Bottom topography, currents. World Ocean. Bottom topography, currents I. Organizational moment. Communicating the Topic and Goals

Hall, living room 13.04.2024
Hall, living room

Baidildaeva Dinara Nurpeisova, KSU "Secondary School named after Bezrodnykh", geography teacher.
Geography 6th grade

Lesson topic: Topography of the ocean floor
Educational: study of new material, introduction of basic concepts: “Continental shelf” - “shelf”, “continental slope”, “deep-sea trenches”, “ocean bed” - “basin”, “mid-ocean ridges”;
Developmental: developing an understanding of the features of the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean, its composition, formation and study. Continue to develop the ability to work with a geographical map, develop skills in planning your activities, and consolidate the skills of independent work with a map; continue to work on developing the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;
Educational: to cultivate a sense of friendship, camaraderie, the ability to work in a team, to independently and responsibly prepare for a lesson, to increase interest in the study of geography.
Forms and methods: Explanatory illustrative; partially search; demonstrative, independent work with a textbook, conversation, work with a map and atlas.
Lesson type: Combined.
Equipment: presentation, map of the oceans in the atlas, textbook, physical map of the hemispheres, “Relief of the bottom of the World Ocean” in the textbook and on the board, tests.
I. Organizing time
Hello guys! Sit down. I ask you to be attentive and collected during the lesson because... Much when studying a topic will depend on you.
II. Homework survey
III. Learning new material:
Setting lesson goals.
-Today we will travel to the bottom of the World Ocean.
You already know that the earth's crust is the hard shell of the Earth. The earth's crust is of two types: continental and oceanic. How does the continental crust differ from the oceanic crust?
- Draw a diagram of the earth’s crust on the board
- You are already familiar with the diversity of the relief of the continental earth’s crust. These are mountains, plains, lowlands.
Do you think the bottom of the World Ocean is smooth or, like the continental crust, has unevenness?
Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean.
Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook: Topography of the bottom of the world's oceans.

