After depilation of intimate areas. How is hair removal in intimate places - methods and methods. Cons of sugar paste hair removal

Blocks 26.08.2020

According to polls, just a couple of years ago, only 9 women out of 100 did bikini and armpit hair removal at home. Today these numbers have grown dramatically, and many women seek to permanently remove hair in intimate places.

The absence of vegetation in intimate areas is, undoubtedly, beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and recently it is also fashionable. However, first of all, it is an important component of personal hygiene. Smooth skin without extra hairs keeps clean and fresh longer, especially in summer and during periods of heavy sweating. Wet skin combined with lush vegetation not only invariably leads to unpleasant odors, but is also an excellent breeding ground for various pathogenic bacteria.

Epilation or depilation?

You can get rid of unwanted hair by two methods: depilation and epilation. Depilation is the removal of hairs without affecting the root. To do this, use razors and special depilatory creams. However, depilation should be done every few days, because new hairs grow back rather quickly.

It will not be possible to permanently remove hair with this method. In the process of epilation, the hair is removed from the root, and the hair follicle is partially destroyed. It takes 2-4 weeks for the hairs to regrow, and the newly grown hair will be thinner and softer each time.

What components are used for home hair removal?

The most popular methods of getting rid of hair in the bikini area and armpits are waxing, or waxing (from the English word wax - wax) and epilation with sugar, or shugaring (from the English word sugar - sugar).

As the name suggests, wax is used in the waxing process. These are wax strips, you can buy them in a specialized store or in a pharmacy, or directly the wax itself. For shugaring, there are a huge number of mixtures of various manufacturers on sale. You can use one of them or try making pasta yourself.

Wax strips: an easy solution for home hair removal.

The easiest way to do wax epilation of intimate areas is with the help of special strips: fabric, paper. They do not differ in application, but paper ones are used once, and fabric ones can be used several times.

  1. You should make sure that the hairs in the treated area have a length of 1 to 3 cm. Hair that is longer or shorter will simply not take wax. Before epilation, the skin must be prepared: take a bath to steam it, rub it with a scrub, dry it and sprinkle it with talcum powder or baby powder. Talc will absorb moisture and prevent the wax from sticking to the skin. These steps will help make epilation less painful.
  2. The wax strips from the packaging are cut into small, narrow strips. The smaller the strip, the weaker the pain will be. In addition, intimate areas are quite inconvenient for self-epilation at home, and the use of small stripes makes the task a little easier.
  3. After rubbing the wax strip, warming it up, divide it in two and apply it to the treated area in the direction of hair growth. Press to iron for even adhesion of wax.
  4. Pull the skin with one hand and pull the wax strip vigorously against the direction of hair growth with the other.
  5. Repeat these steps with the next strips until the entire area is finished.
  6. At the end of epilation, remove the remaining wax with special oiled wipes, or with any vegetable oil, greasy cream or post-depilation product, by applying this product to a cotton pad and wiping the skin.

Important! The strip should be glued in one direction and torn off in the opposite direction.

This method is also suitable for deep epilation, i.e. hair removal not just along the line of the panties, but in the entire intimate area. However, it should be noted that in beauty salons such a procedure is done with special anesthesia, and at home, deep hair removal will be much more painful.

The video below shows what roughly looks like a bikini wax in the salon

Epilation of intimate areas with warm wax

You can also use warm wax at home. It warms up the skin, softens the hairs and hair follicles, which makes this method slightly less painful than waxing. The finished wax is sold in plastic cans. The disadvantage of this method is that the wax needs to be heated to a certain temperature, which is not so easy at home.

Convenient for home use are special wax melters, which are sold both complete with wax, and separately. You just need to set the desired temperature on the regulator and wait for the wax to warm up.

Features of the procedure for hair removal with warm wax

The basic principles of epilation of sensitive areas with this method do not differ from waxing with strips, i.e. you must first prepare the skin, apply wax in the direction of hair growth, etc. Caring for treated skin after the procedure is also the same. Only the process of applying wax to intimate areas is different:

  1. After the wax is heated to the required temperature, it is applied to the treated area with a thin strip from top to bottom, i.e. in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Apply wax as thin as possible.
  3. Press a strip of paper or fabric firmly against the wax, let the wax harden and adhere, and then pull against the direction of hair growth with a lightning movement.
  4. Treat the entire area in this way and remove any wax remaining on the skin.

Already after several waxing procedures for especially sensitive areas at home, a certain skill appears, and the process will not take much time.

Epilation with sugar of intimate areas

Along with wax hair removal, it is very popular for hair removal in particularly sensitive areas of shugaring. Most of the women surveyed prefer this particular method, because it is considered less painful, although it is more expensive.

Shugaring paste is sold, like wax, in any cosmetic store and in pharmacies. Using a ready-made paste is similar to wax epilation: a thin layer of a mixture is applied to the prepared and dusted with talcum powder with a spatula, and it should also be applied in the direction of hair growth. After that, a fabric strip is pressed to the mixture, and after 5-10 seconds, when the paste completely adheres, the strip must be pulled with lightning speed against hair growth. If not all hairs are removed, repeat the procedure, but it is not recommended to do this more than three times in one area.

Important! If shugaring is carried out in intimate areas for the very first time, then it is necessary to grow hairs to a length of 5-6 mm. In the future, 2-3 mm of length will be enough for the sugar paste to "grab" the hair.

Before epilation sugar, you can wipe the treated area with ice cubes. Immediately after pulling out the hairs, put your hand to this place, and after the procedure, lubricate the skin with tea tree oil or lotion with aloe, they will remove redness and cool the skin. All these actions will help to slightly reduce painful sensations, which is especially important if a woman decides to epilate a deep bikini.

Sugar paste for sugaring

Unlike wax, the sugar mixture can be made easily at home. The cooking process will take about 20 minutes:

  1. You need to take 10 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of water and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. Mix thoroughly, put on low heat and simmer until a homogeneous golden brown consistency is obtained. The mixture should smell like caramel. If it is too dark and has a pungent smell, then you need to cook it again. A very thick mixture is not suitable for the bikini area. The paste should have the consistency of liquid caramel.
  3. After the desired color and consistency are reached, you need to check the readiness: carefully, so as not to burn yourself, take a little paste on your fingers and try to roll the ball. If the ball does not stick to your hands, then the shugaring mixture is ready.

