What health groups are there at the military registration and enlistment office? In what cases is fitness category A assigned? Subcategories, nuances and types of troops. What does category "D" mean?

Roof 09.04.2024

The selection of people fit to serve in the army has been practiced since ancient times. If earlier an evaluation criterion was used to assess the degree of suitability, now the determination of the degree of suitability of a conscript for service is strictly scientifically substantiated.
The category is determined not only in connection with the general state of health, but also allows us to determine in which troops a particular conscript can serve without harm to his health and with the greatest efficiency, fulfilling his duty.

What categories of suitability exist?

Article 5.1 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" provides a clear definition of the categories and criteria used to determine suitability for military service.
It is traditional to call them letters of the Russian alphabet: from “A” to “D”, thus distinguishing 5 categories.
Physical health, absence of chronic diseases, injuries, disability according to other indicators is the basis categorization military personnel upon conscription. And for those who are already certified and serve in the military - when determining their degree of fitness in the event of a general illness, injury, concussion, trauma to decide the future fate of the serviceman.

Conscripts and military personnel who do not have such high indicators in general physical training or have minor deviations from the concept of “fully healthy” successfully perform combat missions in no less responsible areas of combat work, but do not require extreme tension in the muscular and functional activity of the body.
Therefore, young people assessed by a military medical commission from fitness category “B” are also subject to conscription for military service.

Differences between eligibility categories

The practice of using personnel in the troops has developed a number of selection criteria.
For first echelon units – required: physical strength, activity, stress resistance, endurance.
For second echelon troops – other qualities are more important, since they have to perform combat work in completely different conditions.
In peacetime, the state can refuse conscription into the army for a significant number of conscripts who do not meet the strict army rules of routine, diet, and physical activity. But who can fulfill the duty of protecting the Motherland in wartime.
The only category that under no circumstances allows conscription for military service includes persons suffering from severe somatic, mental, allergic diseases, or having a disability that makes it difficult to use military weapons in practice.

Gradation of suitability categories

The category of suitability for military service is determined as a result of an examination of the conscript (military) by a board of 7 doctors. Their composition is constant and sufficient to identify any deviations in health:

Determining the state of health and assessing the degree of suitability for military service is not built in a vacuum.
Each candidate for military service must provide the medical commission with the following documents:

Based on the documents provided, the results of a visual examination and medical tests, the military medical commission makes a decision on determining the category.
Each of the 5 categories has (with the exception of category “D”) a number of subcategories. They make it possible to most fully take into account the physical condition and rational use of a serviceman in the army.

A state of “absolute” health. A soldier has no restrictions on serving in any extreme situations. A decrease in vision of up to - 2 diopters is allowed.
The first echelon troops are recruited from the “A” category contingent. It has 3 subcategories, designated in the registration certificate by Arabic numerals (1,2,3).
Minor deviations in health, taken into account by doctors, have virtually no effect on the suitability of a serviceman to perform a combat mission.

The most widespread and therefore the most common among military personnel. Has 4 subcategories. Within this group, the individual characteristics of the body are taken into account more significantly and the distribution to the place of service is more graded.
If there are doubts about the degree of suitability, conscripts, contract soldiers and military personnel are sent for additional medical examination.
The presence of category “B” does not at all indicate that a serviceman cannot perform work with full dedication in extreme or combat conditions.
The state, calling young people to serve, is not interested in the deterioration of the health of the person liable for military service after service. That is why service conditions with a gentle regime, without increased physical activity, are recommended for this category.

In a certain layer of the subculture, it is the desired dream of mentally immature teenagers.
It means unsuitability for service in peacetime and exempts you from military service.
Usually this is the presence of chronic diseases, which already place a burden on a person’s fate. Exacerbating their course or promoting development is not in the interests of the state.
Treatment costs more than the benefits.
Typically, conscripts applying for this category know the document by heart:

And they strive in every possible way not to recover and gain health, but to further aggravate their illness.
Upon receipt of this category, conscripts are enrolled in the reserve of the RF Armed Forces. They receive a military ID (instead of a registration certificate), and are in the reserves for up to 50 years. Their military specialty is determined by their specialized education at the time the military ID is issued.

It includes persons who, at the time of examination at the Military Military Commission, have somatic, infectious, or mental illnesses, which, once cured, do not interfere with their service.
Gives a deferment from conscription for military service for a period of 6 months to 1 year.
Upon re-examination, it may be extended or replaced with another category.

