State standard in the specialty 40.03 01. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. III. Characteristics of the direction of training

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On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (undergraduate level)

Document as amended by:
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 08.08.2017, N 0001201708080037);
(Official Internet portal of legal information, 02.02.2018, N 0001201802020028) (entered into force on September 1, 2018).

In accordance with subparagraph 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 N 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 23, Art. 2923; N 33, Art. 4386; No. 37, item 4702; 2014, N 2, item 126; N 6, item 582; N 27, item 3776; 2015, N 26, item 3898; N 43, item 5976; 2016, N 2 , art. 325; N 8, art. 1121; N 28, art. 4741), and paragraph 17 of the Rules for the development, approval of federal state educational standards and amendments to them, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 5, 2013 N 661 ( Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 33, article 4377; 2014, N 38, article 5096; 2016, N 16, article 2230),

I order:

1. Approve the attached federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (bachelor's degree level) (hereinafter respectively - the field of study, standard).

2. Recognize as invalid:

order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2010 N 464 "On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training 030900 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) "Bachelor")" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 21 May 2010, registration N 17337);

paragraph 23 of the changes that are being made to the federal state educational standards of higher professional education in the areas of training, confirmed by the assignment to persons of the qualification (degree) "bachelor", approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2011 N 1975 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation June 28, 2011, registration N 21200).

3. Establish that persons enrolled for training in the direction of preparation for the correspondence form before the entry into force of this order and receiving higher education for the first time continue their education in accordance with the standard while maintaining the specified form.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation

registration N 45038

Application. Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (undergraduate level)


by order of the Ministry of Education
and sciences of the Russian Federation
dated December 1, 2016 N 1511

in the direction of training

40.03.01 Jurisprudence

(undergraduate level)

I. Scope

This federal state educational standard of higher education is a set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic professional educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (hereinafter, respectively, the bachelor's program, field of study).

II. Abbreviations Used

The following abbreviations are used in this federal state educational standard:

OK - general cultural competencies;

GPC - general professional competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

FSES VO - federal state educational standard of higher education;

network form - a network form for the implementation of educational programs.

III. Characteristics of the direction of training

3.1. Obtaining education under the undergraduate program is allowed only in an educational organization of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

3.2. Education under the undergraduate program in the organization is carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education.
Education under the bachelor's program is allowed in the correspondence form when persons receive a second or subsequent higher education.

The volume of the bachelor's program is 240 credit units (hereinafter referred to as credits), regardless of the form of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the bachelor's program using the network form, the implementation of the bachelor's program according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

3.3. The term for obtaining education under the bachelor's program:

in full-time education, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, regardless of the educational technologies used, is 4 years. The volume of the undergraduate program in full-time study, implemented in one academic year, is 60 CU;

in part-time or extramural forms of study, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases by at least 6 months and no more than 1 year, compared with the period for obtaining full-time education. The volume of the undergraduate program for one academic year in part-time or correspondence forms of study cannot exceed 75 CU;
by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 13, 2017 N 653.

when studying according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of education, it is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of education, and when studying according to an individual plan for people with disabilities, it can be increased at their request by no more than 1 year compared to the term of obtaining education for the corresponding form of education. The volume of the undergraduate program for one academic year when studying according to an individual plan, regardless of the form of study, cannot be more than 75 CU.

The specific term for obtaining education and the volume of the undergraduate program implemented in one academic year, in part-time or part-time forms of study, according to an individual plan, are determined by the organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 19, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 13, 2017 N 653.

3.4. When implementing the undergraduate program, the organization has the right to use e-learning, distance learning technologies.

When teaching people with disabilities, e-learning, distance learning technologies should provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

3.5. The implementation of the undergraduate program is possible using the network form.

3.6. Educational activities under the undergraduate program are carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by the local regulatory act of the organization.

IV. Characteristics of the professional activity of graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program

4.1. Area of ​​professional activity graduates who have mastered undergraduate programs include:

development and implementation of legal norms;

ensuring law and order.

4.2. Objects of professional activity graduates who have mastered undergraduate programs are:

public relations in the field of implementation of legal norms, ensuring law and order.

4.3. Types of professional activity for which graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program are preparing:


law enforcement;

law enforcement;

expert consulting.

When developing and implementing a bachelor's program, an organization focuses on a specific type (types) of professional activity for which (which) a bachelor is preparing, based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.

4.4. A graduate who has mastered the bachelor's program, in accordance with the type (types) of professional activity, to which (which) the bachelor's program is oriented, must be ready to solve the following professional tasks:

development of normative legal acts and their preparation for implementation;

justification and adoption of decisions within the limits of official duties, as well as the performance of actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

drafting legal documents;

ensuring the rule of law, law and order, security of the individual, society and the state;

protection of public order;

prevention, suppression, detection, disclosure and investigation of offenses;

protection of private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership;

legal advice;

implementation of legal examination of documents.