Now you can start epilation.

Important! Be sure to let the mixture cool down after cooking to avoid scalding.

A little paste needs to be kneaded in your hands until it becomes soft and elastic. Spread this ball in a thin layer on a small area of \u200b\u200bpreviously prepared skin (steamed, powdered with talcum powder, etc.). Then press the fabric strip on top and wait until the sugar mixture is completely dry.

Then, with a vigorous movement, peel off the strip in the direction opposite to the direction of hair growth. The remaining sugar mixture is easily washed off with plain warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with any moisturizing lotion or tonic.

In order to prevent ingrown hairs from appearing in the skin, it is recommended to treat the skin with a scrub every 2 days after epilation.

Who is not allowed to epilate intimate areas?

Before proceeding with the epilation procedure, be sure to make sure that there are no contraindications. These include:

  • wounds, ulcers, inflammations, i.e. any damage to the skin;
  • diabetes mellitus (for shugaring);
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • the presence of moles or papillomas;
  • menstrual days.

In general, before self-epilation of the bikini area and underarms, it is best to consult a doctor to be sure that there are no contraindications.

Are hairs removed permanently?

Sugar and wax hair removal will make the skin in intimate areas soft and smooth, but, unfortunately, this procedure must be carried out regularly. Yes, each time the newly grown hairs will be thinner and lighter, but nevertheless, they will not stop growing. If a woman is determined and wants to permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation, it is better to contact a beauty salon, where she will be offered one of the modern hair removal procedures (photoepilation, laser hair removal, etc.), which remove hair once and for all.

Depilation refers to the removal of hair from the surface of the skin, and its most well-known methods are shaving and using a special cream that softens and removes hairs. Depilation does not affect the hair follicle and does not destroy it, unlike epilation - hair removal along with the bulb. Depilation of the intimate zone is simple, painless and quick - the procedure usually does not take more than 5 minutes.


Depilation of the intimate area is not to the liking of every girl or woman - some are afraid of pain and irritation, others are quite satisfied with their vegetation. Like any procedure, depilation has positive and not very specific features:

  • Allows you to get rid of hair quickly and painlessly;
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors. Regrown hair (no matter where) is able to retain on its "body" droplets of sweat and sebum - sebum, and the latter tend to smell unpleasant, plus bacteria are spreading in the hairs. Especially this problem - pregnant women and simply those who have hormonal changes suffer from excessive sweating;
  • Smooth skin in the intimate area charges with confidence more abruptly expensive lingerie, experts say;
  • Women's depilation allows you not to remove hair cleanly, but to remove the length or get rid of only the protruding hairs from under the panties;
  • Depilation of a deep bikini means the removal of hairs completely and is especially common among young girls.

Speaking about the positive aspects of depilation, one cannot fail to note its negative ones:

  • May cause skin irritation;
  • May lead to ingrown hairs;
  • Requires fixed costs - buying a razor, cassettes or blades for it, cream and other accessories, including skin care products;
  • Does not have a long-lasting effect.

What is the name of?

The groin area of \u200b\u200bwomen is called "bikini", and speaking about this intimate area, one cannot but say that bikini depilation is deep and classic. Depilation "classic" bikini means the removal of only those hairs that go beyond the panties, that is, all unnecessary, they usually look untidy and can be disgusting. "Deep" bikini - Hair removal from the entire groin, including the labia and intergluteal region, but as an exception, you can leave a small strip of short pubic hair.

Types and methods

There are two ways of depilation, that is, removing hair from the surface of the skin - using a razor or cream.


The easiest and most painless way to get rid of hair in the intimate area, but not the most modern and long-lasting - the hair begins to grow back in a day, and the intimate area looks like a hedgehog.

Now there are dozens and even hundreds of models of razors from simple disposable to modern with a floating head and an additional property to soothe the skin (due to the release of the gel from the machine).

The razor does a good job of full hair removal, that is, a "deep bikini" thanks to the thin blades and small razor head, but there is a possibility of cutting the skin.


Depilatory cream literally "dissolves" the hair on the surface, but its getting on the mucous membrane of the skin (and it is in the intimate area) is undesirable. This method is also painless, but not all creams cope with coarse and long hairs on the body; an additional razor often has to achieve the ideal effect.

Depilatory cream Velvet It qualitatively removes hairs and slows down their further growth; the brand's line includes products for various parts of the body, including the intimate area and sensitive skin in general. Depilation with a "mini-bikini" complex allows you to get rid of vegetation for a period of 3 to 6 months, and even at home. The manufacturer says that his product does not remove hair, and only stops its growth, so the cream and oil should be used in the complex only after any epilation procedure - using a home epilator or going to sugaring procedures or waxing. The opinion of consumers about this product is divided - some praise it for its "smooth" result, others do not see anything special in the composition of the product and its work.

By the way, about the composition of the "mini-bikini": a complex of saturated fats, organic acids, iodine in high concentration and rambutan seed oil.


Depilation is the easiest and cheapest way to remove hairs in the bikini area, and there are not many tools available for its implementation.


It is practically painless and does not affect the deep processes in the skin (unlike epilation, when the hairs are removed along with the bulb). It is advisable to shave with a special gel, cream or foam so that the razor blade glides better over the skin surface, captures even small hairs, and the additional product will protect against cuts and dry skin.

Shaving disrupts the structure of the hair, as does removing it with an epilator, sugar or wax. It can change the direction of hair growth, lead to irritation and other consequences from depilation or epilation, and to avoid unpleasant moments, it is necessary to carry out the procedure according to simple recommendations:

  • Use a razor in the shower or after taking a bath on a damp, slightly steamed body - so the hairs will be easier to grasp and remove;
  • Use a special cream, not soap (the latter dries the skin very much and does not provide a sliding surface for the razor blades);
  • Remove hair according to hair growth, if the skin is sensitive or thin or against - it is more effective;
  • Additionally, pluck hairs with tweezersif they are sparse in some area - frequent shaving can cause new thick and dark hair to grow.