A teacher's story about the history of studying the relief of the world's oceans.
- 140 years ago, the English navigator James Cook set out on a trip around the world on the ship Challenger, which lasted four years. There were famous scientists of various specialties on board the ship. The Challenger was completely converted from a warship to an oceanography scientific ship. Scientists studied water temperatures at different depths. The first scientific ship sailed across many seas and oceans, traveling around the world, and scientists collected so much diverse information that they then had to process it for 20 years.
As a result of the information obtained, the first map of the ocean floor was created.
- But this is not the end of the research on the bottom of the world's oceans.
- Modern scientists use the ECHO SOUNDER device to measure depths.
A special device installed at the bottom of the ship's hull sends a sound signal. The sound reaches the bottom and is reflected from it. This reflected sound (echo) is picked up by an echo sounder. The speed of sound propagation in the ocean is 1500 m/s. An echo sounder is used to take thousands of depth measurements of the seabed every year. Special recorders record changes in depths as the vessel progresses.
It works like this. The operation is based on the principle of measuring the time it takes for sound to travel from the side of the ship to the bottom and return back (the speed of sound in water is 1500 m/sec.)
For example, a sound sent from a ship returned after 4 seconds, which means it took 2 seconds to reach the bottom. Therefore, the depth in this place is 3000 meters.
Write in your notebook:
ECHO SOUNDER - A device for studying the bottom topography of the Moscow Region
speed of sound propagation in water 1500 m/sec
- How can you determine the depths of the ocean using a physical map?
The relief is depicted on the map using layer-by-layer coloring. The bottom relief of oceans and seas is depicted in various shades of blue. Markings of depths and heights are also shown in numbers. For example, the greatest depth of the Black Sea is 2210 meters.
Working with the textbook.
Currently, there are three parts of the ocean floor:
underwater continental margins
transition zone
ocean bed
The underwater edge of continents.
On the earth's surface, the boundary between the continent and the ocean does not pass along the coastline, but much deeper, under water. Part of the continental crust continues under the oceans. The relief of the underwater edge of the continent includes a continental shelf (also called a shelf) and a continental slope.
The continental shelf is a shallow, slightly hilly plain that gradually drops to 200 m below sea level. It is usually covered with clastic rocks brought by rivers from land or formed when the banks were destroyed. At the bottom you can see the continuation of landforms, such as river beds.
The continental shelf has different widths.
Working with a map - using a map of the oceans
Open the atlases on the page.
-What is the depth of the shelf? (100-200m)
- What color is the shelf zone indicated on the map? (pale blue, white)
-Determine which continents have the widest shelf?
To do this, pay attention to the color background and depth scale. (in the seas of the Arctic Ocean, off the northern coast of Australia, in the Bering, Yellow, East China and South China seas, the shelf is widest, and off the western coasts of North and South America it stretches in a narrow strip along the coast)
-Which ocean has the largest shelf zone? (near the Arctic Ocean)
- Off the coast of which continent is it smaller? (Africa.)
The shelf occupies about 9% of the area of ​​the World Ocean. Due to good lighting and warm water, the shelf is characterized by an abundance of marine organisms. This is its most productive part, since it is here that 90% of seafood and many minerals are extracted, primarily oil and natural gas.
Continental slope.
This part of the ocean floor lies below the shelf limit (from the edge) to depths of 2000 meters. It has steep slopes of 15-20°, and sometimes up to 40°. Continental slopes are characterized by increased seismicity and landslides are active. The continental slope occupies 12% of the area of ​​the World Ocean. Its productivity is significantly lower than that of the shelf. The flora is poor due to lack of light. Animals lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. The continental slope passes into the ocean floor.
Working with the textbook from 65. Transition zone
Open your textbooks and read (you can chain them) paragraph No. 3 Transition zone.
- What are the landforms in the transition zone? (deep ocean trenches)
- Define the concept of “Deep ocean trench” (long narrow depressions of the ocean floor with a depth of over 6000 m)
- Name the deepest oceanic trench on Earth. (Mariana Trench)
- It is located in the Western Pacific Ocean
- Find the depth of the Mariana Trench on the atlas map.
Teacher's story.
Ocean bed.
The underwater margin of the continents ends with a continental slope - a relatively steep ledge to a depth of 2-3 thousand m. It smoothly passes into the ocean floor. The ocean bed occupies more than 70% of the bottom and has the largest basins, the depth of which is from 4 to 7 thousand m. The basins are separated by ridges and hills. Mid-ocean ridges occupy the most important place in the topography of the ocean floor. These are the largest forms of the World Ocean, forming a single mountain system with a length of more than 60 thousand km.
There are volcanoes on the slopes of ridges because most often the middle ridges are boundaries between lithospheric plates.
The widest mid-ocean ridges are located in the Pacific Ocean - the East Pacific Rise. Where the peaks of mid-ocean ridges come to the surface, islands are formed (Iceland Island). There are also separate mountain ranges in the ocean (Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic Ocean).
Russian scientists have made and continue to make a great contribution to the study of the bottom of the World Ocean. In the summer of 2007, an expedition was organized to study the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. It included the most famous geographers of our country. They made studies of the ocean floor, the movement of ice in it, forecasts for the development of the riches of the Arctic Ocean, and the environmental situation.
External and internal processes
Today we studied the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean. What types of relief are found on the bottom of the World Ocean.
What do you find in common in the topography of the world's ocean floor?
The formation of the seabed topography and land topography is influenced by internal and external processes. Internal processes - movements of the earth's crust, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They create, as on land, large relief forms. The external processes that form the ocean floor include sedimentation, that is, the settling and accumulation of rock destruction products. Their distribution and movement occurs under the influence of ocean currents in the World Ocean.
IV. Reinforcing the material learned
Using a map of the oceans, name:
- mid-ocean ridges of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans
- an ocean where a mid-ocean ridge branches into two ridges
- the widest mid-ocean ridge
Select the correct answer: shelf, continental shelf, deep-sea trench, Mariana Trench, mid-ocean ridge, echo sounder. 11022m, 22011m
The part of the continental crust that continues under oceanic waters to a depth of 100-200m is called
Long narrow depressions of the ocean floor over 6000m deep
The deepest ocean trench on Earth
A single mountain system formed on the ocean floor with a total length of over 60 thousand km
A modern device for measuring the depths of the World Ocean
Depth of the Mariana Trench
V. Lesson summary
-Today we studied the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean.
What types of relief are found on the bottom of the World Ocean.
-What do you find in common in the topography of the world’s ocean floor?
- The relief of the bottom of the World Ocean is as diverse as the relief of the continents
VI. Homework: §25 questions at the end of the paragraph.

World Ocean- the entire body of water. The world's oceans occupy over 70% of the Earth's total surface (almost 71%). In the Northern Hemisphere, the ocean occupies 61% of the surface, in the Southern Hemisphere - 81%. The world's oceans are divided into oceans, seas, bays, straits . Total volume of water in the world's oceans 1 billion 370 million km 3. 73 chemical elements out of 92 known in nature and 118 known today in D.I. Mendeleev’s Periodic Table are dissolved in its waters.

Parts of the World Ocean

The world's oceans are divided into five oceans– Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic and Southern. The Southern Ocean as an independent part of the World Ocean appeared relatively recently (since 2000). It includes the southern parts of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian oceans, as well as the seas surrounding Antarctica.

Sizes of the oceans: Quiet – 180 million km2; Atlantic – 93 million km2; Indian – 75 million km2; Arctic – 13 million km2. The boundaries of the oceans are arbitrary. The basis for dividing the oceans is an independent system of currents, distribution of salinity, and temperature. The average depth of the World Ocean is 3711 m. The greatest depth is 11,022 m (Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean).

Seas- parts of the oceans, more or less separated from it by land, characterized by a special hydrological regime. There are internal and marginal seas. Domestic the seas extend deep into the continent (Mediterranean, Baltic). Outlying the seas are usually adjacent to the mainland on one side, and on the other, they communicate relatively freely with the ocean (Barents, Okhotsk).

Bays- more or less significant spaces of ocean or sea that cut into land and have a wide connection with the ocean. Small bays are called bays. Deep, winding, long bays with steep banks - fjords.

Straits- more or less narrow bodies of water that connect two neighboring oceans or seas.