V. Requirements for the results of mastering the undergraduate program

5.1. As a result of mastering the undergraduate program, the graduate should have general cultural, general professional and professional competencies.

5.2. A graduate who has mastered the undergraduate program must have the following general cultural competencies:

the ability to use the foundations of philosophical knowledge to form a worldview position (OK-1);

the ability to use the basics of economic knowledge in various fields of activity (OK-2);

possession of the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, skills in working with a computer as a means of information management (OK-3);

the ability to work with information in global computer networks (OK-4);

the ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages ​​to solve problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction (OK-5);

the ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences (OK-6);

ability for self-organization and self-education (OK-7);

the ability to use the methods and means of physical culture to ensure a full-fledged social and professional activity (OK-8);

readiness to use the main methods of protecting production personnel and the population from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters (OK-9).

5.3. A graduate who has mastered the undergraduate program must have the following general professional competencies:

the ability to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws, as well as generally recognized principles, norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation (OPK-1);

the ability to work for the benefit of society and the state (OPK-2);

the ability to conscientiously perform professional duties, to comply with the principles of ethics of a lawyer (GPC-3);

the ability to maintain and strengthen public confidence in the legal community (GPC-4);

the ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech (OPK-5);

the ability to improve the level of their professional competence (OPK-6);

the ability to master the necessary skills of professional communication in a foreign language (GPC-7).

5.4. A graduate who has mastered the undergraduate program must have professional competencies, corresponding to the type (types) of professional activity, to which (which) the undergraduate program is oriented:

normative activity:

the ability to participate in the development of regulatory legal acts in accordance with the profile of their professional activities (PC-1);

law enforcement activities:

the ability to carry out professional activities on the basis of a developed sense of justice, legal thinking and legal culture (PC-2);

the ability to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by subjects of law (PC-3);

the ability to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (PC-4);

the ability to apply regulatory legal acts, to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law in professional activities (PC-5);

the ability to legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances (PC-6);

possession of skills in the preparation of legal documents (PC-7);

law enforcement:

readiness to perform official duties to ensure law and order, security of the individual, society, state (PC-8);

the ability to respect the honor and dignity of the individual, to observe and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (PC-9);

the ability to detect, prevent, disclose and investigate crimes and other offenses (PC-10);

the ability to prevent offenses, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to their commission (PC-11);

the ability to identify, assess corrupt behavior and contribute to its suppression (PC-12);

the ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activity in legal and other documentation (PC-13);

expert and consulting activities:

readiness to take part in the legal examination of draft regulatory legal acts, including in order to identify provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for the manifestation of corruption (PC-14);

the ability to interpret normative legal acts (PC-15);

the ability to give qualified legal opinions and advice in specific types of legal activities (PC-16).

5.5. When developing a bachelor's program, all general cultural and general professional competencies, as well as professional competencies related to those types of professional activities that the bachelor's program is focused on, are included in the set of required results for mastering the bachelor's program.

5.6. When developing a bachelor's program, an organization has the right to supplement the set of competencies of graduates, taking into account the orientation of the bachelor's program to specific areas of knowledge and (or) type (s) of activity.

5.7. When developing a bachelor's program, the requirements for learning outcomes in individual disciplines (modules), practices, the organization sets independently, taking into account the requirements of the relevant exemplary basic educational programs.

VI. Requirements for the structure of the undergraduate program

6.1. includes a mandatory part (basic) and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable). This makes it possible to implement undergraduate programs that have a different focus (profile) of education within the same area of ​​study (hereinafter referred to as the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program).

6.2. The undergraduate program consists of the following blocks:

Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)", which includes disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program, and disciplines (modules) related to its variable part;

Block 2 "Practices", which fully refers to the variable part of the program;

Block 3 "State final certification", which fully relates to the basic part of the program and ends with the assignment of a qualification indicated in the list of areas of higher education training approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
List of areas of training for higher education - undergraduate, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 14, 2013, registration N 30163), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), dated August 20, 2014 N 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2014, registration N 33947) , dated October 13, 2014 N 1313 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), dated March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994) and dated October 1, 2015 N 1080 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 19 I am 2015, registration N 39355).

The structure of the undergraduate program



The structure of the undergraduate program

The volume of the undergraduate program in z.u.

Disciplines (modules)

Basic part

Variable part


Variable part

State final certification

Basic part

Scope of the undergraduate program

6.3. Disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the bachelor's program are mandatory for students to master, regardless of the direction (profile) of the bachelor's program that he is mastering. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the undergraduate program, the organization determines independently in the part not regulated by paragraphs 6.4 and 6.5 of this GEF HE, taking into account the relevant (relevant) exemplary (exemplary) main (basic) educational (educational) program (s). ).
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on August 19, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 13, 2017 N 653.