Using the cream

A known method for removing hair from the intimate area. This product is simple to use: it is enough to apply it on the skin along the hair growth with a spatula and leave for a certain time, then remove it against the growth with the same spatula. Modern manufacturers of cosmetics for depilation offer creams "for all occasions" - for sensitive skin, for the bikini area, legs and armpits, for normal dermis and others.

Which one to choose - stop your attention on creams for the intimate area or sensitive areas of the body, since their composition is usually simplified and "on hand" to the consumer.

Cream Velvet- one of the most famous and affordable hair removal products, including those from the intimate area. A cream is suitable for removing hairs from the bikini area. Velvetfor sensitive skin with olive oil and chamomile, special Velvet Intim»For working with the intimate area with chamomile in the composition. It is inferior to hot wax in a cartridge in terms of the duration of the effect, but surpasses the notorious razor - the hairs grow thinner.

Ingrown hairs can appear from any type of depilation, and a special cream or lotion will help prevent their appearance, for example, “ Depileve folisan". The liquid form of the product is convenient for use on the bikini area. In a lotion against ingrown hairs " Depileve folisan»Contains acetylsalicylic acid (dries the skin, relieves inflammation, redness), glycerin (perfectly moisturizes, nourishes the epidermis, soothes and stimulates cell renewal, effectively heals damaged or dry skin).

Folk recipes

Our great-grandmothers thought about getting rid of hair, from whom simple methods or recipes have come down to us.

Hydrogen peroxide or peroxide

« Old-timers»It is recommended to wipe your hair 2-3 times a day and say that the vegetation will soon acquire a lighter, imperceptible shade. This recipe is not a 100% way to get rid of body hair, but it is often used to bleach hair and especially on the face.

Potassium permanganate

Or potassium permanganate. Excellent fights against unwanted vegetation - so the "experienced" say. The essence of its use is to dilute a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate and daily wipe it on body parts with vegetation, in our case in the intimate area. The highly concentrated composition of potassium permanganate is dangerous - it is easy for them to get burns, and especially when in contact with the mucous membrane (in the intimate area it is also available).

In addition, the manganese solution gives a noticeable coloring effect on the skin from light yellow to brown.


A mixture of ammonia, classic alcohol and iodine effectively fights hair. The recipe is quite simple: you need to mix 70 gr. alcohol, 10 gr. "Ammonia", 10 gr. castor oil and 3 gr. iodine. The resulting solution should be wiped off the skin twice a day.


The abrasive surface of the pumice stone can get rid of hairs - the daily use of a "grater" for the feet literally eliminates hair from the surface of the body, they say on the forums. It is worth noting that this method is traumatic, and especially for the intimate area - the skin there is delicate. The essence of the method is to rub the skin 1-2 times a day until slightly reddening and wait for natural hair loss.

Popular methods of dealing with unwanted vegetation in the bikini area are rather dubious: it is not known how long hair will begin to fall out from daily rubbing with a pumice stone or compresses of iodine and alcohol. It is likely that getting burned or severely irritated will be faster than getting rid of hairs.

What is the best thing to do in the bikini area?

Razor or cream - depending on how you are used to doing it. Daily shaving with a razor is not very good for our skin - it gets irritated, dried out and just injured from frequent contact with the blade, the same can be said about depilatory cream - you simply cannot use it daily. Irritation is the most common consequence of daily depilation procedures and especially in the bikini area, it can be expressed by mild redness, rash, itching and even soreness on the skin.

If we talk about sensitive skin, it is necessary to test both shaving and several depilatory creams in order to determine “yours”. With the growth of coarse, coarse and dark hair, you can try several brands of depilatory creams, suddenly there is a product with maximum efficiency among them - it will effectively remove hairs in the bikini area, will not cause irritation on the skin and they will not grow like leaps and bounds ... Those with fine blonde hair can also try to find their perfect cream or continue using the razor, especially if the new hairs are growing slowly.

How to do it at home?

Correct preparation.The optimal time for the procedure - at 15-16 hours - experts define this time as the period of least susceptibility to unpleasant sensations. In general, depilation is known for its painlessness, which means that it can be carried out at home "on demand" if no pain or discomfort has been observed before.

Scrub before hair removal- in the shower or after taking a bath. Abrasive particles will remove the keratinized "dead" layer of cells, raise the hairs at the roots and provide the razor blade with high-quality glide, and the cream - better absorption on the skin and destruction of the "body" of the hair.

Depilate in the shower (if it's a razor) or after if using a cream. The warm water will steam the skin a little and give the shaving cassette better glide. By the way, epilation is also worth doing after a shower in order to cleanse the skin and prevent particles of sebum, sweat and bacteria from entering open pores, and it is not recommended to wet the skin after the procedure for another 2-3 hours (ideally, up to 12 hours).

If we talk about a razor, prepare a fresh, sharp blade or evaluate the condition of the previous one - how clean it is, whether it glides well on the skin and whether it cuts hairs rather than tearing them.

Depilation with cream requires no less preparation:

  • Take a shower - the area to be depilated should be clean. A scrub will not hurt;
  • Dry your skin and hairs completely with a towel and natural air - the cream will not spread evenly on wet skin;
  • Prepare a tube of cream, a spatula for applying and removing hair, a towel or thick napkin;
  • Additionally, you can wipe the skin with an antiseptic - lotion, tonic, if there are no contraindications on this topic in the manufacturer's recommendation.

How is the process going?

Shaver depilation is best done in the shower - warm water will soften the skin a little and open the pores. Pre-apply a little shaving cream or shaving foam on clean, damp skin and distribute it well over the intimate area, the composition will allow the razor blades to glide over the surface easily and catch all hairs, even the shortest ones.

The hair removal process starts from the pubis - walk the razor through the hair growth, from top to bottom. Next, switch to the labia and gluteal region - shaving in these areas is necessary in different directions to remove vegetation effectively. Return to the pubis and evaluate its smoothness - if it is not enough, you can walk along it with a razor against hair growth, consolidate the result.