3/4 The areas of the World Ocean occupy depths from 3000 to 6000 m, i.e. this part of the ocean belongs to its bed. The relief of the ocean floor contains the following components:

  • Underwater outskirts The continent is composed of continental-type crust. It consists of a shelf (an underwater shallow plain up to 200 m deep) and a continental slope (depth up to 2500-3000 m).
  • Transition zone composed of transitional crust, includes marginal seas, island arcs, and deep-sea trenches.
  • ocean bed composed of oceanic crust. It consists of mid-ocean ridges and deep-sea basins (4-4.5 km).

Table “Relief of the ocean floor. Deep Sea Depressions"

Sea (ocean) currents.

Sea currents– horizontal movement of water masses in a certain direction. Currents can be classified according to many criteria. Compared to the temperature of the surrounding ocean water, there are warm, cold and neutral currents. Depending on the time of existence, short-term or episodic, periodic (seasonal monsoon in the Indian Ocean, tidal in coastal parts of the oceans) and permanent currents are distinguished. Depending on the depth, surface currents (covering a layer of water on the surface), deep and bottom currents are distinguished. Currents according to their origin there are:

  1. drift– caused by constant winds (North and South trade winds, the current of the Western Winds);
  2. wind– caused by seasonal winds (summer monsoons in the Indian Ocean);
  3. sewage e - formed due to differences in water levels in different parts of the ocean, flowing from areas of excess water (Gulf Stream, Brazilian, East Australian);
  4. compensatory– compensate (compensate) for the outflow of water from different parts of the ocean (California, Peru, Benguela);
  5. density(convection) - formed due to the uneven distribution of the density of ocean water due to different temperatures and salinity (Gibraltar Current);
  6. tidal periodic currents - are formed in connection with the attraction of the Moon.

As a rule, sea currents exist due to a combination of several reasons . Currents have a great influence on the climate, especially in coastal areas, passing along the western or eastern coasts of continents. The direction of currents is determined by the general circulation of the atmosphere, the deflecting force of the Earth's rotation around its axis, the topography of the ocean floor, and the outlines of the continents.

Methodological development

geography lesson

in 6th grade

TOPIC: “Relief of the bottom of the World Ocean”

(technology of level differentiation, group, gaming and information technologies)

geography teacher

Zelenina S.V.

Lesson Objectives


To form an idea of ​​the relief forms of the ocean floor.


Explain the origin of such landforms as the shelf, mid-ocean ridges, deep-sea trenches, and the origin of islands;
- development of logical thinking and memory.


Formation of cognitive interest in the study of geography and development of curiosity;
- fostering a caring attitude towards the environment.

Educational visual material

Atlases, textbooks, task cards, physical map of the world, bottom relief profile, presentation on the topic “Relief of the ocean floor” (Application ).

During the classes

I. Organizing time.

II. Updating students' knowledge.

Teacher . In previous lessons we talked about the unevenness of the land surface of the continents. Listen to the two descriptions and determine which landforms each passage is about. What words convinced you to draw the desired conclusion?

“Sharp peaks topped with snow caps soared high into the sky. In the necklace of glaciers they remained silent for many millennia, broken only by snow storms and landslides...”

“I ride in a cart over the hills,
Sometimes the eye has no boundaries,
And all the fields on the sides,
And over the fields there are flocks of birds,
I'm going for a day, I'm going for two,
And all the fields, fields, fields...” (Maikov)

Children. The first passage gives a description of the mountains, because... the author used words characterizing mountainous terrain: (sharp peaks, “snow caps”, “necklace of glaciers”, snow landslides).

The quatrain gives a description of the flat terrain, since hills are a convex form of relief with a height of no more than 200 m and are characteristic only of flat terrain. But the most important word, emphasizing the flat surface of the described area, is the word field.

Teacher. What are mountains and plains? - These are landforms. Let's check how you completed your homework.

III. Homework survey.

6 people work with cards of different levels

And you and I work together.


We continue to study the topic “Lithosphere”. I want to check how well you understand certain concepts on the topic you have studied.

- I read groups of words to you, and you have to find the odd one out and explain why.

  • core, cavity, earth's crust, mantle
  • Summit, slope, magma, base
  • Crater, vent, epicenter, cone
  • Limestone, granite, sand, coal
  • Lowland, ridge , hill, plateau

What is relief?

What landforms do you know?



The plain on which the city of Moscow is located(The East European Plain)

– Lowland located east of the Ural Mountains (West Siberian Plain)

– - The largest lowland in South America (Amazonian lowland)

– The largest lowland area in the world below sea level(Caspian lowland)
– Plateau in Siberia between the Yenisei and Lena rivers (Central Siberian Plateau)

III. Learning new material

Listen to the poem by Sergei Dubtsov.

His possessions are vast.
Treasures of the castles of secret runes
Tightly locked in unreachable places.

The underwater world is protected by gray-haired Neptune.
There are mountain ranges, atolls, reefs.
About your miracles to the roar of strings,
People make up fairy tales, songs, and myths.

(There is a picture of the ocean on the screen) (1). What do you think will be discussed in the lesson? Yes, that's right, about the oceans. And since we are studying the Lithosphere, what should we learn about today? - About the structure of the ocean floor. What do you already know about this topic?

What would you like to know about this issue?


