If it's December, what is your zodiac sign? People born in December. Compatibility of Sagittarius with other signs

Kitchen 08.04.2024

When considering the question of which December zodiac sign corresponds to a person according to the horoscope, it should be remembered that Capricorn comes into force only on December 21.

Those born this month are endowed with a hot-tempered and emotional character. He is very persistent, always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. In this regard, it should be noted that dishonestly he never achieves his goal, because he enjoys winning in impeccable conditions.

Sagittarius or Capricorn are the December zodiac signs, which give a person an honest and sociable character, thanks to which he becomes the life of any company.

If we consider this person’s love relationships, it should be borne in mind that his love of freedom often prevents him from entering into long-term relationships, although with age he may become more stable.

This is a sign of devoted friends who never flatter, but say what they think. In this regard, this person’s loved ones should remember that people born in December never intentionally harm, and certainly do not want to offend a person by expressing everything they think.

Are people born this month influenced by their zodiac sign?

Sagittarius born in December

Sagittarius, the zodiac sign of those born in December, gives a person both physical and mental activity.

It should be borne in mind that it is very rare to meet pessimistic representatives of this sign, but rest assured that if Sagittarius has lost a positive outlook on life, it means that it has battered him a lot.

Since this person is obsessed with the truth, he often finds himself in unpleasant situations, either because of his straightforwardness or because of the fight for truth and justice.

This December zodiac sign defines its ward as an impulsive and kind-hearted person. In general, among Sagittarius you can often meet people who found their calling in the fight for animal rights, sexual minorities or humiliated women.

In all this turmoil and desire to make everyone around him happy, he can often forget about his own needs and rights, which is why he needs someone who will take care of him and support him in all his endeavors.

And if his half is ready to share his interests and thirst for adventure, he can become the happiest person in the world.

Are representatives of this sign quite purposeful?

Capricorns born in December

So, let's consider the question of which December zodiac sign corresponds to a person according to the horoscope if he was born after December 21. Capricorn is a representative of the earthly element, which gives this person an ambitious disposition, practicality and a certain conservatism.

Among girls born in December, you can find women who capable of devoting their entire life to their career, thereby sacrificing her right to become a wife and mother.

Capricorn boys born in December have an analytical mind, pronounced foresight and organizational skills.

In the role of a leader, Capricorn can achieve considerable success, as he is endowed with exceptional abilities to recognize the emotional barrier in people, as well as to manipulate them.

It should be taken into account that a representative of this zodiac sign strives for power and material well-being, since in his opinion, only by having financial independence can a person become free.

Considering the above, when choosing names for Capricorns born in December, you need to give preference to names that attract finance and good luck in business - Victor, Maxim, Semyon, Rosa, Larisa or Tatyana.

During the first month of winter, very bright zodiac signs reign - difficult precisely because of the expressiveness of their characters. To learn how to effectively and successfully communicate with them or to tame your own problems (if you are a “December” person), you need to have information. Let's learn in general terms about the classic characteristics of people born at the beginning of winter.

Fiery Sagittarius: the unstoppable December zodiac sign

Until December 21st is the time of Sagittarius, good-natured people, but at the same time eternal adventurers, generous and at the same time ambitious. Jupiter, their heavenly patron, generously gifts these “winter” people with developed spirituality and vigilant concern for material wealth, the desire to develop - and an ardent desire to receive recognition of all their merits.

It is not surprising that so many bright traits sometimes come into conflict, forming an extremely interesting, but rather complex personality. So the majestic and elegant Sagittarius should listen to their magnanimous impulses - but not reduce them to extravagance; give free rein to sociability and friendliness without stooping to hypocrisy; enjoy your impulsiveness - but control your actions and their consequences.

Since Jupiter rules the deepest programs of the human psyche, Sagittarius and other subjects of this planet often find it difficult to separate external influences from the inherent characteristics of their personality. It won't hurt them to establish themselves in the belief that any changes are possible from within - and they have enough strength for it!

Tenacious Capricorns - the ambitious zodiac sign of December

The time of Capricorns begins on December 20, and their destinies are ruled by the lord of time - Saturn. Paradoxically, it is with the subtle matter of time that these “winter” people have the greatest difficulties: disciplined, wise and able to work hard, they too often do not have time to do everything that they themselves have planned.

Despite their developed spirituality and practical intelligence, it is not easy for Capricorns to understand others and establish contact with them, which is why loners are so often found among them. They should use all the forces generously donated by Saturn to “bite into” the fabric of objective reality: this will prevent the development of painful and unrealistic ambition and will help avoid mental anguish.

Who you are, why you were born and how you should live.

Leading astrologer of the Far East Alexander Rempel offers you recommendations on birthdays. They can tell you where to find yourself, what you should pay attention to and how to change your life for the better.