Hair depilation with cream is slightly different:

  • Apply a little depilatory cream on dry skin with a spatula - you should not distribute it with your hands;
  • Start the distribution of the product from the pubis and move down to the labia;
  • It is important to distribute the cream evenly - there should be no gaps, otherwise the hairs will remain in their place;
  • To effectively apply deep bikini depilatory cream, take a sitting position, bend your knees and spread them as far as possible to the sides - it will become easier to reach hard-to-reach areas;

  • After the cream is applied to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe "deep" bikini and is evenly distributed over it, you need to wait a certain amount of time (usually from 10 to 30 minutes);
  • It is necessary to remove the cream with the same spatula against hair growth, that is, from the bottom up;
  • It is advisable to start removing hairs from the gluteal region and move up to the pubis;
  • You can walk over the same spot two or three times to effectively remove hairs.

Skin care after

Proper care after depilation is just as important as preparation. Let's talk about its stages for any type of depilation - with a razor or cream:

  • Rinse hairs and residues of shaving cream or gel from the surface of the skin and pat dry with a towel. Do not rub your skin as this can cause irritation;
  • Wipe the skin with an antibacterial solution - tonic or face lotion with aloe vera, chamomile, thermal water or any other alcohol-free composition (you can use a decoction of herbs);
  • Dry the epidermis and apply some moisturizing body cream or use a regular baby cream, oil.
  • After depilation, it is especially important to use the scrub 2-3 times a week to prevent ingrown hairs;
  • Quality care can include the use of special creams or gels to prevent new hair growth.

Timely moisturizing of the skin in the bikini area is very important: it will make the skin healthy, smooth, and reduce the risk of skin irritation and injury (razor cuts).

To summarize: before depilation with a cream, clean the surface with a disinfectant solution: it will remove bacteria from the epidermis and prevent irritation. Immediately after the procedure, walk with a cotton pad dipped in a peroxide solution, for example, over irritated skin, do not forget to apply a moisturizer or oil every time after the procedure - this will soothe the skin and relieve dryness in addition.


Irritation is a normal skin reaction, but it can be different and can cause a range of inconveniences and consequences. The most unpleasant thing is the itching that accompanies the girl for the rest of the day and even at night. If the skin itches, it is necessary to treat it with lotion with aloe vera or tea tree extract, herbal decoction or alcohol tincture (no more than 70% alcohol in the composition).

Severe irritation after depilation is expressed by redness and the formation of a network of pimples and simultaneous itching, which literally interfere with the course of ordinary life. It is necessary to treat the "wound" no more often than once every half an hour with light dabbing movements; rubbing the irritated place is not recommended. Baby powder will relieve strong and prolonged irritation - pour a little powder on the surface of the skin and leave.

If the irritation appeared from the use of the cream, then the next time you should definitely not use it.

Inflamed acne as an unpleasant consequence of depilation will have to be treated. They appear due to ingrown hairs under the skin, and they must be removed correctly: treat the pimple with an antiseptic and keep a cotton swab and solution with you, try to press on the "ripe" focus, the pimple should burst, and the hair should come to the surface.

Does it hurt?

The question is purely individual. Depilation with a razor and cream is the most painless methods of dealing with unwanted vegetation, "hot" methods, including an epilator, will definitely add discomfort.

Depilation of the intimate zone is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also hygienic, because the hair of this area creates a favorable environment for the life of microbes. It is possible to remove unwanted vegetation in beauty salons, but there are many ways to perform this intimate procedure that are easy to apply at home.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Not everyone cleans intimate places from vegetation. Some believe that pubic hair creates a microenvironment that protects against germs. However, many researchers and gynecologists advise to epilate the intimate area, as this procedure has many advantages:

The disadvantages of depilation include:

  • skin irritation after some methods;
  • temporary effect;
  • hairs can grow in;
  • constant conduct requires the cost of special funds.

Women's intimate depilation

There are quite a few ways to remove hair in intimate places, of which every woman chooses the most suitable for herself.


Hot and cold hair removal can be done with wax:

Hair removal with wax has its own characteristics:

The waxing procedure slows down hair growth and gives a long lasting result, but it is quite painful and can irritate the skin.


Sugar is used for the procedure, therefore this type of hair removal is called shugaring. It is popular in the countries of the East and is similar to wax depilation. Sugaring mixture is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • water - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice squeezed from half a lemon;
  • sugar - 10 tablespoons.

The mixture is thoroughly stirred over low heat until it turns golden brown. It should not be lighter or darker, since only the golden brown color gives the desired effect.

The heated mass is used in the same way as wax, applying fabric strips to it and tearing them off with a sharp movement.

  • availability of ingredients;
  • sugar does not cause inflammation or irritation;
  • shugaring can be used even on sensitive skin;
  • using shugaring, you can remove coarse hair.

In a mixture of water and sugar, you can add additional tincture of walnut shells, chamomile and honey. Walnuts contain iodine, which burns out the hair follicle, chamomile is an antiseptic, and honey enhances their effect.

The disadvantages of the procedure include its fragility and contraindications for use in diabetes mellitus.


Male type of hair removal is widely used by women.... For the procedure, you will need to prepare:

  • double-bladed razor;
  • shaving foam;
  • scissors or trimmer;
  • towel.

The first time depilation with a razor is carried out according to the following instructions:

This is a fairly easy and painless method.which has its drawbacks:

  • you can cut yourself during the procedure;
  • after shaving, the hairs grow back quickly, and you have to shave them almost every day;
  • shaved hair becomes sharp, and growing back, it can grow into the skin.

Depilatory creams

Application of a special cream is a painless way to get rid of vegetation in the groin area. It can only be applied to the bikini area or removed completely from hair. The composition of the cream or gel for depilation includes a substance with which the hair protein expands, separates from the bulb and falls out.

Types of creams:

Before using any of the products, the day before the procedure, an allergic reaction test should be performed. To do this, a little cream is applied to the skin of the hand in the fold area. If after a few hours there is no redness or other irritation, the product can be used for depilation.

Instructions for using the cream:

After applying the cream, the next procedure may be needed only after a few weeks.

Using an intimate epilator

You can remove hair from intimate places using a special epilator equipped with tweezers. During the operation of the device, tweezers grab and pull out hairs from the root. The advantage of using a depilator is a long-lasting effect for about four weeks. However, this procedure is quite painful, and after it the skin remains red for some time.

Today there are epilators that are equipped with special cooling devices. With their help, hair removal is almost painless. Also on sale are modern portable laser and photoepilators. They are professional looking and have many protective features.