6.4. Disciplines (modules) in philosophy, history of state and law of Russia, history of state and law of foreign countries, foreign language, foreign language in the field of jurisprudence, life safety, theory of state and law, constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, civil procedure, arbitration process, labor law, criminal law, criminal procedure, environmental law, land law, financial law, tax law, business law, international law, private international law, criminalistics, social security law, family law, criminology, are implemented within the framework of the basic part of the Block 1 undergraduate program. The volume, content and procedure for the implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.
(Paragraph as amended, entered into force on September 1, 2018 by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated January 11, 2018 N 28.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented within the framework of:

the basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" of the undergraduate program in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 credits) in full-time education;

elective disciplines (modules) in the amount of at least 328 academic hours. The specified academic hours are obligatory for development and in z.e. are not translated.

Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented in the manner prescribed by the organization. For people with disabilities and people with disabilities, the organization establishes a special procedure for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports, taking into account their state of health.

6.6. Disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the undergraduate program and practice determine the direction (profile) of the undergraduate program. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the undergraduate program and practices, the organization determines independently in the amount established by this Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. After the student chooses the direction (profile) of the undergraduate program, a set of relevant disciplines (modules) and practices becomes mandatory for the student to master.

6.7. Block 2 "Practices" includes educational and production, including undergraduate, practice.

Type of study practice:

practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities.

Ways of conducting educational practice:



Field trip type:

practice for obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity.

Ways of conducting industrial practice:



Pre-diploma practice is carried out to perform the final qualifying work and is mandatory if the educational organization has included the defense of the final qualifying work in the state final certification.

When developing undergraduate programs, the organization selects the types of practices depending on the type (s) of activity to which the undergraduate program is (are) oriented. The organization has the right to provide for other types of practices in the undergraduate program in addition to those established by these Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education.

Educational and (or) production practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the organization.

The choice of places for internships for persons with disabilities is made taking into account the state of health of students and accessibility requirements.

6.8. Block 3 "State final certification" includes preparation for passing and passing the state exam, as well as the defense of the final qualification work, including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure (if the organization has included the defense of the final qualification work in the state final certification).

6.9. When developing a bachelor's program, students are provided with the opportunity to master disciplines (modules) of their choice, including special conditions for people with disabilities and people with disabilities, in the amount of at least 20 percent of the variable part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)".

6.10. The number of hours allotted for lecture-type classes, in general, for Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" should not exceed 50 percent of the total number of classroom hours allocated for the implementation of this Block.

VII. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the undergraduate program

7.1. General system requirements for the implementation of the undergraduate program.

7.1.1. The organization must have a material and technical base that complies with the current fire rules and regulations, and ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students, provided for by the curriculum.

7.1.2. Each student during the entire period of study must be provided with individual unlimited access to one or more electronic library systems (electronic libraries) and to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization. The electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment should provide the ability for the student to access from any point where there is access to the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network), both on the territory of the organization and and outside of it.

The electronic information and educational environment of the organization should provide:

access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, and to publications of electronic library systems and electronic educational resources specified in work programs;

fixing the course of the educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of mastering the undergraduate program;

conducting all types of classes, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for using e-learning, distance learning technologies;

the formation of an electronic portfolio of the student, including the preservation of the student's work, reviews and assessments of these works by any participants in the educational process;

interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and/or asynchronous interaction via the Internet.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is ensured by appropriate means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of employees using and supporting it. The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3448; 2010, N 31, Art. 4196; 2011, N 15, item 2038; N 30, item 4600; 2012, N 31, item 4328; 2013, N 14, item 1658; N 23, item 2870; N 27, item 3479; N 52, item 6961, item 6963; 2014, N 19, item 2302; N 30, item 4223, item 4243, N 48, item 6645; 2015, N 1, item 84; N 27, item 3979; N 29, Art. 4389, Art. 4390; 2016, N 28, Art. 4558), Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31, Art. 3451; 2009, N 48, item 5716; N 52, item 6439; 2010, N 27, item 3407; N 31, item 4173, item 4196; N 49, item 6409; 2011, N 23, 3263; N 31, item 4701; 2013, N 14, item 1651; N 30, item 4038; N 51, item 6683; 2014, N 23, item 2927; N 30, item 4217, 4243).

7.1.3. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's program in the network form, the requirements for the implementation of the bachelor's program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical and educational support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of the bachelor's program in the network form.

7.1.4. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's program at departments or other structural divisions of the organization created in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations, the requirements for the implementation of the bachelor's program must be provided by a combination of resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of the management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization must comply with the qualification characteristics established in the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Managers and Specialists of Higher Professional and Additional Professional Education", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237) and professional standards (if any).

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 60 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.2. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of undergraduate programs.

7.2.1. The implementation of the undergraduate program is provided by the scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the undergraduate program on the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with an education corresponding to the profile of the discipline (module) being taught in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program should be at least 90 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title obtained abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program, should be at least 60 percent.