December 1.

You have a truly “sunny character” - you are always cheerful, radiate optimism and are full of hope; this joy of life cannot be overshadowed by any difficulties and you are an optimist in the full sense of the word. You are generous to others and this generosity is manifested in all thoughts and actions. You are courageous, enterprising, and even if you fail, you take up the task again and again and eventually achieve success. You are ready to give everything you have to your neighbor, and if you are allowed to help all the losers, then you yourself will go bankrupt. However, you are not easily deceived: you intuitively sense foul play. However, you are not malicious and are ready to lend a hand even to those people who not so long ago tried to deceive you. You yourself can earn money in any way, but you are inclined to take risks and, having embarked on a scam, at times you lose greatly. But, having lost, you don’t lose heart and don’t blame others for your misfortunes, you simply take up your work with renewed vigor and regain what you lost. Your health is quite good, the only danger for you is nervous breakdowns caused by overexertion.

Try to schedule your important tasks and meetings on the 1st, 3rd, 10th, 12th, 19th, 21st, 28th of each month. The only thing you need protection from in life is from overload, nervous stress and injury, and Slavic and Celtic amulets help with this very well. In magic you will always follow the path of pressure, you are best trained in voodoo magic, astral karate and ceremonial magic.

December 2nd.

You are not a very strong-willed person. You are sensual and sophisticated, but not an optimist and not very confident in yourself. Mostly you live a spiritual life, with little touch on its material side. You are inclined towards philosophy, religion, mysticism and the occult. You are often visited by vivid dreams and visions, you may have the gift of prophecy or, at least, predict the possible course of events. However, your refined manner does not allow you to derive material benefit from your gift, and you use it only when communicating with like-minded people. You are a natural teacher and can successfully teach or engage in in-depth scientific research. You love nature, strive to travel and see distant countries. You have a refined taste, but are indifferent to food. You are indifferent to money, but are capable of achieving a high position. Alas, you do not have great health.

The most favorable dates of each month are 2, 3, 7, 11, 12, 16, 21, 23, 29. In magic or fortune telling, you will always achieve success. The best talisman for you is the Sun talisman. He will help you in business matters, family happiness and solve your problems (if any) with the apartment.

December 3.

Success awaits you in any field; you will always be able to take a leading position, no matter where you live and in any society. You have excellent organizational skills, especially successfully participating in social and political movements. You will achieve recognition and you will receive honors, prizes, awards. Your profession and use of forces is construction, railways, means of transport, ships, transportation and a leader at any level. In government service you will also achieve high position and power. You have clearly expressed religious inclinations and a predisposition to mysticism; however, the opposite option is also possible - denial of any beliefs. In finance, you will always achieve success and will rarely get sick in your younger years.

Your most favorable days for carrying out important tasks and business meetings are the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th, 30th of each month. You need a Mars talisman to successfully climb the ladder of business success. If you want, you will become a good astrologer and magician.

December 4.

People born on this day sooner or later become convinced that “fate plays with a person” in the most unexpected way. Those born on this day are susceptible to the game of chance. You are gifted, highly intelligent and very original. You have a rich imagination and great creativity. You live your own, special life, and “dark people”, of course, do not understand you. The most ridiculous lies are being spread about you, but you are unable to defend yourself against slander. Your financial circumstances are very uncertain. You earn money in bursts, suddenly and unexpectedly. You don’t know how to keep what you earn, but look at life philosophically - it’s okay, something will turn up - and this “something” really turns up. The most unexpected diseases are possible for you: stomach, pneumonia, colds with high fever. Accidents are also possible. For those born on December 4th, amulets are needed to protect against accidents.

5th of December.

You are given a quick, active mind and quick wits, but you will be somewhat fussy and restless. You will definitely need to keep your hands and head occupied with something all the time. You are an ambitious, independent, and quite determined person. You are also somewhat hasty and impetuous in your likes and dislikes, and tend to follow impulse, first impressions. You have been given powerful intellectual abilities, and if you can curb your impulsiveness, you will succeed in everything. You must love sports and animals. You are obsessed with speed, you love cars and everything that moves, walks on the sea and flies. Therefore, your life rarely goes by without you “crashing” somewhere. You are often in mortal danger and you are a risky person. You can always make money. My health is more or less fine.

If possible, try to use the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 14th, 23rd, 30th of each month for business activity. It is unlikely that you will engage in fortune telling, predictions or magic. You need quick results and don't have the patience. Here's ceremonial magic for you. Sometimes people born on December 5th begin to engage in Satanism, but quickly cool down.

December 6.

