Fortune telling on the sand. Arabic fortune telling Geomancy: sand will help you choose the right path! How to play - rules and description

Primers 10.04.2024

Many consider Arabic fortune-telling by drawing on sand to be one of the most truthful and significant. Sometimes this divination is called dotted divination or geomancy.

Arabic fortune telling by drawing on the sand

Prediction by drawing on sand became known in Europe at the end of the 19th century. This divination¹ is often practiced by the inhabitants of Arabia and other desert dwellers. They attached special significance to sand and believed that it could give very accurate answers, since it is closely connected with nature.

To master the art of divination by drawing on sand, you need to learn the basic symbols of geomancy² and their meaning. Over time, you will be able to read and decipher the signs correctly.

How to conduct virtual fortune telling?

First, you should clearly formulate the question and concentrate on it. Then, with a stick, you need to place several dots (at least eight) in a random order on the sand. The received symbol is decrypted and a response is generated.

If you are not satisfied with the answer, then you should not ask the same question several times. The first answer is always the most correct.

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Fortune telling is a ritual aimed at establishing contact with otherworldly forces in order to obtain knowledge about the future (Wikipedia).

You can get acquainted with other online fortune telling if you use the search bar on our website located at the top of the page.

² Geomancy - fortune telling using the earth; a method of fortune telling popular in Arab countries, based on the interpretation of marks on the ground or drawings that are formed as a result of tossing a handful of earth, pebbles or grains of sand (

Geomancy means divination using the earth; under the earth we mean sand, dust, and dry lumps. Fortune telling on the sand is one of the most ancient. Now you don’t need sand for it - you can guess with paper and a pen or pencil!

Types of fortune telling on the sand

Arab geomancers interpreted patterns when a handful of sand or dust was thrown onto a smooth surface. The wise Navajo people let sand flow through their fingers, forming pictures that could be used to predict, and some African sorcerers read the marks of a crab making marks in a bowl of wet sand.

Fortune telling on the sand "Automatic writing"

Sand divination option 1

New methods of sand divination involve interpreting random marks made in the sand with a pointer, a process similar to automatic writing.

For this prediction method you will need some sand or fine earth. Prediction by sand is carried out as follows:

  1. ♦ scatter a handful of sand on a tray or on a flat surface;
  2. ♦ focus on the issue that concerns you. Then close your eyes, take a stick or pencil; now relax your hand and free your mind;
  3. ♦ the wand will move on its own, drawings or lines will appear that will emerge from the subconscious;
  4. ♦ letters, words or symbols may appear;
  5. ♦ now open your eyes, look at the pictures and analyze the results. A shape similar to a sword: with the end up - portends success and peace; end down - failure and illness.
  • House: indicates future stability and harmony.
  • Mountain: a major obstacle awaits you in life.
  • Birds: news, joy.
  • Squares: indicate protection and informed decisions.
  • Triangle: promises help from someone important.
  • Circle: represents the end of a certain life stage.
  • Cross: self-sacrifice, atonement.
  • Small crosses: conflicts and anxieties will enter your life.
  • Bold line: There is a lot to do. Long journeys await.
  • Short divided lines: you are overcome by doubts, desires are scattered.

Sand divination option 2

Scatter good dry sand or soil on level ground. You will need some kind of pointer to make marks in the sand - a sharp stick or pencil.

Sit silently, either in complete darkness or blindfolded. The questioner should sit next to you, concentrating on the question asked.

Place your wrist on the edge of the table so that the tip of the pointer touches the sand.

Put all thoughts out of your head and let the pointer move freely.

When the pointer has finished moving, look at the marks left on the tray.

Letters, parts of words, or complete words may form, or you will see a series of symbols. A rough time scale can be established by treating the entire width of the sand as a whole year and dividing it into sections by month.

  • M, m (a) Maybe. N, oh No. R r Possibly Yy Yes.
  • Short, isolated lines: Lack of purpose.
  • Short deep lines: Travel.
  • Small scattered crosses: (b) Disagreements and conflicts.
  • Grand Cross: Love affair (happy if distinct, unlucky if not distinct).
  • Small circle: Marriage is coming. Large circle (c): Misfortune is nearby.
  • Triangle: Successful career.
  • Square: Protection.
  • Birds: News, travel.
  • Mountain: Glory, movement or change.
  • House: Stability.
  • Sword (d): Success and peace if pointing upward; defeat or illness if pointing down.

Fortune telling on the sand by throwing pebbles

In ancient times, an almadel was used for this fortune-telling - a tray covered with sand. Stones, walnuts or sea shells were thrown at him. It was used as the basis for an oracle.

How to guess. Geomancy uses several methods: you can throw pebbles on the ground, draw signs on the ground with a stick, interpret the figure resulting from throwing sand or earth onto a flat surface.

Nowadays, the option of fortune telling on paper is more often used.

Fortune telling on sand using paper

Fortune telling option on paper 1

In the absence of sand, marks can be made on paper using a pen and pencil. In paper geomancy, the fortuneteller devotes minimal control to the pencil, drawing four groups of four rows of random dots.

Then the dots in each row are counted, an even number in a row is represented by two dots, an odd number by one dot.

This turns each group of four rows into one of 16 possible shapes made up of dots, whose Latin names probably date from the 13th century.

Some fortune tellers prefer to interpret these forms as they are.

Others manipulate them according to a complex network of rules, transforming one form into another and interpreting the final patterns in light of relationships with the 12 astrological crows.