What kind of relief do you think the ocean floor has?

What types of crust is there (continental and oceanic). We have already examined the diversity of continental topography. Today we will take a journey through the earth's crust - oceanic, i.e. Let's get acquainted with the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean and see that the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean is no less diverse than the topography of the land.(2)

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook.

(3, 4) Setting a goal.

1.Study the structure of the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean;

2. Familiarize yourself with the geography of the location of parts of the ocean on a physical map;

3. Learn to identify and find them on a physical map using the depth scale.

Without special equipment and deep-sea vehicles, it will not be possible to travel along the ocean floor. What do you think is necessary for immersion?

Let's look at the history of studying the ocean floor. (5)


For the first time, information about the ocean floor was obtained by Ferdinand Magellan. During his trip around the world in 1521, he threw a hand-held line(A lot is a device used for measuring depths from the side of a vessel. A hand lot consists of a lead or cast iron weight 1 (Fig. 31) and a line 3. Weight 1 has a cone shape, its height is about 30 cm, and its weight is from 3 to 5 kg In the upper part of the weight there is an eyelet 2, into which a sling from a line is threaded for tying a line 3 into it. In the lower part of the weight there is a recess into which soap or a mixture of lard and crushed chalk is smeared. When measuring the depth, the weight hits the bottom and soil particles. stick to lard or soap, and this makes it possible, simultaneously with determining the depth, to determine the nature of the soil in a given place.)probably to a depth of 200 fathoms (366 meters) in the Pacific Ocean. Having not reached the bottom, he concluded that he was above the deepest place in the ocean. In fact, the depth of the bottom in the places where Magellan took measurements is 4000 meters.

In 1872-1876, English travelers on the ship Challenger explored and manually measured the bottom of three oceans, compiled the first map of the ocean floor, thereby dispelling doubts that the bottom was flat and sandy. Later, the French oceanographer Jacques-Yves Cousteau would make many discoveries about the topography of the ocean floor and its inhabitants.

(6,7) During the Second World War, an echo sounder was created, which was originally intended to track enemy submarines. But later this device began to be used for measuring depths. And at the end of the 50s of the 20th century, a bathyscaphe capable of diving to great depths was invented.

What processes do you think shape the topography of the ocean floor??(8)

TEXTBOOK P.64 fig. 45 (9)

To explore the depths in more detail, let's hit the road! (9)

As the lesson progresses, students fill out the diagram “Relief of the ocean floor”

Bottom relief profile. (10)

Today, scientists distinguish three main parts of the ocean floor:

  1. The underwater edge of continents.
  2. Ocean bed.
  3. Transition zone.

Our journey begins from the Pacific coast of Russia to the southeast along the Pacific Ocean. We first dive into the underwater extension of the low-lying coastal plain.

Determine from the atlas the depth to which we dived (0-200 m).

(11) Submarine continental margins.This part of the ocean is calledcontinental shelf or shelf . Depth 100-200 m. Here you can see the continuation of landforms, for example river beds. The shelf is covered with clastic rocks brought by rivers from land or formed during the destruction of coastlines. Mineral resources such as oil and natural gas are discovered and extracted here. There is plenty of sunlight here, so this part of the ocean is full of life.The continental shelf has different widths.(Working with the map - Using a map of continents and oceans, determine which continents and their parts have the widest shelf. To do this, pay attention to the color background and depth scale.)

The largest shelf area is in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. But the descent continues. Connects the continental shelf and the ocean bedcontinental slope. The slope may descend to a depth of 3000 m. There are islands here that were formed as a result of the flooding of the mainland. That's why they are calledmainland islands.(Sakhalin Island)

Attention! The boat has declared readiness number 1. We are entering a seismically active zone.This is a transition zone. There is a very complex terrain with a special shape -deep-sea trenches. (12).These are long, narrow depressions in the ocean floor over 6,000 meters deep. The deepest ocean trench is the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean. Its depth is 11,022 meters(13).

ADDITIONAL TASK: Find and tell whether a person descended into the Mariana Trench.

And trenches are always characterized by island arcs or simply islands.

Earthquakes often occur in the transition zone; this is where many active volcanoes on our planet are located.


(14) Ocean bed . At a depth of 5000 meters it is already dark, there is no sunlight, deep-sea inhabitants live, the terrain is quite flatthese are underwater plains or they are called basins.Find the largest underwater basins on the map.

The most important discovery was the mid-ocean ridges. (LAYOUT) They form mountain systems 3-4 km high.In the central part of the ridges there is a fault, which is a gorge with steep slopes. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions constantly occur here. The water temperature at the bottom of the gorge is very high, so substances dissolved in the water begin to interact with each other, forming sulfuric acid. The acid interacts with the erupted magma, resulting in tall cone-shaped structures. Black clouds form above the cones. These amazing creations of nature are called “black smokers”(15).