Folk recipes

At home, you can use the means that our grandmothers used:

Folk recipes should be used with caution. Their use is individual, and it is not known how long it is necessary to use an iodine mixture or potassium permanganate in order to get the desired effect.

Epilation in beauty salons

Quite expensive salon procedures will allow you to forget about unwanted vegetation for a long time, since during their implementation special devices are used.

Professional hair removal methods:

Skin care after depilation

After the procedure, the treated skin is irritated and requires special care:

Redness and irritation of the skin should go away within 24 hours after the procedure. It is not recommended to wear tight, chafing clothing during this time.

Intimate depilation is gaining more and more popularity. Before carrying out the procedure, you must choose a suitable method that will be convenient to use at home.

Epilation has long been a companion in women's lives. Despite the fact that we know a large number of different methods, many are still interested in how and how to remove hair in intimate places, both temporarily and permanently.

Scientists have no exact answer to the question "Why does hair grow between the legs". But presumably, the pubic hair between the legs is designed to protect the genitals of both women and men from the cold, as well as from harmful bacteria that cannot penetrate there thanks to the hair. Now, when hygiene is at a high level, and clothes perfectly protect us from the cold, hair in the intimate area only hinders us... Beauty standards tell you to remove them.

Hair removal methods in intimate places

In other cases, the hair in the intimate area can be removed at your discretion. If you find it unattractive, uncomfortable, or unhygienic, there are many ways to remove hair from intimate areas.


This is the easiest way available to every woman. The machines are inexpensive and last for a long time. But this method has a significant disadvantage - the effect lasts a day or two, after which a prickly stubble appears on the skin between the legs. It is also fraught with irritation on the skin, which does not decorate the woman's intimate area. To avoid this, you need to use special shaving products and afterwards, moisturizing the skin and protecting it from infections.

Depilatory creams

Chemical product for removing hair from intimate areas.

Depilatory creams can help you remove hair in intimate areas without pain and for up to two weeks, especially if you additionally use it, which slows down hair growth. Such gels and creams are sold in cosmetic stores and are inexpensive (from 100 rubles per tube). Be sure to buy a product designed specifically for the delicate area! Also, do an allergy test before use.

It contains chemicals that can be bad for your skin. Even if you are not allergic, it is not recommended to overuse depilatory creams. And it is important to ensure that they do not fall directly on the mucous membranes.

Waxing or waxing

Waxing for hair removal in intimate areas with wax.

With the help of wax depilation, a quick and long-term hair removal in intimate places is possible. Heated wax or a wax strip is placed on the skin, smoothed out according to the growth of hairs, and after a few seconds it is torn off in the opposite direction. The hairs are pulled out by the roots, leaving your skin smooth for two weeks to a month.

Video: Brazilian hair removal (bald) of the intimate area with warm wax.

The method is good because you can carry out the hair removal procedure not only in the salon, but also independently at home. The disadvantage of waxing is its painfulness, the degree of which is individual for each woman. If this is your first time doing this, try on a small area of \u200b\u200bskin first. If the pain is unbearable, you'd better look for another method to remove hair.


Sugar paste, like wax, will remove hair in the intimate area quickly and for a long time. You can cook it yourself at home, or you can buy it in a store or order it online.

The finished paste is applied to the skin between the legs against hair growth (this is important!), And after a few seconds it is sharply removed according to growth. As with waxing, hairs are removed from the root. The degree of pain is less than with waxing, because sugar does not stick to the skin, only to the hairs, and it is less painful to remove them by growth than against.

Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is indicated for dark and dense hair between the legs, light (red, gray) laser beam will not take. Excess vegetation is removed by means of narrowly directed light radiation, which heats up each hair and destroys its structure. The hair follicle dies and does not reproduce new hair for several years.

In order to completely remove hair in intimate places for a long time, and in some cases even permanently, several procedures will be required (usually about 10). It costs an average of 3000 rubles per procedure, depending on the type of laser, the clinic itself, and the size of the area from which you want to remove hair.

The advantages are the painlessness of the procedures, their safety, as well as the long-term effect. Such hair removal is strictly contraindicated in cancer patients, pregnant and lactating women, patients with diabetes mellitus and various skin diseases.


Hair removal with photoepilation takes place by means of light pulses. It looks like laser hair removal, but it is more comfortable for the procedures.

Here you also need several procedures at intervals of a month and a half. The cost of photoepilation of the intimate area is on average from 1000 rubles per procedure. Contraindications are the same as for laser hair removal. If your hair between your legs is not too "persistent", this method can permanently rid you of excess hair.

Which way to choose?

The best way to remove intimate hair is different for every woman. However, there are two ways to remove unwanted vegetation that have become the most popular.

  1. The first is shugaring, which has now overtaken wax epilation in popularity. This is a great homemade method that does not require any money. In addition, the paste does not contain a single gram of chemistry, so this method is also completely safe. The only thing that can come between you and the shugaring is severe pain. In this case, you can try something like "Emla".
  2. The second popular salon method is laser hair removal. The high cost of the procedures pays off with the long-term result, as well as the fact that when the hairs begin to grow back again, they become thin and light, there will not be as many of them as before, and the problem will not be so serious. Some women have even been able to permanently get rid of unwanted hair with a laser.

Video: Personal experience of getting rid of hair between the legs.

What exactly to choose is up to you. You can try different treatments and find something perfect for yourself.

When epilating at home, use only high-quality, proven products. Always do an allergy test, and at the slightest sign of it, feel free to throw the product in the bin. You should not risk your health for the sake of dubious beauty.

Journalist, administrator of the Medical Facts network of online sites, author of many articles on savings for the Economim24 site.

Graduated from the journalism faculty of the Kiev National University. T. Shevchenko (KNU) in 2013.

03/06/2019 No comments yet. Be first! 8,074 Views

According to polls, just a couple of years ago, only 9 women out of 100 did bikini and armpit hair removal at home. Today these numbers have grown dramatically, and many women seek to permanently remove hair in intimate places.

Intimate epilation: fashion or hygiene?

The absence of vegetation in intimate areas is, undoubtedly, beautiful and aesthetically pleasing, and recently it is also fashionable. However, first of all, it is an important component of personal hygiene. Smooth skin without extra hairs keeps clean and fresh longer, especially in summer and during periods of heavy sweating. Wet skin combined with lush vegetation not only invariably leads to unpleasant odors, but is also an excellent breeding ground for various pathogenic bacteria.