7.2.4. The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from the number of managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the direction (profile) of the bachelor's program being implemented (having at least 5 years of work experience in this professional field) in the total number of employees implementing the bachelor's program should be at least 5 percent.

7.3. Requirements for the material, technical and educational and methodological support of the undergraduate program.

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, course design (term papers), group and individual consultations, current control and intermediate certification, as well as rooms for independent work and rooms for storage and preventive maintenance of educational equipment. Special rooms should be equipped with specialized furniture and teaching aids that serve to present educational information to a large audience.

For conducting lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations, if this is provided for by the relevant work programs of disciplines (modules).

The list of material and technical support necessary for the implementation of the undergraduate program includes a training courtroom, as well as a laboratory equipped for conducting classes in forensic science. Specific requirements for material and technical and educational and methodological support are determined in exemplary basic educational programs.

Premises for independent work of students should be equipped with computers with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

In the case of the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies, it is allowed to replace specially equipped rooms with their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master the skills and abilities provided for by professional activities.

In case of non-use of the electronic library system (electronic library) in the organization, the library fund must be completed with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each of the publications of the main literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software (the composition is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual renewal).

7.3.3. Electronic library systems (electronic library) and electronic information and educational environment should provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the undergraduate program.

7.3.4. Students should be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of using e-learning, distance learning technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating.

7.3.5. Students from among persons with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations, or with technical means of transmitting information from available non-adapted resources.

7.4. Requirements for the financial conditions for the implementation of undergraduate programs.

7.4.1. Financial support for the implementation of the undergraduate program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and area of ​​training, taking into account adjustment factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the Methodology for determining regulatory costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of educational programs of higher education in specialties (training areas) and enlarged groups of specialties (training areas), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2015 N 1272 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30 2015, registration N 39898).

Revision of the document, taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of study

40.03.01 Jurisprudence (undergraduate level)

In accordance with clause 5.2.41 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2013 No. 466 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, No. 23, Art. 2923), s in a yu:

    Approve the attached federal state educational standard of higher education in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence (undergraduate level).

    Recognize invalid the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 4, 2010 No. 464 “On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training 030900 Jurisprudence (qualification (degree) “Bachelor”) (registered by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation on May 21, 2010, registration number 17337).

Minister D.V. Livanov

Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education

Level of higher education


Direction of training

40.03.01 Jurisprudence


Academic Bachelor

Applied Bachelor

  1. Application area

1.1. This federal state educational standard of higher education is a set of mandatory requirements for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence, implemented by educational organizations of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the educational organization).

1.2. This FSES HE establishes requirements for undergraduate programs in the field of study 40.03.01 Jurisprudence, upon completion of which the qualification “academic bachelor” is awarded (hereinafter referred to as bachelor’s programs with the qualification “academic bachelor”), and to bachelor’s programs, upon completion of which the qualification “applied bachelor” is awarded (hereinafter referred to as bachelor’s programs with the qualification “applied bachelor” ").

II. Abbreviations Used

The following abbreviations are used in this standard:

IN- higher education;

OK– general cultural competences;

OPK– general professional competences;

PC– professional competencies;

PPK– professional and applied competencies;

Network form- a network form of educational programs implementation;

GEF VO– federal state educational

higher education standard.

The following abbreviations are used in this federal state educational standard:

OK - general cultural competencies;

GPC - general professional competencies;

PC - professional competencies;

FSES VO - federal state educational standard of higher education;

network form - a network form for the implementation of educational programs.


3.1. Obtaining education under the undergraduate program is allowed only in an educational organization of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the organization).

3.2. Education under the undergraduate program in the organization is carried out in full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education.

The volume of the bachelor's program is 240 credit units (hereinafter referred to as credits), regardless of the form of study, the educational technologies used, the implementation of the bachelor's program using the network form, the implementation of the bachelor's program according to an individual curriculum, including accelerated learning.

3.3. The term for obtaining education under the bachelor's program:

in full-time education, including vacations provided after passing the state final certification, regardless of the educational technologies used, is 4 years. The volume of the undergraduate program in full-time study, implemented in one academic year, is 60 CU;

in part-time or extramural forms of study, regardless of the educational technologies used, increases by at least 6 months and no more than 1 year, compared with the period for obtaining full-time education. The volume of the undergraduate program for one academic year in part-time or correspondence forms of study cannot exceed 75 CU;

(As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 13, 2017 N 653)

when studying according to an individual curriculum, regardless of the form of education, it is no more than the period for obtaining education established for the corresponding form of education, and when studying according to an individual plan for people with disabilities, it can be increased at their request by no more than 1 year compared to the term of obtaining education for the corresponding form of education. The volume of the undergraduate program for one academic year when studying according to an individual plan, regardless of the form of study, cannot be more than 75 CU.