You have a very pleasant and easy-going character. You know how to appreciate the beauty of nature and, in general, everything beautiful and harmonious in all forms, even in small things, nothing disgusts you more than sloppy and unclean people. You are completely devoid of boring - you are a great host or hostess, a great lover of friendly companies. Love sports in one form or another, fresh air and perhaps animals. Gambling on betting is extremely contraindicated for you. You can have two sources of income, and all the events in your life are “paired”, which, however, only brings you benefits. Two marriages, two children, you can marry a foreigner or a native of distant lands. You experience a strong attraction to people of the opposite sex - and we are not necessarily talking about love affairs; cordial friendship is possible; in any case, in such relationships you are always loyal and follow a code of honor. You can get rich even in your young years, without even putting much effort into it, you will be happy in your marriage, you can receive an inheritance and rich gifts. However, such luck does not last forever, so in your youth it does not bother you to take care of ensuring your old age. If we talk about health, then you are lucky here too; the only danger is the tendency to abuse the joys of life. There is a predisposition to malignant tumors of the intestines and breasts, which is more pronounced in older years.

The best days for business activity are the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 27th, 30th of each month. You have good psychic qualities and the potential to become a qualified astrologer.

December 7th.

Your character may be delicate and flexible, but if you have not received the proper upbringing, then you are ambitious, assertive, a dictator and a tyrant. In your case, education is the key to your future character. You should have wonderful dreams, visions, bursts of inspiration and all sorts of psychological phenomena. You are a born parapsychologist. You can become a poet, artist, musician and writer. However, your talents may remain “under the radar” for a long time (or forever), manifesting themselves only in the work of your imagination. You will have many missed and unrealized opportunities in your life. Your financial affairs are extraordinary. You rarely manage to earn money through routine business activities. Not very good digestion, which is aggravated by irregular nutrition and neglect of the everyday side of life.

The most favorable days for business activity are the 2nd, 7th, 11th, 16th, 20th, 25th, 29th of each month. In order for you to achieve something in life, you simply need a talisman to make your desire come true.

December 8th.

You are strong and determined. But at first you have difficulties in any business. However, you are unusually persistent - since everything is difficult for you, you still make your way to the top thanks to patience, perseverance and perseverance and always win your place in life. You could become excellent judges, lawyers, businessmen. When it comes to other people's interests, you are overly cautious. You approach any business very responsibly, but are not always persistent in achieving material success. You can save money slowly but surely. True, you often experience a “leakage” of finances thanks to unlucky relatives and friends. You can have a strong body and strong muscles.

The numbers 4, 8, 13, 17, 22, 26, 31 have a lot of attention on you. You will have a tendency to dress in dark clothes, wear black pearls, black diamonds and purple stones (if the opportunity arises). To achieve financial success, you need a “money” talisman. You can achieve success in magic and palmistry, but most of all in astrology.

9th December.

You have very definite, strong views on life, and in any matter you are decisive and even somewhat despotic. You are at your best in unexpected situations that require quick, decisive action. You are strong mentally and physically and do not know the word “fear”. You love a free life, open areas and strive for this whenever possible. You are preoccupied with the opposite sex and, as a rule, are happy in marriage, but throughout your life you may change your marriage partner. By nature you are an adventurer, an adventurer, a pioneer. You are restless and love traveling, especially to distant, unexplored countries. You are always ready to take risks, often putting your life in serious danger. You are lucky in money matters, sometimes due to marriage, sometimes due to financial fraud or gambling, sometimes due to inheritance. You may not care about your health at all and undermine it by being overloaded with all sorts of things.

Try to time your business activities to coincide with the 9th, 18th, and 27th of each month. It is advisable for you to wear a talisman for health or an amulet against health problems. They could achieve success in Wicca magic, Druid magic, oriental medicine, or in extrasensory perception.

December 10.

If you were born on DECEMBER 10, then show great energy in any activity and never waste time. You do not tolerate bosses over you, and for this reason you can become a leader yourself. You have great ambitions, but you are always aware of the reality of your desires. Therefore, you will never wish for the impossible and will not demand a “star from the sky.” You are very sensitive in matters of honor and do not leave behind unpaid debts. On the other hand, you can make money in any way and sometimes lose your investments, sometimes not get back the money that belongs to you. Your health is mostly good, but you are susceptible to overload and nervous breakdowns, and as we know, “all diseases come from nerves.” To enhance your magnetic influence, you should wear, at least in some detail, clothes in yellow, gold, brown, violet and purple tones. You are a pragmatic enough person to achieve some results in magic or clairvoyance, and the only thing in which you can achieve at least some success is astrology.

December 11th.