There are also single mountains at the bottom of the oceans - these are volcanic cones. Volcanoes that rose above the water(16) , formed volcanic islands. A striking example isHawaiian Islands and Kuril Islands ( working with a map)

(17) The same volcanoes that are extinct have begun to collapse; they have flat tops leveled by currents. In warm waters on the tops of extinct volcanoes, colonies of corals settle, forming ring-shaped coral islands with an internal reservoir - this atolls

IV. Reinforcing the material learned


The TEACHER invites students to work in groups (pairs) -

Training work with a map to determine changes in depth using the example of the Indian Ocean. (HANDOUT)

IN At the end of the lesson, we’ll do a little test. Before you is a profile of the bottom topography. I will give you a number, and you will determine what type of relief.

4 - gutter
1 - shelf
3 - island arcs
6 - COX
2 - continental slope
5 - basins
7 - volcanic islands

Filling out the self-analysis sheet

V. Homework


The topography of the bottom of the world's oceans is very diverse. It has undergone changes over the centuries, and continues to change, but due to human influence. Environmental organizations call for protecting the nature of the islands and their coastal waters in order to preserve this underwater kingdom for travelers and future generations.

(I summarize the lesson and announce the grades.)

Baidildaeva Dinara Nurpeisova, KSU "Secondary School named after Bezrodnykh", geography teacher.

Geography 6th grade ss

Lesson topic: Topography of the ocean floor


Educational: studying new material, introducing basic concepts: “Continental shelf” - “shelf”, “continental slope”, “deep-sea trenches”, “ocean bed” - “basin”, “mid-ocean ridges”;

Developmental: formation of an idea about the features of the relief of the bottom of the World Ocean, its composition, formation and study. Continue to develop the ability to work with a geographical map, develop skills in planning your activities, and consolidate the skills of independent work with a map; continue to work on developing the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

Educational: to cultivate a sense of friendship, camaraderie, the ability to work in a team, prepare independently and responsibly for a lesson, and increase interest in the study of geography.

Forms and methods: Explanatory illustrative; partially search; demonstrative, independent work with a textbook, conversation, work with a map and atlas.

Lesson type: Combined.

Equipment: presentation, map of the oceans in the atlas, textbook, physical map of the hemispheres, “Relief of the bottom of the World Ocean” in the textbook and on the board, tests.


I. Organizing time

Hello guys! Sit down. I ask you to be attentive and collected during the lesson because... Much when studying a topic will depend on you.

II. Homework survey

III. Learning new material:

Setting lesson goals.

Today we will travel to the bottom of the World Ocean.

You already know that the earth's crust is the hard shell of the Earth. The earth's crust is of two types: continental and oceanic. How does the continental crust differ from the oceanic crust?

Draw a diagram of the earth's crust on the board...

You are already familiar with the variety of topography of the continental earth's crust. These are mountains, plains, lowlands.

Do you think the bottom of the World Ocean is smooth or, like the continental crust, has irregularities...

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean.

Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook: Relief of the bottom of the world's oceans.

A teacher's story about the history of studying the relief of the world's oceans.

140 years ago, the English navigator James Cook set off on a trip around the world on the ship Challenger, which lasted four years. There were famous scientists of various specialties on board the ship. The Challenger was completely converted from a warship to an oceanography scientific ship. Scientists studied water temperatures at different depths. The first scientific ship sailed across many seas and oceans, traveling around the world, and scientists collected so much diverse information that they then had to process it for 20 years.

As a result of the information obtained, the first map of the ocean floor was created.

But this is not the end of the research on the bottom of the world's oceans.

Modern scientists use a device to measure depths ECHO SOUNDER.

A special device installed at the bottom of the ship's hull sends a sound signal. The sound reaches the bottom and is reflected from it. This reflected sound (echo) is picked up by an echo sounder. The speed of sound propagation in the ocean is 1500 m/s. An echo sounder is used to take thousands of depth measurements of the seabed every year. Special recorders record changes in depths as the vessel progresses.

It works like this. The action is based on the principle of measuring the time it takes for sound to travel from the side of the ship to the bottom and return back (the speed of sound in water is 1500 m/sec.)

For example, a sound sent from a ship returned after 4 seconds, which means it took 2 seconds to reach the bottom. Therefore, the depth in this place is 3000 meters.

Write in your notebook:

ECHO SOUNDER - Device for studying the bottom topography of the Moscow Region

speed of sound propagation in water 1500 m/sec

How can you determine the depths of the ocean using a physical map?

The relief is depicted on the map using layer-by-layer coloring. The bottom relief of oceans and seas is depicted in various shades of blue. Markings of depths and heights are also shown in numbers. For example, the greatest depth of the Black Sea is 2210 meters.

Working with the textbook.

Currently, there are three parts of the ocean floor:

underwater continental margins

transition zone

ocean bed

The underwater edge of continents.

On the earth's surface, the boundary between the continent and the ocean does not pass along the coastline, but much deeper, under water. Part of the continental crust continues under the oceans. The relief of the underwater edge of the continent includes a continental shelf (also called a shelf) and a continental slope.

The continental shelf (shelf) is a shallow, slightly hilly plain that gradually drops to 200 m below ocean level. It is usually covered with clastic rocks brought by rivers from land or formed when the banks were destroyed. At the bottom you can see the continuation of landforms, such as river beds.

The continental shelf has different widths.

Working with a map - using a map of the oceans

Open the atlases on the page….

What is the depth of the shelf? (100-200m)

What color is the shelf zone indicated on the map? (pale blue, white)

Determine which continents have the widest shelf?