The specific term for obtaining education and the volume of the undergraduate program implemented in one academic year, in part-time or part-time forms of study, according to an individual plan, are determined by the organization independently within the time limits established by this paragraph.

(As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 13, 2017 N 653)

3.4. When implementing the undergraduate program, the organization has the right to use e-learning, distance learning technologies.

When teaching people with disabilities, e-learning, distance learning technologies should provide for the possibility of receiving and transmitting information in forms accessible to them.

3.5. The implementation of the undergraduate program is possible using the network form.

3.6. Educational activities under the undergraduate program are carried out in the state language of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified by the local regulatory act of the organization.



4.1. The field of professional activity of graduates who have mastered undergraduate programs includes:

development and implementation of legal norms;

ensuring law and order.

4.2. The objects of professional activity of graduates who have mastered undergraduate programs are:

public relations in the field of implementation of legal norms, ensuring law and order.

4.3. Types of professional activities for which graduates who have mastered the undergraduate program are preparing:


law enforcement;

law enforcement;

expert consulting.

When developing and implementing a bachelor's program, an organization focuses on a specific type (types) of professional activity for which (which) a bachelor is preparing, based on the needs of the labor market, research and material and technical resources of the organization.

4.4. A graduate who has mastered the bachelor's program, in accordance with the type (types) of professional activity, to which (which) the bachelor's program is oriented, must be ready to solve the following professional tasks:

normative activity:

development of normative legal acts and their preparation for implementation;

justification and adoption of decisions within the limits of official duties, as well as the performance of actions related to the implementation of legal norms;

drafting legal documents;

ensuring the rule of law, law and order, security of the individual, society and the state;

protection of public order;

prevention, suppression, detection, disclosure and investigation of offenses;

protection of private, state, municipal and other forms of ownership;

legal advice;

implementation of legal examination of documents.


5.1. As a result of mastering the undergraduate program, the graduate should have general cultural, general professional and professional competencies.

5.2. A graduate who has mastered the undergraduate program should have the following general cultural competencies:

the ability to use the foundations of philosophical knowledge to form a worldview position (OK-1);

the ability to use the basics of economic knowledge in various fields of activity (OK-2);

possession of the main methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, skills in working with a computer as a means of information management (OK-3);

the ability to work with information in global computer networks (OK-4);

the ability to communicate in oral and written forms in Russian and foreign languages ​​to solve problems of interpersonal and intercultural interaction (OK-5);

the ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences (OK-6);

ability for self-organization and self-education (OK-7);

the ability to use the methods and means of physical culture to ensure a full-fledged social and professional activity (OK-8);

readiness to use the main methods of protecting production personnel and the population from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters (OK-9).

5.3. A graduate who has mastered the undergraduate program should have the following general professional competencies:

the ability to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws, as well as generally recognized principles, norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation (OPK-1);

the ability to work for the benefit of society and the state (OPK-2);

the ability to conscientiously perform professional duties, to comply with the principles of ethics of a lawyer (GPC-3);

the ability to maintain and strengthen public confidence in the legal community (GPC-4);

the ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech (OPK-5);

the ability to improve the level of their professional competence (OPK-6);

the ability to master the necessary skills of professional communication in a foreign language (GPC-7).

5.4. A graduate who has mastered a bachelor's program must have professional competencies corresponding to the type (s) of professional activity, to which (which) the bachelor's program is oriented:

normative activity:

the ability to participate in the development of regulatory legal acts in accordance with the profile of their professional activities (PC-1);

law enforcement activities:

the ability to carry out professional activities on the basis of a developed sense of justice, legal thinking and legal culture (PC-2);

the ability to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation by subjects of law (PC-3);

the ability to make decisions and perform legal actions in strict accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (PC-4);

the ability to apply regulatory legal acts, to implement the norms of substantive and procedural law in professional activities (PC-5);

the ability to legally correctly qualify facts and circumstances (PC-6);

possession of skills in the preparation of legal documents (PC-7);

law enforcement:

readiness to perform official duties to ensure law and order, security of the individual, society, state (PC-8);

the ability to respect the honor and dignity of the individual, to observe and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen (PC-9);

the ability to detect, prevent, disclose and investigate crimes and other offenses (PC-10);

the ability to prevent offenses, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to their commission (PC-11);

the ability to identify, assess corrupt behavior and contribute to its suppression (PC-12);

the ability to correctly and fully reflect the results of professional activity in legal and other documentation (PC-13);

expert and consulting activities:

readiness to take part in the legal examination of draft regulatory legal acts, including in order to identify provisions in them that contribute to the creation of conditions for the manifestation of corruption (PC-14);

the ability to interpret normative legal acts (PC-15);

the ability to give qualified legal opinions and advice in specific types of legal activities (PC-16).