You are artistic because you feel the beauty of art, music, painting, poetry, literature and public speaking. You may not care at all about earthly goods; you are the owner of the treasure of the spirit, in which your happiness lies, so you rarely complain about fate. At the same time, you are sometimes quite decisive in your thoughts and deeds. Sometimes, due to certain life circumstances, for example, to help other people, you force yourself to work not for the sake of profit, but you rarely derive personal benefit from this. You are unlikely to have a powerful physique, although you may be large-boned. You may give the impression of being undernourished, and if you do not live in a place with a dry, warm climate, you may be susceptible to lung diseases and bronchitis, nasopharyngeal diseases and articular rheumatism. To enhance your magical qualities, you should wear clothes in green, white, cream, as well as lilac, violet, and purple shades. In magic you can achieve certain success, but healing, herbal medicine, and extrasensory perception are much more suitable for you.

12 December.

You firmly believe in the power of the printed word and may even be involved in journalism and publishing. You can even publish your own newspaper or magazine, as well as leaflets, promoting your own views on any issue. And yet, despite such rich talent, in old age you can witness your own ruin. Everything earned and acquired through “exorbitant labor” will inevitably disappear, and you will be powerless to prevent misfortune. You can achieve prosperity, but during your prosperous days, save something for your old age, because at the turn of fifty, circumstances may change for the worse. You can have a great body and not suffer from serious illnesses until you are fifty. But at the turn of this age, your health may deteriorate. Convulsive syndromes and paralysis are likely, so you need a pentacle of health in old age, or an amulet against paralysis. To enhance your influence, you are recommended to wear clothes in red, blue, crimson, pink, and purple. Eastern magic, Tibetan astrology, palmistry are most suitable for you, and you can also develop clairvoyance abilities.

December 13th.

You may experience unusual dreams, visions, premonitions, you have excellent intuition and therefore, sooner or later, you will seriously begin to be interested in the occult sciences and read a lot on these topics. You are very independent in character, characterized by freedom of thought and action. You are not inclined to obey conventions; you cannot stand restrictions and censorship. It is possible that it is for this reason that you are rarely happy in your marriage and often conflict with your parents. You find yourself in risky situations, exposed to dangers associated with fire, horses, cars, etc. Even a plane crash is possible for you. Any contacts with religious communities or secret organizations are potentially dangerous, and if you turn to religion, everything will collapse. By the time you realize your mistake, it will be too late. Your financial circumstances are uncertain, you may earn a lot, but you may also have periods of lack of money. Fate will not give you great health, but you are also unlikely to have serious illnesses. An accident is possible for you and it would be better for you to have a protective amulet. The preferred colors of your clothes are gold, yellow, bronze, brown, red, violet, purple. In magic, all paths are open to you, as well as in matters of forecasting and predictions.

December 14.

If you can force yourself to do something specific, you will be able to achieve success in literature, science, medicine, and legal activities. It is possible that in times of crisis you will be a leader and lead a family, team or group of people. You love all kinds of discussions, debates and arguments, while often being caustic and sarcastic. However, after the end of the verbal skirmish, you quickly cool down and do not hold a grudge against your opponent. Very attractive to people of the opposite sex. Basically, you are happy in marriage, but the later you start family life, the greater your chances of success. You can always “make money” by acting unexpectedly, according to your taste, you are lucky in financial investments, especially when you act on intuition, but you value money little. You are unlikely to have a predisposition to serious diseases; only a chaotic lifestyle and irregular diet harm you. You may also have nervous eyelid or facial muscle tics, a stutter, or a speech impediment. But these problems again may be solely due to your lifestyle. You should wear clothes in light, pastel colors, red, purple, lilac. Very good predisposition to verbal magic. To protect against nervous and obsessive movements, you should wear a Celtic amulet.

December 15.

You are a bit of a “snob” and you are drawn to high-ranking, influential people, titled persons, high-ranking government officials, and clergy. You love to travel and during your travels you usually make friends, and these friendships can last a long time and be beneficial. Both men and women think big and you know how to raise money to bring your plans to life. You have a special interest in all manifestations of spirituality and intellectual giftedness. You might meet a celebrity in your home. If you yourself are involved in something far from art, then you always have good taste and try to decorate your home with works of art and beautiful things. You can get rich, but also unexpectedly lose everything. The most suitable clothing colors for you are red, purple, violet, blue, raspberry, and pink. Good abilities in any occult disciplines, especially ceremonial magic.

December 16.