Epilation or depilation?

You can get rid of unwanted hair by two methods: depilation and epilation. Depilation is the removal of hairs without affecting the root. To do this, use razors and special depilatory creams. However, depilation should be done every few days, because new hairs grow back rather quickly.

It will not be possible to permanently remove hair with this method. In the process of epilation, the hair is removed from the root, and the hair follicle is partially destroyed. It takes 2-4 weeks for the hairs to regrow, and the newly grown hair will be thinner and softer each time.

What components are used for home hair removal?

The most popular methods of getting rid of hair in the bikini area and armpits are waxing, or waxing (from the English word wax - wax) and epilation with sugar, or shugaring (from the English word sugar - sugar).

As the name suggests, wax is used in the waxing process. These are wax strips, you can buy them in a specialized store or in a pharmacy, or directly the wax itself. For shugaring, there are a huge number of mixtures of various manufacturers on sale. You can use one of them or try making pasta yourself.

Wax strips: an easy solution for home hair removal.

The easiest way to do wax epilation of intimate areas is with the help of special strips: fabric, paper. They do not differ in application, but paper ones are used once, and fabric ones can be used several times.

  1. You should make sure that the hairs in the treated area have a length of 1 to 3 cm. Hair that is longer or shorter will simply not take wax. Before epilation, the skin must be prepared: take a bath to steam it, rub it with a scrub, dry it and sprinkle it with talcum powder or baby powder. Talc will absorb moisture and prevent the wax from sticking to the skin. These steps will help make epilation less painful.
  2. The wax strips from the packaging are cut into small, narrow strips. The smaller the strip, the weaker the pain will be. In addition, intimate areas are quite inconvenient for self-epilation at home, and the use of small stripes makes the task a little easier.
  3. After rubbing the wax strip, warming it up, divide it in two and apply it to the treated area in the direction of hair growth. Press to iron for even adhesion of wax.
  4. Pull the skin with one hand and pull the wax strip vigorously against the direction of hair growth with the other.
  5. Repeat these steps with the next strips until the entire area is finished.
  6. At the end of epilation, remove the remaining wax with special oiled wipes, or with any vegetable oil, greasy cream or post-depilation product, by applying this product to a cotton pad and wiping the skin.

Important! The strip should be glued in one direction and torn off in the opposite direction.

This method is also suitable for deep epilation, i.e. hair removal not just along the line of the panties, but in the entire intimate area. However, it should be noted that in beauty salons such a procedure is done with special anesthesia, and at home, deep hair removal will be much more painful.

The video below shows what roughly looks like a bikini wax in the salon

Epilation of intimate areas with warm wax

You can also use warm wax at home. It warms up the skin, softens the hairs and hair follicles, which makes this method slightly less painful than waxing. The finished wax is sold in plastic cans. The disadvantage of this method is that the wax needs to be heated to a certain temperature, which is not so easy at home.

Convenient for home use are special wax melters, which are sold both complete with wax, and separately. You just need to set the desired temperature on the regulator and wait for the wax to warm up.

Features of the procedure for hair removal with warm wax

The basic principles of epilation of sensitive areas with this method do not differ from waxing with strips, i.e. you must first prepare the skin, apply wax in the direction of hair growth, etc. Caring for treated skin after the procedure is also the same. Only the process of applying wax to intimate areas is different:

  1. After the wax is heated to the required temperature, it is applied to the treated area with a thin strip from top to bottom, i.e. in the direction of hair growth.
  2. Apply wax as thin as possible.
  3. Press a strip of paper or fabric firmly against the wax, let the wax harden and adhere, and then pull against the direction of hair growth with a lightning movement.
  4. Treat the entire area in this way and remove any wax remaining on the skin.

Already after several waxing procedures for especially sensitive areas at home, a certain skill appears, and the process will not take much time.

Epilation with sugar of intimate areas

Along with wax hair removal, it is very popular for hair removal in particularly sensitive areas of shugaring. Most of the women surveyed prefer this particular method, because it is considered less painful, although it is more expensive.

Shugaring paste is sold, like wax, in any cosmetic store and in pharmacies. Using a ready-made paste is similar to wax epilation: a thin layer of a mixture is applied to the prepared and dusted with talcum powder with a spatula, and it should also be applied in the direction of hair growth. After that, a fabric strip is pressed to the mixture, and after 5-10 seconds, when the paste completely adheres, the strip must be pulled with lightning speed against hair growth. If not all hairs are removed, repeat the procedure, but it is not recommended to do this more than three times in one area.

Important! If shugaring is carried out in intimate areas for the very first time, then it is necessary to grow hairs to a length of 5-6 mm. In the future, 2-3 mm of length will be enough for the sugar paste to "grab" the hair.

Before epilation sugar, you can wipe the treated area with ice cubes. Immediately after pulling out the hairs, put your hand to this place, and after the procedure, lubricate the skin with tea tree oil or lotion with aloe, they will remove redness and cool the skin. All these actions will help to slightly reduce painful sensations, which is especially important if a woman decides to epilate a deep bikini.

Sugar paste for sugaring

Unlike wax, the sugar mixture can be made easily at home. The cooking process will take about 20 minutes:

  1. You need to take 10 tablespoons of sugar, 1 tablespoon of water and 1 tablespoon of honey.
  2. Mix thoroughly, put on low heat and simmer until a homogeneous golden brown consistency is obtained. The mixture should smell like caramel. If it is too dark and has a pungent smell, then you need to cook it again. A very thick mixture is not suitable for the bikini area. The paste should have the consistency of liquid caramel.
  3. After the desired color and consistency are reached, you need to check the readiness: carefully, so as not to burn yourself, take a little paste on your fingers and try to roll the ball. If the ball does not stick to your hands, then the shugaring mixture is ready.

Now you can start epilation.

Important! Be sure to let the mixture cool down after cooking to avoid scalding.

A little paste needs to be kneaded in your hands until it becomes soft and elastic. Spread this ball in a thin layer on a small area of \u200b\u200bpreviously prepared skin (steamed, powdered with talcum powder, etc.). Then press the fabric strip on top and wait until the sugar mixture is completely dry.