5.5. When developing a bachelor's program, all general cultural and general professional competencies, as well as professional competencies related to those types of professional activities that the bachelor's program is focused on, are included in the set of required results for mastering the bachelor's program.

5.6. When developing a bachelor's program, an organization has the right to supplement the set of competencies of graduates, taking into account the orientation of the bachelor's program to specific areas of knowledge and (or) type (s) of activity.

5.7. When developing a bachelor's program, the requirements for learning outcomes in individual disciplines (modules), practices, the organization sets independently, taking into account the requirements of the relevant exemplary basic educational programs.


6.1. The structure of the undergraduate program includes a mandatory part (basic) and a part formed by participants in educational relations (variable). This makes it possible to implement undergraduate programs that have a different focus (profile) of education within the same area of ​​study (hereinafter referred to as the focus (profile) of the bachelor's program).

6.2. The undergraduate program consists of the following blocks:

Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)", which includes disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the program, and disciplines (modules) related to its variable part;

Block 2 "Practices", which fully refers to the variable part of the program;

Block 3 "State final certification", which is fully related to the basic part of the program and ends with the assignment of a qualification indicated in the list of areas of higher education training approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The structure of the undergraduate program

The volume of the undergraduate program in z.u.

Disciplines (modules)

Basic part

Variable part


Variable part

State final certification

Basic part

Scope of the undergraduate program

6.3. Disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the bachelor's program are mandatory for students to master, regardless of the direction (profile) of the bachelor's program that he is mastering. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the undergraduate program, the organization determines independently in the part not regulated by paragraphs 6.4 and 6.5 of this GEF HE, taking into account the relevant (relevant) exemplary (exemplary) main (basic) educational (educational) program (s). ).

(clause 6.3 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 13, 2017 N 653)

6.4. Disciplines (modules) in philosophy, history of state and law of Russia, history of state and law of foreign countries, foreign language, foreign language in the field of jurisprudence, life safety, theory of state and law, constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, civil procedure, arbitration process, labor law, criminal law, criminal procedure, environmental law, land law, financial law, tax law, business law, international law, private international law, criminalistics, social security law, are implemented within the framework of the basic part of Block 1 of the undergraduate program. The volume, content and procedure for the implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented within the framework of:

the basic part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" of the undergraduate program in the amount of at least 72 academic hours (2 credits) in full-time education;

elective disciplines (modules) in the amount of at least 328 academic hours. The specified academic hours are obligatory for development and in z.e. are not translated.

Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented in the manner prescribed by the organization. For people with disabilities and people with disabilities, the organization establishes a special procedure for mastering disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports, taking into account their state of health.

6.6. Disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the undergraduate program and practice determine the direction (profile) of the undergraduate program. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the variable part of the undergraduate program and practices, the organization determines independently in the amount established by this Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. After the student chooses the direction (profile) of the undergraduate program, a set of relevant disciplines (modules) and practices becomes mandatory for the student to master.

6.7. Block 2 "Practices" includes educational and production, including undergraduate, practice.

Type of study practice:

practice for obtaining primary professional skills and abilities.

Ways of conducting educational practice:



Field trip type:

practice for obtaining professional skills and experience of professional activity.

Ways of conducting industrial practice:



Pre-diploma practice is carried out to perform the final qualifying work and is mandatory if the educational organization has included the defense of the final qualifying work in the state final certification.

When developing undergraduate programs, the organization selects the types of practices depending on the type (s) of activity to which the undergraduate program is (are) oriented. The organization has the right to provide for other types of practices in the undergraduate program in addition to those established by these Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education.

Educational and (or) production practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the organization.

The choice of places for internships for persons with disabilities is made taking into account the state of health of students and accessibility requirements.

6.8. Block 3 "State final certification" includes preparation for passing and passing the state exam, as well as the defense of the final qualification work, including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure (if the organization has included the defense of the final qualification work in the state final certification).

6.9. When developing a bachelor's program, students are provided with the opportunity to master disciplines (modules) of their choice, including special conditions for people with disabilities and people with disabilities, in the amount of at least 20 percent of the variable part of Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)".

6.10. The number of hours allotted for lecture-type classes, in general, for Block 1 "Disciplines (modules)" should not exceed 50 percent of the total number of classroom hours allocated for the implementation of this Block.

7.1.1. The organization must have a material and technical base that complies with the current fire rules and regulations, and ensures the conduct of all types of disciplinary and interdisciplinary training, practical and research work of students, provided for by the curriculum.

7.1.2. Each student during the entire period of study must be provided with individual unlimited access to one or more electronic library systems (electronic libraries) and to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization. The electronic library system (electronic library) and the electronic information and educational environment should provide the ability for the student to access from any point where there is access to the information and telecommunication network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network), both on the territory of the organization and and outside of it.