Persons declared completely unfit for military service have severe health problems and disabilities.
Social guarantees provide such people with state assistance in adaptation and are in no way aimed at ensuring that a person is drafted into the army.
When determining category “D”, a military ID with a special mark is issued. The same mark is affixed to the citizen’s passport.
Persons with category “D” have a significant range of restrictions when applying for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB, FSO and other law enforcement agencies.

Categorization conscripts, persons wishing to perform military duty under a contract and active military personnel - scientifically substantiated and aimed at the rational use of human resources and preservation of health.


Medical selection

There are certain rules for conducting annual organized conscription campaigns associated with the completion of compulsory military service by young men of military age, their entry into service on a contract basis, and admission to military educational institutions. They fix the categories of suitability for service in the Armed Forces, which are defined today and secured by a special legislative framework. Based on the conditions of these categories, the ability of each young man to serve in the military on a general basis or with some reservations is determined.

Therefore, one of the components of the draft commission is medical selection. After passing a certain list of medical specialists, in relation to each young man of military age, a final qualified decision is made on his suitability for service, taking into account his state of health. The so-called fitness category is established based on the results of a medical examination in strict accordance with the approved Schedule of Diseases. And it is precisely this category that ultimately determines whether a young man is fit to serve in the army or whether he needs exemption from performing this duty.

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List of categories determining suitability

The legislation provides for five categories for conscripts, which are submitted to the conscription commission: A - fully suitable for service;

  • B - suitable with minor restrictive conditions;
  • B - has restrictions on service;
  • G - unsuitable for military service for some time;
  • D - not fit for conscription.

Upon receipt of categories A and B, the guy is subject to conscription into the Armed Forces. Point B gives the right to exemption from the conscription campaign, enlistment in the reserves and receipt of a military ID. Group D determines time limits for various reasons, giving the right to a deferment of 6-12 months. Category D defines a group of conscripts who are not fit for military service even in the reserves. Such a person receives release and a military ID. In a word, in order not to go to serve in the army, you need to get into categories B and D. Quite often it happens that people get confused between letters B and C. In the first option, you are considered fit for service with some restrictive conditions, in the second you get the right to avoid call.

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Army category B

The number next to the letter determines the affiliation for compliance with the Table of Additional Requirements of the Schedule of Diseases. It is this indicator that determines the opportunity to serve in certain troops. The list of such areas is as follows:

But category B3 in the army is proposed for more detailed consideration. Young people who undergo a medical examination and belong to category B3 for health reasons are usually sent to military units as drivers and crew members of infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and launchers in missile units.

They may be called upon to serve in chemical forces, anti-aircraft missile forces, or as fuel refueling and storage specialists.

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When the conscription campaign starts in the Russian Federation, young people aged 18 to 27 who have not completed military service receive summonses to the military registration and enlistment office. Before entering military service, a conscript must undergo a medical examination. But not all young men will be able to achieve this, because many young people have health problems.

Unsuitability for military service in the Russian Federation in 2017–2018

The army does not accept conscripts whose developmental pathologies are visible to the naked eye: schizophrenia, mental retardation, absence of limbs, deafness, etc. In other cases, the conscript is treated and given a deferment from the army for 6 months or a year.

Severe functional impairments, such as slurred speech, enuresis, heart failure, etc., are reasons for decommissioning. In controversial cases, the medical commission decides.

Diagnoses of HIV infection, open tuberculosis, leprosy and other severe forms of infections are not conscripted into the army.

Tuberculosis and syphilis can be treated, after which the conscript goes through the draft board again, where his fate is decided.

Intestinal infections and viral diseases of different origins, when detected at a medical examination, the conscript is sent to undergo a course of treatment; if it is successful, the young man is drafted into the army; if the result is negative, the conscript is given a military ID.

The list with the names of diseases for which young people are not conscripted into the army is constantly being adjusted, but an option with all the latest amendments is always available at the military commissariat. So, the unfitness for military service in 2017–2018 will remain largely unchanged.

Suitability categories

When passing a medical commission, the young man is assigned a category of fitness for military service in the army. The category is determined in accordance with the list of diseases. The list of diseases is listed in the Regulations on Military Medical Examination.

According to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” young men are assigned one of the following categories:

  • “A” - this conscript is fit for military service;
  • “B” - this conscript is fit for military service with minor restrictions;
  • “B” is a young man with limited fitness for military service;
  • “G” - this is a young man temporarily unfit for service;
  • “D” means the conscript is unfit for military service.