Then, with a vigorous movement, peel off the strip in the direction opposite to the direction of hair growth. The remaining sugar mixture is easily washed off with plain warm water. After the procedure, it is advisable to lubricate the skin with any moisturizing lotion or tonic.

In order to prevent ingrown hairs from appearing in the skin, it is recommended to treat the skin with a scrub every 2 days after epilation.

Who is not allowed to epilate intimate areas?

Before proceeding with the epilation procedure, be sure to make sure that there are no contraindications. These include:

  • wounds, ulcers, inflammations, i.e. any damage to the skin;
  • diabetes mellitus (for shugaring);
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • the presence of moles or papillomas;
  • menstrual days.

In general, before self-epilation of the bikini area and underarms, it is best to consult a doctor to be sure that there are no contraindications.

Are hairs removed permanently?

Sugar and wax hair removal will make the skin in intimate areas soft and smooth, but, unfortunately, this procedure must be carried out regularly. Yes, each time the newly grown hairs will be thinner and lighter, but nevertheless, they will not stop growing. If a woman is determined and wants to permanently get rid of unwanted vegetation, it is better to contact a beauty salon, where she will be offered one of the modern hair removal procedures (photoepilation, laser hair removal, etc.), which remove hair once and for all.

Any woman or girl wants to look beautiful and sexy. And unwanted hair is one of the major problems. To look attractive, you need to look after yourself and take care of yourself every day. Hair removal in intimate places is not only beauty and respect for a sex partner, but, first of all, health and hygiene for a woman.

Should I remove hair from the intimate area?

Most of the fair sex prefer to get rid of unnecessary hair in the intimate area. But there are girls who still doubt whether it is necessary to remove vegetation or not. The skin in this area is very delicate and sensitive, so some are afraid to do this procedure, others are simply embarrassed to go to the salon to a professional specialist.
Hair in the bikini area is a good breeding ground for germs and can be a source of unpleasant odors.
You just need to choose the right and painless method of how to get rid of hair in the bikini area. You can use the services of a professional or do hair removal at home. Using special tools, you can get rid of stiffness and discomfort forever.

How to remove hair with an electric epilator

Epilators can be used to depilate the intimate area. Cooling or one that works in water is a great option to help reduce pain. Epilators pull out hairs along with the bulb, so you can forget about unwanted vegetation for about 2-4 weeks. But it is better not to use it for the deep bikini area, since there is a risk of injury, it is well suited for eliminating pubic hair. Previously, the area must be steamed and disinfected, the optimal hair length is 5 mm.

  • long-term result;
  • hairs become thinner, and their number decreases;
  • the procedure can be carried out at home.
  • irritation and soreness;
  • a quality epilator is expensive.

If you use the epilator regularly, you can get rid of pain forever.

Shaving the intimate area with a razor

Removal with a razor is the simplest, cheapest and fastest method of getting rid of bikini hair. There are special women's looms with moisturizing strips and different numbers of blades. Before the procedure, steam the intimate area, apply a foam or gel, then use a machine in the direction of growth. This tool does not give long-term results.

  • speed and ease of use;
  • painlessness;
  • inexpensive price;
  • a huge selection of machines;
  • suitable for deep bikini area
  • irritation and risk of cutting yourself;
  • hair grows faster and becomes coarse;
  • the effect lasts for a short time

Bikini area waxing

Waxing or waxing is the most effective and quickest way to remove unwanted vegetation, but it is also the most painful. However, you can enjoy smooth skin with it for about 3 weeks. This procedure is best done in salons, but if it is not possible, then at home it is also possible to do it. The wax is heated to the required temperature and applied to the skin with a spatula, the main thing is not to overheat it, otherwise burns may form. Then apply a special strip and pull against hair growth.

  • long-term effect;
  • hair growth slows down, they become light and thin;
  • inexpensive and affordable
  • soreness and irritation;
  • does not remove very short hairs, you have to pluck out with tweezers;
  • allergy to wax may appear

At the end of epilation, it is advisable to apply an anti-inflammatory agent or a soothing cream.

Bikini epilation with tweezers

Many people wonder if it is possible to remove vegetation in the intimate area with tweezers? Hair removal with tweezers is a bit grueling and not quite an effective method of getting rid of hair and, moreover, is not at all suitable for deep bikini. Of course, it will be problematic to completely clean the hairline with tweezers, but it will be able to thin out the intimate area well. It is better to use tweezers after the depilatory cream, when a few hairs remain.

  • no financial costs;
  • availability;
  • there are almost no contraindications;
  • vegetation growth slows down
  • takes a long time;
  • unable to remove the entire required area


This method is very popular, although it has appeared quite recently. Sugaring is a homemade sugar paste made of sugar, lemon juice and water. It is applied to the desired area and left for a few minutes, then plucked against growth along with the bulb. Of course, the shugaring method will not remove the vegetation forever, but for a long time, about a month, it can. If after the procedure there are some hairs left, it will be most convenient to remove them with tweezers. Finally, it is recommended to apply a sedative.

  • vegetation with constant use becomes lighter and thinner;
  • hairs do not grow into the skin;
  • easily tolerated and hypoallergenic;
  • long result;
  • inexpensive procedure;
  • suitable for deep bikini area
  • possible burns on the skin;
  • soreness;
  • there are irritations

Depilatory cream for bikini area

There are a wide variety of creams for the intimate area. This is the easiest way to delete. You need to apply the cream, wait a while and then wash off. True, the hairs are not removed by the root, so they will reappear in a few days. Before use, it is advisable to test for allergies on another skin area. For a deep bikini, it is not entirely effective; after a depilatory cream, it is better to use tweezers.

  • no irritation or cuts;
  • easy to use;
  • not long enough;
  • specific smell of the cream;
  • allergies may occur

There are many ways to remove hair in the bikini area, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Any girl, woman can independently choose her own method, which will be painlessly tolerated and liked. Someone prefers intimate haircuts, and someone a beautiful deep bikini area. Be attractive and sexy, get rid of complexes forever.

Since ancient times, women have struggled with excess hair on their bodies. The fair sex has always strived to have smooth, silky, well-groomed skin. The lady was created by nature itself in order to serve as a muse for men.