To do this, pay attention to the color background and depth scale. (in the seas of the Arctic Ocean, off the northern coast of Australia, in the Bering, Yellow, East China and South China seas, the shelf is widest, and off the western coasts of North and South America it stretches in a narrow strip along the coast)

Which ocean has the largest shelf area? (yNorthern L poisonous ocean)

Off the coast of which continent is it smaller? (Africa.)

The shelf occupies about 9% of the area of ​​the World Ocean. Due to good lighting and warm water, the shelf is characterized by an abundance of marine organisms. This is its most productive part, since it is here that 90% of seafood and many minerals are extracted, primarily oil and natural gas.

Continental slope.

This part of the ocean floor lies below the shelf limit (from the edge) to depths of 2000 meters. It has steep slopes of 15-20°, and sometimes up to 40°. Continental slopes are characterized by increased seismicity and landslides are active. The continental slope occupies 12% of the area of ​​the World Ocean. Its productivity is significantly lower than that of the shelf. The flora is poor due to lack of light. Animals lead a bottom-dwelling lifestyle. The continental slope passes into the ocean floor.

Working with the textbook from 65. Transition zone

Open your textbooks and read (you can chain them) paragraph No. 3 Transition zone.

What are the landforms in the transition zone? (deep ocean trenches)

Define the concept of “Deep Ocean Trench” (long narrow depressions of the ocean floor with a depth of over 6000m)

Name the deepest oceanic trench on Earth. (Mariana Trench)

It is located in the Western Pacific Ocean

Find the depth of the Mariana Trench on the atlas map.

Teacher's story.

Ocean bed.

The underwater margin of the continents ends with a continental slope - a relatively steep ledge to a depth of 2-3 thousand m. It smoothly passes into the ocean floor. The ocean bed occupies more than 70% of the bottom and has the largest basins, the depth of which is from 4 to 7 thousand m. The basins are separated by ridges and hills. Mid-ocean ridges occupy the most important place in the topography of the ocean floor. These are the largest forms of the World Ocean, forming a single mountain system with a length of more than 60 thousand km.

There are volcanoes on the slopes of ridges because most often the middle ridges are boundaries between lithospheric plates.

The widest mid-ocean ridges are located in the Pacific Ocean - the East Pacific Rise. Where the peaks of mid-ocean ridges come to the surface, islands are formed (Iceland Island). There are also separate mountain ranges in the ocean (Lomonosov Ridge in the Arctic Ocean).

Russian scientists have made and continue to make a great contribution to the study of the bottom of the World Ocean. In the summer of 2007, an expedition was organized to study the bottom of the Arctic Ocean. It included the most famous geographers of our country. They made studies of the ocean floor, the movement of ice in it, forecasts for the development of the riches of the Arctic Ocean, and the environmental situation.

External and internal processes

Today we studied the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean. What types of relief are found on the bottom of the World Ocean.

What do you find in common in the topography of the world's ocean floor?

The formation of the seabed topography and land topography is influenced by internal and external processes. Internal processes - movements of the earth's crust, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. They create, as on land, large relief forms. The external processes that form the ocean floor include sedimentation, that is, the settling and accumulation of rock destruction products. Their distribution and movement occurs under the influence of ocean currents in the World Ocean.

IV. Reinforcing the material learned

Using a map of the oceans, name:

Mid-ocean ridges of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific oceans

An ocean where a mid-ocean ridge branches into two ridges

Widest mid-ocean ridge

Select the correct answer: shelf, continental shelf, deep-sea trench, Mariana Trench, mid-ocean ridge, echo sounder. 11022m, 22011m

The part of the continental crust that continues under oceanic waters to a depth of 100-200m is called...

Long narrow depressions of the ocean floor over 6000m deep

The deepest ocean trench on Earth

A single mountain system formed on the ocean floor with a total length of over 60 thousand km

A modern device for measuring the depths of the World Ocean

The depth of the Mariana Trench...

V. Lesson Summary

Today we studied the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean.

What types of relief are found on the bottom of the World Ocean.

What do you find in common in the topography of the world's ocean floor?

- The relief of the bottom of the World Ocean is as diverse as the relief of the continents

VI. Homework:§2 5 questions at the end of the paragraph.

Lesson - expedition “Relief of the bottom of the World Ocean”

Motivation for learning activities: Hello guys! Today we have an unusual lesson ahead of us - an expedition lesson. But before we start learning something new, let's remember what we studied in the last lessons? (Mountains and plains) - the relief of which part of the earth? (Relief of land). But more than 70% of the globe is water. What kind of water is this? (Oceans and seas). Right! Do you and I know what is at the bottom of the oceans? (No). So what are we going to study in class today? (Ocean bottom - Relief of the ocean floor)

What goals will we set for you? (Explore the bottom of the World Ocean, .....)

The purpose of the lesson:

Study the topography of the ocean floor

Learn to work with an ocean map

Continue learning to work together in a group

Updating knowledge:

How did people in the past try to obtain information about the ocean floor? - Working with the text of the textbook p. 66 (cable with a load, Magellan, Challenger)

Slide “Echo sounder” The systematic study of the topography of the bottom of the World Ocean began with the invention of the echo sounder. This device emits sound signals that reach the bottom, are reflected from it and return back to the ship. Knowing the travel time of the signal to the bottom and the speed of sound in water, you can determine the depth of the ocean at a given point. Knowing how the depths change along the ship's route, we can conclude that the bottom topography is changing.