A dreamer approaching action against his own will. You hear the call and, obeying it, begin to act to realize the matter. It happens that ambition completely takes over you and you destroy everyone and everything. If you devote yourself to the intellectual and spiritual sphere, you will experience wonderful inspiration and will remain in the memory of people for a long time as a beacon of spirit and mind. You can become an artist, poet, musician, writer or social leader. In your old age, you may lose money by making the wrong investments, you may be deceived by unscrupulous partners, you yourself may become entangled in commercial transactions and your debt may not be repaid. You rarely feel comfortable because you are constantly experiencing nervous tension. You don't get enough sleep and rest, depleting your nervous system. You need a Slavic amulet. You should wear green, cream, white, gray and pastel colors. Good clairvoyance and prediction abilities.

December 17.

You are overly secretive and withdrawn, and also react painfully to criticism and prohibitions. You can be tenacious and fearless when fighting injustice, so you can make yourself serious enemies. You are prone to sarcasm. As a rule, you avoid unnecessary risk, do not give in to the temptation to make quick money on dubious transactions, and invest only in reputable enterprises and, nevertheless, despite such caution, you often suffer losses. You have a predisposition to diseases of the internal organs, and you will have to endure serious surgical operations. To avoid these problems, it is necessary to wear a pentacle for health. The most important years of your life are 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62, 71. You will be attracted to people born on the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st of each month. Magic abilities are moderate; due to your distrust, you may simply not reveal the qualities inherent in you.

December 18.

You are not very greedy, and sometimes you are completely indifferent to money, although this gradually disappears for you. You generously help those in need, donate sums to shelters and help the poor, and if there is no money, then donate your work, time and ideas. You are talented in mechanics, especially in everything related to high-speed cars. Sometimes you get rich by undertaking bold financial transactions with a quick turnover of funds and profitable sales. You are luckier where a “head” is required, and not in routine business. You might get sick often as a child, but from the age of 20 onwards you become healthy. You usually work very hard and after fifty your health may deteriorate again. You cannot avoid accidents, or even injuries and fires.

You may be attacked by animals and may be in danger from air transport. The best clothing colors for you are red, pink, crimson. Your magical abilities are good, but very often you face danger and even damage to your body in rituals. Materialization and evocation are strictly prohibited.

December 19th.

You are a strong supporter of law and order and always support the actions of legitimate authorities. Love outdoor sports and can be a good athlete. You have strong natural aspirations, but you are always able to curb them with the power of your mind. You have a deep respect for science, philosophy and religion and can become an excellent priest or statesman, free from bigotry and hypocrisy. Your lucky stones are diamond, topaz, amber and amethyst. You should not engage in occult sciences, you are too rationalist for this, but you can become a good astrologer or palmist.

20th of December.

Solid, thorough character, with a penchant for responsible work and leadership. Inside, you are prone to mysticism and the occult. You are a good teacher and can successfully engage in in-depth research. You have a refined taste, but are not particularly picky about food. Feel the beauty of art, music, literature. The financial situation can be good and only sometimes bad. There may be problems with the lungs, bronchi, and nasopharynx. The opposite sex likes you. Your lucky stones are jadeite, moonstone, agate, pearl, amethyst. If you are allowed to indulge in magic and wizardry as a child, you will be very famous and achieve amazing results. There is no prospect of starting to practice the occult after 35 years.

21 December.

You have excellent organizational skills, especially successful as an informal leader, but you can also achieve high position and recognition in official structures. You may have pronounced religious inclinations and a predisposition to mysticism. You may be involved with newspapers, magazines, printing and propaganda in one form or another. You can achieve a good financial position, but in days of prosperity, save something for your old age, because at the turn of 50 years, circumstances may change for the worse. Your health status will not particularly bother you. You will be satisfied with your marital status if you make at least a minimum of effort to strengthen your family and devote more attention to your children. Your lucky stones are amethyst, turquoise, ruby, garnet.

The most important years of your life are 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57 years old. You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th. Remarkable abilities for any kind of magic and predictions. In order to protect yourself from ruin and impoverishment, by the age of 45-50 you need to have a Slavic amulet.

December 22.

As far as the material side of life is concerned, it can be assumed that you will earn money through some kind of intellectual work. You have a penchant for literature, music, and drawing. However, in any case, you do not know how to store and save money. Despite your generosity and open-mindedness, you have very strong likes and dislikes over which you have no control. You may be torn apart by passions and emotions. And because of this, you are not characterized by stable financial relationships and you earn money “in a hurry.” There may be health problems in the gastrointestinal tract, nasopharynx and lungs, and the temperature may often rise. The preferred colors for your clothing are all shades of gold, yellow, bronze, brown, red, violet and purple. Your lucky stones are sapphire, diamond, topaz, amber, jadeite.

The most important years of your life are 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44, 49, 53. To improve your financial situation, you should wear a Mercury pentacle or “money” talisman. Magic abilities are above average, mastering Tarot cards can be very fast and you can achieve success in predictions also very quickly.

December 23.