That is why she has always fought for a velvet skin that would captivate any warrior and breadwinner. Since fashion is very changeable, in other eras, the standards of beauty were different from modern ones. From time to time, there were periods of both the encouragement of excessive vegetation and radical liberation from it. The opinion of the majority of women is erroneous that depilation has recently been introduced into mandatory manipulations with one's own body. Even in ancient Rome and Greece, it was practiced to remove excess vegetation on the hairy parts of the skin. This is confirmed by multiple female statues with a perfectly smooth bikini area.

There is evidence that even Cleopatra herself regularly practiced depilation sessions on herself. Since in those days there was no huge choice of ways to deal with hair, they used mainly improvised folk methods: wax and tweezers. Thanks to technological progress, a lot has changed since then. Today, there are many different ways to deal with excess hair. Let's try to understand them to make it easier to choose the most suitable option for ourselves.

Hair removal in intimate areas

Modern options for hair removal in the intimate area

Today a woman is able to carry out a session of safe depilation of any area of \u200b\u200bher body. To do this, you can visit a special salon or have a session at home.

In some cases, a visit to a specialized place is not at all necessary, because you can easily cope with hair yourself at home. However, certain procedures require the use of specialized equipment and qualified personnel. Unfortunately, no matter what place and method you choose, you will not be able to get rid of hairs forever. Over time, nature will take its toll, and they will begin to appear again.

The delicate sensitive skin of the groin area is always very sensitive to any mechanical or chemical effect. For this reason, there is a need to find a suitable method of getting rid of hairs that would eliminate negative consequences or unnecessary discomfort. In addition, every lady expects the longest possible effect from the procedure in order to minimize frequent exposure to such delicate skin. What methods of hair removal are there today?

This remedy is the most common among modern women. Like any other method, it has its own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, it is very important to highlight:

  • speed of the procedure;
  • lack of painful sensations;
  • the ability to use on completely different areas of the body;
  • no need for special equipment;
  • no need for the help of other people (you can do everything yourself).

Using a razor to remove hair from the intimate area

Among the disadvantages of using a razor, it is worth highlighting:

  • a short effect, accompanied by a rapid rapid regrowth of hairs. For this reason, there will always be a need for regular use of the machine. Repeated permanent procedures can disrupt the upper layer of the epidermis, provoking infection or inflammation;
  • irritation of the skin of the intimate zone, characterized by redness, itching, and the presence of small pustular pimples. This condition is a consequence of a violation of hair growth (ingrowth into the skin). During shaving, the sharp tip of the hair begins to grow in the opposite direction, digging into the skin. This is especially true for those with coarse black hair. According to the recommendations of experts, to prevent inflammation, you need to use a special product before and after shaving.

Removing hair with a razor may cause irritation

This type of hair removal is practiced by many women who are constantly struggling with excess vegetation. It is worth noting that in ancient times, antique beauties used it as a favorite method of combating hair. To this day, there are many fans of this effective method. Its essence lies in the fact that heated wax is applied to the hairy surface. Then a special fabric strip is applied. When the wax hardens, the strip is torn off with a sharp movement along with the hairs. Using this method to remove unwanted hair in intimate areas is much more effective than the previous one. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:

  • duration of effect - can last up to a month;
  • easy to operate when used independently;

Bikini waxing

  • the possibility of an epilation session at home;
  • absence in most cases of irritation or inflammation. In the case of very sensitive skin, redness may occur for a while;
  • with each new procedure, the hairs will begin to thin and thin;
  • does not take long for the procedure.

However, there is a significant drawback of this ancient method - high pain. Not all women can endure this kind of pain. Only the most brave and hardy people decide to carry out such a hair removal session at home. For safety reasons, the procedure for removing hair in intimate places is best done in a specialized salon.

Epilation with special chemical agents

These products include various creams, emulsions, solutions that can get rid of unwanted vegetation quickly and for a relatively long time. Such hair control tools have appeared not so long ago. You can buy them at almost any beauty store.

The price for them fluctuates significantly, so you can pick up a tool for any wallet. The lotion or emulsion on the scalp should be held for half an hour. Then you should remove the product with a special spatula and wash the skin thoroughly. The main advantage is that this method will get rid of vegetation very quickly, painlessly, and also eliminate the appearance of irritation.

The manufacturers of these creams highly recommend an allergen test before use. , applying a certain amount of the product to the elbow bend. If your skin hasn't changed outwardly after a while, you can use such a preparation. However, be careful when epilating properly. The cream did not get on the mucous part of the groin area. Otherwise, there is a risk of minor burns.

Depilation cream for bikini and underarms Camomile Depilation

A relatively new method of dealing with hair on all parts of the body. There are other names for this unique method: caramel hair removal, sugar hair removal. It is believed that with the help of shugaring, you can get rid of excess vegetation forever, but this is not the case.

A new procedure will be required approximately every month. This method is based on the use of sugar paste on the hairy parts of the body, with which you can remove excess hairiness for a long time (up to a month). Shugaring was used in ancient civilizations, but over time it was forgotten. And only recently this "tasty" way of hair removal has resumed its existence. Modern women prefer to use this method in intimate places. The essence of the procedure is to knead and roll the heated paste on a hairy surface.

It is very important to do this correctly, that is, according to the growth of hairs. Then the sugar cake is sharply plucked AGAINST hair growth.

Since this paste is easy to make at home, you can do your own hair removal session at home. To do this, you need to mix 1 kilogram of sugar, 8 tablespoons of lemon juice and 120 milliliters of water. Place on stove and cook until frothy. It is necessary to freeze such a mixture to such a state that it is comfortable for you to take it in your hands. Start epilation. If you have hematomas, papillomas, deep wounds or inflammations, it is better to postpone this procedure for a while until complete recovery.

Is there an alternative to any kind of unwanted hair removal?

Today, intimate haircuts have become very popular. If you are tired of banal deep hair removal of an intimate place, you can safely start the experiment.

This process is so unique and original that it can easily be called art. Naturally, it is impossible to carry out an intimate haircut at home. Therefore, you will need to visit a salon specializing in providing this type of service. In any case, it will be unusual and interesting even for the purpose of experiment. These haircuts will help you diversify your sex life.

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