Slide “Challenger and Vityaz” The British ship "Challenger" in 1872-1876 completed an expedition around the world, as a result of which the first map of the ocean floor was compiled.

From 1949 to 1979, the research vessel “Vityaz” made expeditions in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. Highlands, ridges, depressions and trenches on the ocean floors were discovered and explored.

Slide “Trieste and Peace”"Mir" is a Russian research deep-sea manned vehicle for oceanographic research and rescue operations. It has a diving depth of up to 6 km. Using the Mir submersibles, hydrothermal vents were explored in the areas of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Trieste is a research submersible that made a record dive into the Mariana Trench in 1960.

Learning new material: Slide “Working on route sheets.” Today we have to conduct our research on the bottom of the World Ocean. We work in groups in our own areas. We record all the research results in our route sheets. Let's start the dive!

Work in groups to study the elements of the ocean floor. (Task No. 1)

Guys, report to the group captains about the work done.

Let's see what the results of your research are. Let's surface!

Captain of the Challenger research group, tell us about the results of your research. What did you study? (...). Slide “The underwater edge of the continents.” Attach a card with the name of the part of the bottom to the diagram on the board.

Captain of the Trieste research group, tell us about the results of your research. What did you study? (...). Slide "Transition zone". Attach a card with the name of the part of the bottom to the diagram on the board. Your group has a short message - what is it about? (Mariana Trench - show on map). Members of other groups supplement their diagrams with signatures.

Captain of the Vityaz research group, tell us about the results of your research. What did you study? (...). Slide “Ocean Bed”. Attach a card with the name of the part of the bottom to the diagram on the board. Members of other groups supplement their diagrams with signatures.

Captain of the Mir research group, tell us about the results of your research. What did you study? (...). Slide “Mid-ocean ridges.” Attach a card with the name of the part of the bottom to the diagram on the board. Your group has a short message - what is it about? (Black smokers). Members of other groups supplement their diagrams with signatures.

You've done a good job in the depths, let's rest a little. Physical exercise “Put your hands on your desks. The mountains are high (arms up), the plains are wide (arms to the sides). We walk for a long, long time (we walk with our fingers). The tops of the mountains are high (we look up), we can see from them far away (we turn our heads).

Primary comprehension and consolidation of what has been learned: Slide "Working with a map of the oceans." We continue our research. Now we will move from theoretical research to practical research. Task No. 2: I propose to consolidate the knowledge gained by working with the ocean map in the atlas on page 24. Let's dive in!

Work in groups on a map of the oceans.

Group captains, determine who will go to the map and report on the work. It is necessary to show on a map of the oceans the objects that the group worked with.

We carry out Task No. 3:orally(“Challenger” and “Trieste” - Middle - Atl. Ridge, “Vityaz” and “Mir” - East - Quiet rise)

If we have time, we read and talk about the processes that form the bottom topography (p. 69, paragraph 5)

Slide "Let's test our knowledge." You and I have been working at depth for a long time, now it’s time to surface. Let's summarize the preliminary results of our work and test our knowledge. Do you have it in your route sheets? Task No. 4: Complete it, and we will check the answers together.

We listen to the answers, check the answers by slide "Relief of the bottom of the world's oceans",You can immediately put your own rating in the box.

Lesson summary. Reflection:

We did a good job today, let's Let's summarize:

What goals did we set today? Have you and I achieved our goals? Slide “Today in class”

Formulate your homework - item 18 of the assignment on page 70

Route sheet

member of the Challenger research group_________________________________________________

Reference: The British ship "Challenger" in 1872-1876 completed an expedition around the world, as a result of which the first map of the ocean floor was compiled.

Task No. 1: Read the text of the textbook, paragraph 18, page 67, paragraph 2 “Underwater margins of continents” and continue the sentences:

1. The continental shelf (shelf) is ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Its surface is covered with ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3.On the shelf people _____________________________________________________________________ and catch _________________________________________________________________________________

4. Continental slope - ___________________________________________________________________

Task No. 2: Using the physical map of Russia, look at the continental shelf (shelf) in the Arctic Ocean. Define:

A) which seas of the Arctic Ocean are located on the shelf _______________________________________________________________________________________

B) which islands of the Arctic Ocean are located on the shelf________________________________________________________________________________

Consider what the continental shelf (shelf) of the Arctic Ocean looks like on the map of the oceans (atlas p. 24), show it on the map at the board.

Task No. 3:

Task No. 4:

a) ocean bed;

b) continental shelf;

c) continental slope

b) continental slope;

c) basin.

a) gutters;

b) continental slope;

c) basins.

a) basins;

b) ocean bed;

a) continental slope;

c) gutters.

Let's summarize:

Today in class:

I learned

It was interesting to me

It was difficult for me

Route sheet

member of the Trieste research group_______________________________________________

Reference: Trieste is a research submersible that made a record dive into the Mariana Trench in 1960.