The electronic information and educational environment of the organization should provide:

access to curricula, work programs of disciplines (modules), practices, and to publications of electronic library systems and electronic educational resources specified in work programs;

fixing the course of the educational process, the results of intermediate certification and the results of mastering the undergraduate program;

conducting all types of classes, procedures for assessing learning outcomes, the implementation of which is provided for using e-learning, distance learning technologies;

the formation of an electronic portfolio of the student, including the preservation of the student's work, reviews and assessments of these works by any participants in the educational process;

interaction between participants in the educational process, including synchronous and/or asynchronous interaction via the Internet.

The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment is ensured by appropriate means of information and communication technologies and the qualifications of employees using and supporting it. The functioning of the electronic information and educational environment must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

7.1.3. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's program in the network form, the requirements for the implementation of the bachelor's program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical and educational support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of the bachelor's program in the network form.

7.1.4. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's program at departments or other structural divisions of the organization created in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations, the requirements for the implementation of the bachelor's program must be provided by a combination of resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of the management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization must comply with the qualifications established in the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Managers and Specialists of Higher Professional and Additional Professional Education", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237) and professional standards (if any).

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 60 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.2.1. The implementation of the undergraduate program is provided by the scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the undergraduate program on the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with an education corresponding to the profile of the discipline (module) being taught in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program should be at least 90 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title obtained abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program, should be at least 60 percent.

7.2.4. The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from the number of managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the direction (profile) of the bachelor's program being implemented (having at least 5 years of work experience in this professional field) in the total number of employees implementing the bachelor's program should be at least 5 percent.

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, course design (term papers), group and individual consultations, current control and intermediate certification, as well as rooms for independent work and rooms for storage and preventive maintenance of educational equipment. Special rooms should be equipped with specialized furniture and teaching aids that serve to present educational information to a large audience.

For conducting lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations, if this is provided for by the relevant work programs and disciplines (modules).

The list of material and technical support necessary for the implementation of the undergraduate program includes a training courtroom, as well as a laboratory equipped for conducting classes in forensic science. Specific requirements for material and technical and educational and methodological support are determined in exemplary basic educational programs.

Premises for independent work of students should be equipped with computers with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

In the case of the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies, it is allowed to replace specially equipped rooms with their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master the skills and abilities provided for by professional activities.

In case of non-use of the electronic library system (electronic library) in the organization, the library fund must be completed with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each of the publications of the main literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software (the composition is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual renewal).

7.3.3. Electronic library systems (electronic library) and electronic information and educational environment should provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the undergraduate program.

7.3.4. Students should be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of using e-learning, distance learning technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating.

7.3.5. Students from among persons with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations, or with technical means of transmitting information from available non-adapted resources.

7.4.1. Financial support for the implementation of the undergraduate program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and direction of training, taking into account adjustment factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the Methodology for determining regulatory costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of educational programs of higher education in specialties (training areas) and enlarged groups of specialties (training areas), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2015 N 1272 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30 2015, registration N 39898).


The structure of the undergraduate program

Program scope


Disciplines (modules)

Basic part

Variable part


Variable part

State final certification

Basic part

Scope of the undergraduate program

6.3. Disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the bachelor's program are mandatory for students to master, regardless of the direction (profile) of the bachelor's program that he is mastering. The set of disciplines (modules) related to the basic part of the undergraduate program, the organization determines independently in the part not regulated by paragraphs 6.4 and 6.5 of this GEF HE, taking into account the relevant (relevant) exemplary (exemplary) main (basic) educational (educational) program (s). ).

6.4. Disciplines (modules) in philosophy, history of state and law of Russia, history of state and law of foreign countries, foreign language, foreign language in the field of jurisprudence, life safety, theory of state and law, constitutional law, administrative law, civil law, civil procedure, arbitration process, labor law, criminal law, criminal procedure, environmental law, land law, financial law, tax law, business law, international law, private international law, criminalistics, social security law, family law, criminology, are implemented within the framework of the basic part of the Block 1 undergraduate program. The volume, content and procedure for the implementation of these disciplines (modules) are determined by the organization independently.

6.5. Disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports are implemented within the framework of:

7.1.3. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's program in the network form, the requirements for the implementation of the bachelor's program must be provided by a set of resources of material, technical and educational support provided by organizations participating in the implementation of the bachelor's program in the network form.

7.1.4. In the case of the implementation of the bachelor's program at departments or other structural divisions of the organization created in accordance with the established procedure in other organizations, the requirements for the implementation of the bachelor's program must be provided by a combination of resources of these organizations.

7.1.5. The qualifications of the management and scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization must comply with the qualifications established in the Unified Qualification Directory for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees, section "Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Managers and Specialists of Higher Professional and Additional Professional Education", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 11, 2011 N 1n (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 23, 2011, registration N 20237) and professional standards (if any).

7.1.6. The share of full-time scientific and pedagogical workers (in rates reduced to integer values) must be at least 60 percent of the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers of the organization.