The young man undergoes a medical examination, at which medical specialists assign a fitness category for their specific profile. In conclusion, the chairman of the medical commission sets the final fitness category based on the “worst parameter” principle.

What does category B mean?

Category “B” - a conscript is fit for military service with minor restrictions. That is, a young man with category “B” has chronic diseases, but with very rare exacerbations, which allow him to perform military duty.

In which branches of military service the conscript will serve is indicated by the indicator of destination. It depends on the recruit’s hearing, vision, height and the presence of a specific disease.

What does category "D" mean?

A young man who has received category “D” is considered unfit for military service and is exempt from it. He is given a military ID, but he is not called up for service under any circumstances.

What does it mean to be temporarily unfit for military service?

List of diseases for which a conscript is issued a military ID:

  1. Tuberculosis, but if the young man is completely cured, he is considered fit for military service.
  2. Tuberculosis of other systems.
  3. Leprosy.
  4. HIV infection.
  5. Syphilis and other infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. If the young man is successfully cured, he is drafted into the army.
  6. Oncological diseases.
  7. Blood diseases - anemia, dysfunction of leukocytes, platelets and red blood cells, thrombophilia, etc.
  8. Obesity.
  9. Euthyroid goiter.
  10. Exhaustion.
  11. Diabetes.
  12. Schizophrenia.
  13. Chronic alcoholism, substance abuse and drug addiction. Registered with a medical institution.
  14. Personality disorders, non-traditional sexual orientation.
  15. Psychoses.
  16. Disturbances in mental development.
  17. Epilepsy, if the number of attacks is more than five per year.
  18. Multiple sclerosis.
  19. Tumors of the spinal cord or brain.
  20. Encephalitis.
  21. Diseases associated with the eyes: glaucoma, retinal detachment, farsightedness or severe myopia, foreign body, blindness and others.
  22. Absence of ear concha.
  23. Otitis media is purulent.
  24. Deafness.
  25. Heart failure.
  26. Various types of heart defects.
  27. Hypertension.
  28. Hemorrhoids with external manifestation.
  29. Asthma.
  30. Diseases of the larynx, which cause difficulty breathing and a hoarse voice.
  31. One of the jaws is missing more than a dozen teeth.

This is not a complete list of diseases; the full version can be found at the military registration and enlistment office.

Regardless of whether a man has been in the army or not, everyone knows the way to the military registration and enlistment office. After all, initially every young man must be registered for primary military registration after he turns 17 years old. Subsequently, his relationship to the army will be determined by a specially created commission, but first he will be required to undergo a medical examination. It is carried out by competent specialists who, based on entries in the medical record, confirm the presence or absence of diseases.

It is important to understand that the duties of the military commission do not include making a diagnosis and a full examination, so if a young man expects to receive a deferment or release, then measures must be taken long before the first summons from the military registration and enlistment office arrives.

Attitude to service of citizens with different categories

The main factor determining whether a citizen belongs to a certain category is his state of health, but the commission will also take into account education, the presence of a military specialty, sports category and some other indicators.

Some difficulties in understanding the duties and rights of a conscript arise as a result of incorrect interpretation of fitness categories. The reason for this is the coincidence of certain indicators in two or three different categories, so we will provide a detailed interpretation of the values, according to the Schedule of Diseases.

  • Categories A and B do not interfere with compulsory military service, which is, in fact, similar. The differences lie in the fact that a conscript with category “A” is considered absolutely fit, which cannot be said about a young man with category “B”. In the second case, there are restrictions imposed on the choice of type of troops. These restrictions depend on the diagnosis.
  • Categories B or D on a military ID mean that the young man, based on the results of a medical examination, received exemption from the army. A significant difference in status is that with category “B” a citizen remains liable for military service. In wartime, he will most likely be drafted into non-combatant units. With category D, a young man is exempt from military service, up to and including deregistration.
  • I would like to highlight category “G” as a separate point, since its distinctive feature lies in its possible temporary nature. According to the law, citizens have the right to a deferment, or. It is in the last given case that the military commission assigns category “G”, which means a deferment of 6 months or a year. But it does not exempt him from military duties, since after the specified period the young man will be examined again. If he was referred for treatment, its effectiveness will be assessed. In any case, Article “G” is subject to correction. If the citizen is fit for service, then the letter “B” will appear on the military ID instead of the previous entry. The absence of positive dynamics during the course of the disease will lead to the conscript being transferred to the reserve.