Task No. 1: Read the text of the textbook, paragraph 18, page 67, paragraph 3 “Transition zone” and continue the sentences:

1. The transition zone is located _______________________________________________________________________________________ and has _________________________________________________________________________________

2. The deep-sea trench is _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________ and _____________________________________________________________________________________ often happen here

Task No. 2:

A) Mariana Trench and determine in which ocean it is located and determine its depth________________________________________________________________________________;

B) Japanese, Kuril and Aleutian islands in the Pacific Ocean and determine which seas are nearby_________________________________________________________________________________;

C) Show the Mariana Trench on the map at the board.

Task No. 3: Describe the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

1.Which ocean and in what part of it is it located?

2. In what direction does it stretch and how many kilometers?

3. Between what geographical objects (basins and continents) is it located?

Task No. 4: Let's test our knowledge (circle your answers):

1. Part of the continental crust that continues under water in the form of a shallow coastal plain:

a) ocean bed;

b) continental shelf;

c) continental slope

2. The continental shelf and the ocean bed are connected by:

b) continental slope;

c) basin.

3. The deepest parts of the world's oceans are:

a) gutters;

b) continental slope;

c) basins.

4. 70% of the ocean floor area is occupied by:

a) basins;

b) ocean bed;

c) mid-ocean ridges.

5. A single mountain system on the ocean floor is:

a) continental slope;

b) mid-ocean ridges;

c) gutters.

Let's summarize:

Today in class:

I learned

It was interesting to me

It was difficult for me

Route sheet

member of the research group “Vityaz”________________________________________________

Reference: From 1949 to 1979, the research vessel “Vityaz” made expeditions in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. Highlands, ridges, depressions and trenches on the ocean floors were discovered and explored.

Task No. 1: Read the text of the textbook, paragraph 18, page 68, paragraph 4 “Bed of the Ocean” and two paragraphs on page 69 “There are at the bottom of the oceans...” (up to paragraph 5) and continue the sentences:

1.The ocean bed occupies _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2.On the ocean floor there is ___________________________________________________________________

3. Basins are ________________________________________________________________________________

4. There are also ________________________________________________________________ at the bottom of the ocean

Label on the diagram those parts of the ocean floor that you have studied

Task No. 2: Using the map of the oceans in the atlas, pp. 24 - 25, find and write down:

A) Underwater basins_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

B) Underwater ridges_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

C) Show on the map at the board the basins at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Task No. 3:

1.Which ocean and in what part of it is it located?

Task No. 4: Let's test our knowledge (circle your answers):

1. Part of the continental crust that continues under water in the form of a shallow coastal plain:

a) ocean bed;

b) continental shelf;

c) continental slope

2. The continental shelf and the ocean bed are connected by:

b) continental slope;

c) basin.

3. The deepest parts of the world's oceans are:

a) gutters;

b) continental slope;

c) basins.

4. 70% of the ocean floor area is occupied by:

a) basins;

b) ocean bed;

c) mid-ocean ridges.

5. A single mountain system on the ocean floor is:

a) continental slope;

b) mid-ocean ridges;

c) gutters.

Let's summarize:

Today in class:

I learned

It was interesting to me

It was difficult for me

Route sheet

Member of the Mir research group________________________________________________

Reference:"Mir" is a Russian research deep-sea manned vehicle for oceanographic research and rescue operations. It has a diving depth of up to 6 km. Using the Mir submersibles, hydrothermal vents were explored in the areas of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

Task No. 1: Read the text of the textbook, paragraph 18, page 68, from the paragraph “The most important discovery in the late 50s. ..." to the paragraph "TASK" and continue the sentences:

1. Mid-ocean ridges have length___________________________________________ and _________________________________________________________________________________________

2.In the central part of the mid-ocean ridges________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Amazing creations of nature were discovered here_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. In the areas of mid-ocean ridges, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ occur

Label on the diagram those parts of the ocean floor that you have studied

Task No. 2: Using the map of the oceans in the atlas, pp. 24 - 25, find:

A) Mid-ocean ridge in the Atlantic Ocean. It is called _______________________________________________________________________________________

B) Mid-ocean ridge in the Pacific Ocean. It is called __________________________________________________________________________ and is located in the ___________________________________________ part of the ocean.

C) Show these mid-ocean ridges on the map at the board.

Task No. 3: Describe the East Pacific Rise according to plan:

1.Which ocean and in what part of it is it located?

2. In what direction did it stretch and how many kilometers?

3. Between what geographical objects (basins and continents) is it located?

Task No. 4: Let's test our knowledge (circle your answers):

1. Part of the continental crust that continues under water in the form of a shallow coastal plain:

a) ocean bed;

b) continental shelf;

c) continental slope

2. The continental shelf and the ocean bed are connected by:

b) continental slope;

c) basin.

3. The deepest parts of the world's oceans are:

a) gutters;

b) continental slope;

c) basins.

4. 70% of the ocean floor area is occupied by:

a) basins;

b) ocean bed;

c) mid-ocean ridges.

5. A single mountain system on the ocean floor is:

a) continental slope;

b) mid-ocean ridges;

c) gutters.

Let's summarize:

Today in class:

I learned

It was interesting to me

We recommend reading