You are ambitious, independent, quite determined and decisive. You are also somewhat hasty and impetuous in your likes and dislikes, and tend to follow impulse, first impressions. If you can force yourself to do something specific, you will achieve success in literature, science, medicine, and legal activities. You are very attractive to people of the opposite sex. Mostly happily married, but early relationships won't last long for you. You can always “make money” by acting unexpectedly, according to your own taste; you are lucky in financial money, but you value money little. The state of health is more or less satisfactory. Your lucky stones are amethyst, diamond, clear stones.

The most important years of your life are 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59 years old. You are unlikely to be able to make predictions, but ceremonial magic or the cult of Baphamet is your destiny. Again, if you dare. The only thing you are missing is an attractiveness talisman if you want to please all people and not just certain representatives.

December 24.

You are a great host or hostess and love friendly company. You often have two sources of income and, in general, you are characterized by some duality. You may marry a person who was born far away from you and your marriage partner may be a foreigner. You have many friends among people of the opposite sex and you love to travel. Your health is mostly fine, and if there are problems, then you create them yourself. Your lucky stones are amethyst, turquoise, ruby, garnet, red stones.

The most important years of your life are 12, 15, 21, 24, 30, 33, 39, 42, 48, 51. You can practice magic and fortune telling.

December 25th.

You are a highly spiritual person. You may have the makings of a poet, painter, musician and writer. However, your inclinations may never be realized if you do not take at least some steps towards this. You rarely manage to earn good money and you can lose what you earn. You should not borrow money from anyone and you should not invest it in the affairs of others. There may be problems with digestion, and you rarely get enough rest, and therefore there may be nervous problems. Your lucky stones are jadeite, pearl, moonstone, amethyst, purple and violet stones.

The most important years of your life are 16, 20, 25, 29, 34, 38, 43, 47, 52. You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of each month. Magic abilities will still manifest themselves someday, and among the methods of prediction, astrology and Tarot cards are suitable for you. It is advisable for you to have a Moon talisman or a Celtic warrior talisman.

December 26.

You can achieve a high and honorable position, however, by showing insufficient diplomacy and excessive scope, you can draw unnecessary attention against yourself. As a rule, you avoid unnecessary risk, do not give in to the temptation to make quick money on dubious transactions, and make investments only in reputable enterprises and, nevertheless, despite such caution, you incur losses. You have a predisposition to diseases of internal organs, and you can undergo surgery. You are persistent in achieving your goals.

The most important years of life are 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62 years. You will be strongly attracted to people born on the 4th, 8th, 13th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 31st of each month. To achieve your goal, you should wear a wish fulfillment talisman or Thorn talisman. You can achieve good results in extrasensory perception.

27th of December.

You are very prudent, caring and responsible. You are at your best in unexpected situations that require quick, decisive action. You are strong mentally and physically. But sometimes you show the qualities of an adventurer, a pioneer, and you are overcome by a thirst for travel and the unknown. In money matters you achieve good results. You should be in good health in your older years. But sometimes accidents happen to you. Your lucky stones are ruby, garnet, red stones.

The most important years of your life are 18, 27, 36, 45, 54. Good abilities in the occult sciences, but you are more inclined to philosophize than to practical work. In order to protect yourself from an accident, you should wear a talisman or amulet.

December 28th.

In any activity you show great energy and never waste time. You do not tolerate leaders over you and are very freedom-loving. You have great ambitions, but you do not strive for utopian fantasies. You are sensitive to issues of honor. You can earn money in any way. You will always have a good family if you pay enough attention to your spouse and are relaxed in love affairs. Your health is satisfactory, the only danger is injury. In order to avoid serious injury, you should wear a “Dragon amulet” or a cult cross. Abilities for occult sciences are quite good; fortune telling with Tarot cards, palmistry and astrology will also be successful. The most important years of your life are 19, 21, 28, 30, 37, 39, 46, 54. You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on the 1st, 3rd, 10th, 12th, 19th, 21st, 28th and 30th every month.

December 29th.

Solid, thorough character, with a penchant for responsible work and leadership. They are prone to philosophy, religion, mysticism and the occult. Perhaps this is even the most important thing in life for you, and if you decide to devote yourself to parapsychology, the results will be impressive. You can also successfully teach others and engage in scientific research. You must love nature, travel and be able to visit other countries. You are also artistic and feel the beauty of art, painting, poetry, literature. Your financial situation may be good, or rather, you are able to earn money, but you do not always make an effort to do so. You may be susceptible to colds, lung diseases and rheumatism. Your lucky stones are pearls, moonstone, agate, jadeite, amethyst.

The most important years of your life are 16, 21, 26, 29, 30, 34, 38, 43, 47, 48, 52, 57. You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on 2, 3, 7, 11, 16th, 20th, 21st, 25th, 29th, 30th of every month. You need the Adam Pantacle if you want stability in your life.

