the stones,
    Over the desert the shadow of the baobab tree,
    A hawk soaring over a field
    A clear moon over the river calm,
    A swallow flickering in life.
    Take care of the Earth, take care!

    Take care of the miracle of songs, cities and villages,
    The darkness of the depths and the will of the heavens,
    Revelation of Earth and Heaven -
    The sweetness of life, milk and bread.
    Take care of young shoots
    At the green festival of nature,
    The sky in the stars, the ocean and land
    And a soul that believes in immortality, -
    All destinies are connected by threads.
    Take care of the Earth, take care!”
    M. Dudin

    “Take care of these lands, these waters,
    I love even a small epic.
    Take care of all animals within nature,
    Kill only the beasts within you!”
    E. Yevtushenko

    Some good advice:

    • Learn to understand nature, become its friend and protector.
    • Enjoy the beauty of nature, do not harm it with your attitude.
    • In the lap of nature, be quiet and inconspicuous: look, listen and don’t make noise.
    • Take every opportunity to do something useful for nature.
    • Be a friend to all living beings, do not torture or kill animals.
    • Keep the waters clean, take care of springs and wells.
    • Keep the natural environment clean and do not leave behind traces of being in it.
    • Help those who care about nature, protect it from pests and unknowing tourists.


    1. Kurishkina L.A. Ecological primer. – Smolensk: SOIU, 1994.
    2. Kozlova T.A., Myagkova A.N., Sonin N.I. Ecology of Russia. Didactic materials. – M.: JSC MDS, 1996.

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