Who can count on this category

Before receiving a subpoena, you need to really weigh your options so that the commission’s decision is not so unexpected. This means that it is useful to become familiar with the diseases that are a good reason for the attitude towards military service to reflect the fitness category “G”.

According to the Schedule of Diseases, you can create a list of diagnoses for which a delay will be assigned for a more detailed examination or course of treatment. It is this document that the commission uses to justify its decisions. Category “G” will be included in the military ID due to the diagnosis from almost all groups of diseases.

Infectious diseases

  • Temporary disorders caused by intestinal infections.
  • Primary syphilis.
  • Dermatophytosis.


  • Consequences of surgical treatment of tumors.

Blood diseases

  • The rehabilitation period after successful treatment.

Endocrine system disorders

  • Complications after acute illnesses.

Mental disorders

  • Mild disorders.
  • Short-term asthenic state.

Central nervous system disorders

  • Short-term dysfunction of the central nervous system.

Visual impairment

  • Postoperative rehabilitation period.

Hearing impairment

  • Complications after a chronic disease.

Respiratory diseases

  • Suppuration.
  • Pleurisy.

Skin diseases

  • Consequences of the illness.

How to get a sick leave

Once again, it should be noted that if a citizen is trying to obtain temporary or permanent release, he will have to prepare for the commission meeting in advance. The reason for this is the functionality of the commission members. They are not even theoretically required to make a diagnosis. Even if certain health problems are detected, the commission has the right to send the young man for additional examination, assigning these responsibilities to the doctors of the territorial hospital.

The most ideal option is to collect evidence of the disease in the medical record. To do this, you must immediately consult a doctor at the first manifestation of symptoms.

Even the very fact of the appeal, in which the young man complains about his health, plays an important determining role, and if treatment was prescribed, and even more than once, then the chances increase to almost one hundred percent. The period of relapse during the conscription period will be a ticket to category “G”, but, unfortunately, this cannot be specially organized.

Military service is associated not only with the defense of the homeland, but also with increased physical activity, which is why certain requirements have been established for the health of military personnel.

After all, defenders of the fatherland must not only shoot accurately, but also move quickly, and also master hand-to-hand combat techniques, which presupposes sufficient training and good health.

However, in view of the fact that military service involves many varieties of military professions, a scale of suitability for service has been developed at the legislative level in order to attract citizens to defend their homeland due to their physical capabilities.

What it is

In accordance with the law, every citizen of the Russian Federation, and foreign citizens too, have the right to enroll in military service. At the same time, taking into account that there are quite a lot of military professions, as well as branches of the military, and applicants have different levels of physical fitness and health status system developed, which implies determining the state of readiness of the future soldier to perform duties.

That is, in essence, suitability category are a scale that determines the readiness and ability of an individual for military service, taking into account his state of health, existing knowledge and level of physical fitness. For example, the category of limited fitness includes applicants who, due to health conditions, cannot be drafted into the army in peacetime, but in case of an emergency they can be called upon to serve in a civilian specialty.


According to the standards defined in Part 2 of Article 5.1 of Federal Law No. 53, the following fitness categories for military service:

Indicators of purpose

At the same time, in accordance with paragraph 4 of Government Decree No. 565, assignments have also been developed for each category, assigned after examination in accordance with the approved ones and which are taken into account when sending conscripts to certain types of troops or when appointing them to a particular position.

In particular, the stipulated Resolution No. 565 contains a list of major diseases, covering diseases of internal organs, problems with the musculoskeletal system, and the psychological level of perception of reality, not to mention the presence of viral infections or genetic abnormalities.

Also within the specified norm a scale of basic physical indicators is given in terms of requirements for service in certain troops. In particular, weight and height are indicated, as well as permissible deviations in hearing and vision, not to mention previous injuries and diseases that may affect the future soldier’s ability to perform certain functions already during the performance of his immediate duties.

Category A

Moreover, in most cases, upon receiving the specified category, future military personnel can quite deservedly count on serving in elite troops, such as the landing force and the marine corps.

At the same time, taking into account that in principle there are no ideally healthy people, this class is further divided into four subgroups, which make it possible to determine the ability of future soldiers to serve in various troops.