December 30th.

Excellent organizational skills, achieve a high position. Good aptitude for construction and transport professions. You can make a career out of public service, but you should start as early as possible. The biggest danger for you is to refuse an offer of promotion when you are young, and then you will not be able to advance in the future. You will achieve success in financial matters in any case if you do not spend money on achieving pleasures outside the family. Health is quite good. Your lucky stones are amethyst and all purple stones as well as sapphire.

The most important years of your life are 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57. You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on 3 and 8. Good abilities in magic and the occult.

31th of December.

You are mentally gifted, highly intelligent and very original. You have a rich imagination and great creativity. The most ridiculous rumors can be spread about you and you need to get used to it. You are visited by unusual dreams, visions, premonitions, you have excellent intuition and sooner or later, you will be interested in the occult sciences and read a lot on these topics. You are independent in character, distinguished by freedom of thought and action, but you are rarely happy in your marriage and often conflict with your parents. You often find yourself in risky situations and are exposed to danger. The preferred colors of your clothes are gold, yellow, bronze, brown. Your lucky stones are sapphire, diamond, topaz, amber, jadeite.

The most important years of your life are 13, 17, 22, 26, 31, 35, 40, 44, 49, 53, 58. You will be attracted to people whose birth dates fall on the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 26th, 28th, 30th and 31st of each month.

Distinctive character traits of children born in December are their increased activity, emotionality, lack of restraint, honesty, frankness and straightforwardness. If they are dissatisfied or irritated with something, then it is not easy for them to restrain their emotions, to control themselves, even if they themselves see and understand that this is wrong and aggravates not only this situation, but also their reputation.

Even the most insignificant little thing can make this person flare up. They understand perfectly well why they are often treated with caution and even antipathy, they are aware of the inadmissibility of their behavior, the flaws of their character, but they just cannot control themselves, restrain themselves when necessary, remain silent when necessary.

These are sociable and always friendly people, they are distinguished by directness in their statements and openness in their relationships with the people around them. For the most part, he is a straightforward person, he always says what he thinks, although behind his tactless manner of dialogue and manner of communication hides a deep mind and high-level moral and ethical qualities. site/node/3558

Thanks to the combination of wit, sense of humor, resourcefulness and temperament, a person born in December easily becomes the center of not only everyone’s attention, but also attraction, in any society. He says and does everything sincerely, with all his heart, and falsehood is alien to him.

It’s not that this person doesn’t like to lie, he just doesn’t know how and doesn’t strive to learn to lie. Lying goes against the nature of people born in December; they cannot stand being accused of lying or being dishonest.

One of the negative qualities is that they are fickle, often they have more than one family in their life, although they can maintain contact and good relationships with previous marriage partners, remember their children from a previous marriage, and always help them.

December woman - born in December

The life path of those women, as well as men - who were born in December, as a rule, is thorny and far from a peaceful, measured life; this does not suit them and does not satisfy their life ambitions. December people are quite often the protagonists, direct participants and even the ringleaders of all sorts of unpleasant stories; they like to provoke conflicts.

They cannot afford to live a boring life; for them, a routine, monotonous lifestyle is like a punishment and they try in every possible way to avoid it. Nervous breakdowns and depression are frequent companions for those who happen to be born in December.

The predisposition to this condition is laid down from childhood; already at a young age these people manifest themselves in this regard - they show aggression, restlessness, excessive emotionality and impatience. site/node/3558

December man - born in December

Thanks to well-developed intuition, this man can correctly assess trends in the development of further events in advance and take the necessary actions in a timely manner to avoid mistakes or problems.

The advantages of a representative of the strong half of humanity, born in December, cannot be attributed to his caution or frugality; on the contrary, these people are more reckless than prudent, as well as wasteful than thrifty.

Men born in the winter month of December are distinguished by a special sexual attractiveness. They are pleasant in appearance, charming and can charm anyone they like.

Events and the situation around them must constantly change, acquaintances and friends must be renewed, work also cannot be monotonous, all this is a vital necessity for a child, and then an adult, born in December, his lifestyle and the main condition for mental comfort.