7.2. Requirements for personnel conditions for the implementation of undergraduate programs.

7.2.1. The implementation of the undergraduate program is provided by the scientific and pedagogical employees of the organization, as well as by persons involved in the implementation of the undergraduate program on the terms of a civil law contract.

7.2.2. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) with an education corresponding to the profile of the discipline (module) being taught in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program should be at least 90 percent.

7.2.3. The share of scientific and pedagogical workers (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) who have an academic degree (including an academic degree awarded abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation) and (or) an academic title (including an academic title obtained abroad and recognized in the Russian Federation), in the total number of scientific and pedagogical workers implementing the undergraduate program, should be at least 60 percent.

7.2.4. The share of employees (in terms of rates reduced to integer values) from the number of managers and employees of organizations whose activities are related to the direction (profile) of the bachelor's program being implemented (having at least 5 years of work experience in this professional field) in the total number of employees implementing the bachelor's program should be at least 5 percent.

7.3. Requirements for the material, technical and educational and methodological support of the undergraduate program.

7.3.1. Special premises should be classrooms for conducting lecture-type classes, seminar-type classes, course design (term papers), group and individual consultations, current control and intermediate certification, as well as rooms for independent work and rooms for storage and preventive maintenance of educational equipment. Special rooms should be equipped with specialized furniture and teaching aids that serve to present educational information to a large audience.

For lecture-type classes, sets of demonstration equipment and educational visual aids are offered, providing thematic illustrations, if this is provided for by the relevant work programs of disciplines (modules).

The list of material and technical support necessary for the implementation of the undergraduate program includes a training courtroom, as well as a laboratory equipped for conducting classes in forensic science. Specific requirements for material and technical and educational and methodological support are determined in exemplary basic educational programs.

Premises for independent work of students should be equipped with computers with the ability to connect to the Internet and provide access to the electronic information and educational environment of the organization.

In the case of the use of e-learning, distance learning technologies, it is allowed to replace specially equipped rooms with their virtual counterparts, allowing students to master the skills and abilities provided for by professional activities.

In case of non-use of the electronic library system (electronic library) in the organization, the library fund must be completed with printed publications at the rate of at least 50 copies of each of the publications of the main literature listed in the work programs of disciplines (modules), practices and at least 25 copies of additional literature per 100 students.

7.3.2. The organization must be provided with the necessary set of licensed software (the composition is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual renewal).

7.3.3. Electronic library systems (electronic library) and electronic information and educational environment should provide simultaneous access to at least 25 percent of students in the undergraduate program.

7.3.4. Students should be provided with access (remote access), including in the case of using e-learning, distance learning technologies, to modern professional databases and information reference systems, the composition of which is determined in the work programs of disciplines (modules) and is subject to annual updating.

7.3.5. Students from among persons with disabilities should be provided with printed and (or) electronic educational resources in forms adapted to their health limitations, or with technical means of transmitting information from available non-adapted resources.

7.4. Requirements for the financial conditions for the implementation of undergraduate programs.

7.4.1. Financial support for the implementation of the undergraduate program should be carried out in an amount not lower than the basic standard costs established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services in the field of education for a given level of education and direction of training, taking into account adjustment factors that take into account the specifics of educational programs in accordance with the Methodology for determining regulatory costs for the provision of public services for the implementation of educational programs of higher education in specialties (training areas) and enlarged groups of specialties (training areas), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 30, 2015 N 1272 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30 2015, registration N 39898).


* Education under the bachelor's program is allowed in the correspondence form when persons receive a second or subsequent higher education.

** List of areas of training for higher education - bachelor's degree, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2013 N 1061 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 14, 2013, registration N 30163), as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), dated August 20, 2014 N 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2014, registration N 33947), dated October 13, 2014 N 1313 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), dated March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994) and dated October 1, 2015 N 1080 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 19 brya 2015, registration N 39355).

*** Federal Law No. 149-FZ of July 27, 2006 "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2006, No. 31, Art. 3448; 2010, No. 31, Art. 4196; 2011, N 15, item 2038; N 30, item 4600; 2012, N 31, item 4328; 2013, N 14, item 1658; N 23, item 2870; N 27, item 3479; N 52 , item 6961, item 6963; 2014, N 19, item 2302; N 30, item 4223, item 4243, N 48, item 6645; 2015, N 1, item 84; N 27, item 3979; N 29, article 4389, article 4390; 2016, N 28, article 4558), Federal Law of July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ "On Personal Data" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 31t 3451; 2009, N 48, item 5716; N 52, item 6439; 2010, N 27, item 3407; N 31, item 4173, item 4196; N 49, item 6409; 2011, N 23, item 3263; N 31, item 4701; 2013, N 14, item 1651; N 30, item 4038; N 51, item 6683; 2014, N 23, item 2927; N 30, item 4217, article 4243).

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