In particular, A1 is the highest score, which is assigned not only for health reasons, but also for external indicators, such as height and weight, given that height is as important for paratroopers as vision for tankers. For example, to qualify for the airborne troops, the height of the applicant must be no lower than 170 cm and no higher than 185 cm, while the weight must be within 90 kg, and not classified as obesity of the 2nd degree. Also, the future paratrooper must be able to distinguish whispered speech within 6 meters, and therefore have perfect hearing.

Second degree assigned if the future soldier is ideally healthy at the time of examination, but in accordance with medical documents, he previously suffered a serious illness or broken bones, but without further deterioration in his general health and contraindications to engaging in certain activities. With A2, a conscript can be involved in tank or missile forces, as well as serve on submarines, of course, subject to the weight and height indicators described above.

Upon receipt third degree This implies some deviations in the state of health, in particular in vision, which does not require special adjustments and treatment, which is inherent when the visual field is limited to 20 degrees. Conscripts classified in this category can be drafted into the internal troops, as well as serve in the chemical or missile forces.

AND fourth degree assigned for vision problems exceeding 20 degrees, but provided that other indicators of the soldier’s physical condition are normal, not to mention standard weight and height. At the same time, A4 implies that the conscript can be involved in any other troops, except those mentioned above, without any restrictions.


Category B is assigned if a conscript or serviceman has certain deviations in physical health, as a result of which the occupation of certain positions is contraindicated or not permissible.

And given that almost all conscripts have health problems to one degree or another, the majority of employees end up in category B, distributed according to their assignment indicators.

So in particular, B1 assigned if a military personnel suffers from an allergy or other mild disease that is not characterized by a persistent loss of physical skills to perform certain actions. Therefore, employees classified as B1 can be enlisted in both assault brigades and border troops.

Category B2 also assumes minor deviations in the general state of health and does not lead to significant restrictions, because with a small percentage of vision loss, a future soldier can quite successfully be recognized in both the surface fleet and the tank crew, not to mention the National Guard or the engineering corps.

B3 already imposes some restrictions, which are expressed in the same degree of an allergic reaction, loss of vision or hearing, not to mention excess weight or previous injuries. If the specified category is established, the conscript will not be able to become a paratrooper or submariner, but he will be gladly enlisted in radio operators or escort brigades, as well as in the chemical or engineering troops.

B4, in fact, is practically the last chance to be drafted into the army, given that when establishing the specified category, significant deviations in the general physical condition of conscripts are observed. In particular, employees may be left with the consequences of previous injuries, poor vision or hearing, as well as excess weight or short stature. In such a situation, the conscript, as a rule, serves in the security units of radio installations, in the communications and radio engineering troops, or in units specializing in special structures.


Category B is assigned if the future soldier has a permanent loss of health that prevents him from serving at full capacity precisely in army conditions, which imply readiness to serve almost around the clock, not to mention physical exertion.

As a rule, in the presence of such deviations, they are not involved in military service, but are sent to the reserve with the condition that during military operations the citizen will be called upon to perform his duty along with all other employees in accordance with the military specialty, which is assigned according to his education at the time examination or skills.

That is, in fact, in peacetime, a conscript can repay his debt to his homeland by serving in the same hospital as an orderly or as a volunteer among the elderly, not to mention working in a factory producing parts or other things necessary in everyday life. In wartime, a soldier with a similar fitness category may be called up to work in military factories.


Category G is assigned to a conscript by a medical commission if the future soldier at the time of the examination suffered a serious injury or illness and, accordingly, to restore health he needs a certain time, by means of a delay, for example, for six months.

That is, in essence, the agreed group is an interim decision, which, after the conscript’s recovery, will be changed to A, B or C, depending on the results of treatment and prognoses of future capacity.


This category assumes that a citizen unfit for military service under any circumstances and at any time, regardless of further treatment, emergency situations or other circumstances.

After all, for example, being disabled due to a mental disorder, a citizen is unlikely to ever be aware of the consequences of his actions or the need to use certain strategic steps.

Procedure for challenging

Despite the fact that the prerogative in determining the fitness category is assigned to the medical commissions, conscripts also have the right, in particular, to appeal the decision in case of disagreement.

After all, receiving category D, for example, reflects not only the state of health, but in some cases can become an obstacle to employment in a prestigious job, given that employers rarely think about what illness caused the refusal to enlist.

That is why a person who does not agree with the decision of the commission is given the right to receive an examination report and a referral to re-pass the medical commission based on the submitted application.

The following video describes the classification of conscripts’ fitness for health reasons:

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