Famous men of the world - born in December

Ancient Roman emperor - Nero, famous Dutch philosopher - Benedict Spinoza, famous Anglo-Irish satirist, publicist, poet - Jonathan Swift, famous Russian commander - Alexander Suvorov, famous German composer, pianist, conductor - Ludwig van Beethoven, famous French engineer (Ephel Tower) - Alexander Eiffel, famous American writer - Mark Twain, famous British statesman and political figure, Prime Minister (1940–1945 and 1951–1955), British statesman and politician, journalist, Nobel Prize laureate in literature, writer - Sir Winston Churchill, popular Russian poet - Alexander Blok, famous Austrian writer - Stefan Zweig, famous American writer - Rex Stout, famous American writer and teacher - Dale Carnegie, founder of the Walt Disney company, famous American film director, actor, animator, screenwriter and producer - Walt Disney, Soviet political, state and party figure - Leonid Brezhnev, Russian writer, Nobel Prize laureate in literature, publicist, poet, public and political figure - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, clown, Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR - Yuri Nikulin, famous American film director, producer, actor, multiple Oscar winner - Woody Allen, stuntman, famous martial artist, American and Hong Kong film actor, film director, screenwriter and producer - Bruce Lee, artist, theater and film actor - Gennady Khazanov, popular Italian fashion designer, founder of the Gianni Versace brand - Gianni Versace, famous American film director, screenwriter, producer - Steven Spielberg, popular and respected singer, composer, musician, poet - Andrey Makarevich, Olympic champion, multiple world champion in pole vaulting, set many world records - Ukrainian Sergei Bubka.

Famous women of the world - born in December

- Mary Stuart (Mary I)- from infancy, Queen of Scotland, Queen of France (1559–1560), famous French singer and actress - Edith Piaf, popular Soviet film actress, People's Artist of the USSR - Nonna Mordyukova, Soviet theater and film actress, People's Artist of the USSR - Alisa Freundlich, popular in all over the world, American singer, songwriter, actress - Tina Turner, famous Soviet theater and film actress - Natalya Krachkovskaya, famous American actress - Kim Basinger (Basinger), popular French singer and actress - Patricia Kaas, famous American actress, musician and model - Milla Jovovich, famous American actress, singer, songwriter, director, singer, producer and philanthropist - Christina Aguilera, the most popular famous, world-famous American singer, actress, dancer and songwriter - Britney Spears, famous American film actress and singer - Scarlett Johansson, Soviet theater actress - Anastasia Vertinskaya, famous theater and film artist, People's Artist of the USSR - Alisa Freindlikh

People born in December are under the protection of the planet Jupiter. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are considered favorable days for making important decisions. Lucky colors that you should try to use when choosing clothes and thinking about the interior:

  • purple;
  • green;
  • yellow;
  • violet.

Topaz and amethyst are talisman stones that can protect from evil, protect from troubles and bring good luck.

Description of character

A person born this month has a high sense of justice, morality, and a desire to help people. Often these people are very religious and devoted to loved ones. They are full of dignity and a sense of duty, love to make their own decisions and willingly take responsibility for them.

The zodiac signs for this month are Sagittarius and Capricorn. Such people have fortitude and enthusiasm, so they easily achieve their goals and are content and prosperous. At the same time, they never go over their heads, they respect the law and order. High intelligence, goodwill, diligence, practicality and foresight help to prove yourself well before your superiors.

Love for nature manifests itself from childhood in the desire to spend a lot of time outdoors, have picnics, work in the fresh air and play sports. Self-confidence, pride and honor are not an empty phrase for you. Truthfulness, a sense of humor, open-mindedness and tolerance allow you to make many good friends and acquaintances.

You are an open person, capable of doing good deeds and generous gifts. You are not afraid to do as you see fit and express your opinion, even if it is radically different from the opinions of others. You are little susceptible to envy and pettiness.

However, character also has negative traits, the main of which are arrogance, boasting, and selfishness. A high opinion of oneself sometimes develops into narcissism. Exposure to violent passions leads to jealousy and sometimes even vindictiveness, and love of order is transformed into superstition and susceptibility to prejudice. People of this month can sometimes turn into real tyrants.


December brought you possible problems with the liver, cardiovascular system and blood circulation. The weak point is also the lungs and throat, so you can often suffer from sore throat, pneumonia, and chronic tonsillitis. Diseases such as gout, diphtheria, skin diseases and pleurisy are also possible. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to health from a young age, constantly strengthen the immune system and be examined by a doctor.

Personal life

A man born in December recognizes the need for a family early and therefore marries at a young age. He is very picky in his choice; he wants his wife to be attractive, a good housewife, to achieve professional success, that is, to be the best in everything. If a representative of the fair sex corresponds to his ideal, such a man will be proud of her and show her every attention. In relationships, he is gentle, sensitive and caring. At the same time, he cannot be denied violent passion.

The woman of this month will become for her chosen one not only a wife, but also a best friend and advisor. She will support him in every possible way, not being intrusive, but being moderately interested in his affairs. Moreover, such a woman is an excellent housewife, she always welcomes guests with cordiality and loves to take care of children. She takes love very seriously, she is used to elevating and spiritualizing it.

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