1 Fortuna major Great luck. 2 Fortuna minor Little luck. 3 Via Sposo. 4 Populus People, people. 5 Acquisitio Search, acquire. 6 Laetitia Happiness. 7 Amissio Loss. 8 Puella Girl.

9 Rieg Youth. 10 Conjunctio Reunion, meeting. 11 Albus White. 12 Rubeus Red. 13 Career Captivity. 14 Tristitia Sadness. 15 Caput draconis Dragon's head. 16 Cauda draconis Dragon's tail

Fortune telling option on paper 2

Prepare a blank sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen or pencil. Focus on the question. Now put an arbitrary number of dots in four rows on a sheet of paper.

Points must be placed in the direction from right to left, in no case counting them and completely concentrating on the disturbing issue.

The pencil (felt-tip pen) should be held in your left hand, held between the thumb and forefinger. After the points are placed, their number in each row is counted. If the number is even, then the symbol corresponds to the row; if it is odd, the symbol corresponds.

The symbols obtained in four rows will form figures that are called “Mothers” in geomania. Count the points of the other lines until you get four Mothers.

Each row of the figure describes a different aspect:

  • ♦ the first characterizes the current situation;
  • ♦ second - inner world;
  • ♦ third - development of the situation;
  • ♦ fourth - final conclusion.

The meaning of figures in the sand

Sixteen geomantic figures correspond to sixteen possible combinations:


Great luck. Symbolizes the success of the enterprise, successful completion of the business, recognition, fame, happiness.


Little luck. Symbolizes small but pleasant successes - a win, a bonus, successful completion of work.

Path - trip, journey. The second meaning is change, including the transition to a new stage of development, the beginning of a new period in life.

People, nation. The sign portends support for your business from those around you - family, relatives, colleagues.


Search and acquisition. It means spiritual growth, the acquisition of truth, but it can also mean purely material joys - profit, a valuable find.


Happiness. Fulfillment of desires, health, abundance, a very favorable figure.

A loss. Symbol of failure, negative result. The loss can be not only material - a fatal quarrel, illness, even death.

Young woman. A symbol of frivolity, deception, deceit. A call to be careful, not to trust attractive appearance, to carefully weigh every step.

Jail. Indicates constraint, certain restrictions and obstacles.

Boy. Indicates that you are not in control of the situation. Its outcome will be determined by other, more powerful forces. But he doesn’t rule out a successful outcome.


Meeting, connection. You can't handle the problem alone. It can symbolize a meeting, the emergence of new useful connections, marriage.

White color. A symbol of kindness, love, tenderness. Also a symbol of wisdom and understanding. Sometimes indicates receiving good news.

Red color. A symbol of activity, life, aggression. The sign indicates the success of the plan if efforts are made to reach the gap.


Sadness, sadness, disappointment, blues. The goal will not be achieved.


Dragon's tail. Retribution according to deserts.


Dragon head. Symbol of renewal. Perhaps the beginning of a new path in life. The past goes away, we must say goodbye to it without regret.

Although fortune telling "points in the sand" is Arabic and is most common in Europe. Back at the end of the 19th century. this fortune-telling system was very popular, and it was called “dotted fortune-telling” or geomancy. She helped clarify a wide variety of issues that affect our lives, and Arabic fortune telling Geomancy always gave very accurate answers that amazed even experienced fortune tellers. And if you want to try all its power, the online version of fortune telling will help you a lot!

How to tell fortunes in the sand?

Most often, fortune telling of a “point on the sand”, as a special one, was practiced in Arabia, and it was also used by numerous desert inhabitants, for whom sand was often the only way to communicate with nature and learn answers to their questions from higher powers.

Arabic fortune telling Geomancy is based on points that are drawn in the sand with a sharp stick. And despite the fact that sand is a very changeable and fluid substance, it is still possible to get an answer from it. The main thing is to tune in to this and treat with respect even such a seemingly fragile and unreliable type of predictions as “points in the sand.”

Arabic fortune telling Geomancy online: how to proceed?

After going to the fortune-telling link, concentrate and think through your question. Your task is to ask specific questions, many of which are already written in geomancy (will my wish come true, will I make a profit, will I see such and such a person, etc.). Having thought through the problem, place at least eight (preferably more) random points on the surface of the virtual “sand”. Fortune telling will tell you whether you can already move on to prediction, or whether there are few points in the sand. Then just click on the “get prediction” button and read what fate has in store for you.

At the same time, free Arabic fortune telling Geomancy online will definitely warn you not to ask the same question repeatedly. Even if you are not satisfied with the sand prediction, it is better to think about it carefully and postpone the question for later. And if you read the answer to the fortune-telling carefully, you may not need to replay the situation again: the prediction will turn out to be comprehensive, and you will find the right path through the flowing and unreliable sands to confidently reach your goal!

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

While visiting the beach on hot summer days, you probably haven’t thought that sand can be used not only for building castles and palaces, but also for fortune telling! It turns out that by leaving footprints on a flat sandy surface, you can read some signs and, with proper knowledge of their interpretations, predict your future! Didn't you expect this from sand? Try it! Taking a twig and concentrating on the main issue that is currently bothering you, make a few marks in the sand. After that, click the “Get Prediction” button and read the interpretation of your tracks. Perhaps, completely unexpectedly for yourself, you will realize that predictions can come true!

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