Beautiful congratulations on the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. Poems introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary short congratulations Wishes brief introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Concrete 29.03.2024

The Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the twelve, that is, the twelve most important Orthodox holidays after Easter. It is celebrated on December 4, 2019. Send poems and congratulations on the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple to your brothers and sisters in faith.

Introduction to the Temple of the Most Pure Mother of God -
For Orthodox Christians there is a reason to pray.
And today you will all be rewarded a hundredfold,
So that God's light can penetrate into the soul!

I wish you humility on this holiday,
Let your heart be filled with faith.
Don't let doubts creep in
That all things will work out well!

On the Day of Entry into the Temple
Holy Mother of God
I sincerely wish you -
Let life be filled with goodness.

May your home be happy
Kind and welcoming,
And let love live in him -
Clear and bright!

Congratulations on the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

We have selected the best verses with which you can congratulate on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which will certainly please your friends and family and awaken good feelings in their souls.

How Anna was happy
On a solemn day,
When she led to the temple
Your little blood!
So now we are with all our hearts
Let's sing Mary's praises
And bow to the temple
Let's all go today.
Her blessing
Let it dawn on us all,
Will give pleasure
And he will keep the faith!

Virgin Mary in the Temple of God
In her nursery she froze in prayer:
Can't change anything
In her future Virgo destiny.
On this holiday we will glorify her,
As well as her son of God!
Let the protection not leave them
Never any of us.

Don’t forget to congratulate your relatives and friends by sending them a postcard with words of congratulations on the Feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple.

We praise the parents of the Virgin,
We praise the Mother of God,
Still a little girl,
What is in the temple for the first time.
She's walking down the steps
Bringing the whole world closer to the light.
Happy holiday to you, Christians!
And may hope shine on you!

Happy Entry into the Temple Day
Holy Mary
Congratulations and wish
To live in happiness.

So that there is only warmth in our souls
And they kept the good.
With strong faith in my soul
Have a happy life!

How to congratulate the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple in prose?

On this joyful day, you can also send warm and kind holiday greetings to your family and friends in prose.

The majestic holiday - the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary - evokes awe in the soul of each of us. Today we light candles in church so that our loved ones are protected from any worldly troubles. On this holiday, I want to wish that the Mother of God does not forget your home and protect your family, that evil does not touch you, and that faith illuminates your path.

Dear Christians, we congratulate you on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary! We wish you not to forget about attending church, to be firm in your faith and humble in your everyday affairs. May the Lord give you the strength to pass all earthly trials with dignity and not doubt the mercy of God.

Congratulations on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos and wish you warmth, heartfelt joy, bright hope, sincere love, strong faith, a lucky star that will always lead you to grace.

On the day of the bright holiday - the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, may God send patience and health, strong faith and great hope, honesty and fidelity, prudence and kindness of hearts.

Congratulations on the holiday and on the day of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, I want to wish that the soul will truly always be happy and free, that the heart will preserve its faith and bright hope, that every act and every day will be kind and good, that the mind will always remain bright and righteous life path.

Congratulations on the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple. From the bottom of my heart I wish you and your loved ones great and bright happiness, as well as health, peace, joy, joy, harmony and kindness of soul.

I wish that your soul will always be light and pure, that it will never be burdened by bad thoughts and desires. I wish that faith will help you find strength in yourself and live guided by the command of God. Let humility help you make only true and righteous decisions, then your life will be kind, happy, filled with light and love. Happy Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple!

On the day of the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, I would like to sincerely wish pure love of the heart and good hope, bright joy and unquenchable faith, strong strength and generosity of soul, heavenly grace and a happy family.

Dear Christians, we congratulate you on the feast of the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, we wish you today and always not to forget about visiting church, to be firm in your faith and humble in your everyday affairs. May God give you the strength to pass all earthly tests with ease and never doubt the mercy of God.

Today is a holiday for all Christians, because the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos is the day when we remember our protector and patroness, the Virgin Mary, whose parents gave her to serve God. It was with the introduction into the temple that the path began that led to the birth of Jesus Christ and the fact that our sins were atoned for.

On this holy day, I congratulate everyone on the church holiday of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos! I wish all parishioners to hear the voice of God, understand themselves and those around them, forgive all enemies and love loved ones. Be healthy, happy, calm and live in peace and kindness.

Today we meet the Nativity Fast and celebrate the bright holiday! We wish you a life without evil, protected by your Guardian Angel! Let all grievances and anxieties be forgotten!

On this page we have selected the best congratulations on the Orthodox holiday - the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. This is a holiday that came to us from Church Tradition. On this day, December 3, Christians remember how Saints Joachim and Anna brought the three-year-old Virgin Mary to the Jerusalem Temple. Thus, the parents of the Mother of God fulfilled their vow - the promise to dedicate their long-awaited daughter to God.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple - congratulations in verse

The young Virgin stepped into the temple,
She was everyone's favorite
I did handicrafts there,
I gave my life to God,
Today, in memory of the Introduction
To the Church of the Most Holy Mary,
Let's correct our behavior
Giving everyone joy and love!

Heal the wounded soul
I don’t dare disturb your peace.
I'll light a candle and pray quietly
I will share my troubles with you.
I don't ask for anything for myself
I just want to ask for my family.
Let them be happy and healthy
For many many years to come!

Let winter bring joy to your heart,
After all, the Ever-Virgin entered the temple,
Pray to Her that God's goodness
It has descended on you today!
So that your expectations come true
Hope grew stronger every day,
So that your family smiles at you
And kindness warmed the house!
May the Mother of God help
You will find happiness in life,
Leads to success, inspires
And fulfills all dreams!

With the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos!
Let your home be filled with warmth and love,
Dreams and hopes always come true
And they are inspired by family happiness!
May the Mother of God, by the power of heaven,
Will give you unchanging luck,
A beautiful, unique fate
And a wonderful life, the happiest!

With the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos,
I hasten to warmly congratulate you!
May only good things come true in life
And fate pleases you with eternal success!
May the Mother of God, by the power of heaven,
She will shelter you from grief, give you warmth,
The road to dreams, illuminated with hope,
Fill your home with love and happiness!

The bells in the temples ring loudly
Sincerely calling everyone to mass...
Let us pray loudly today,
After all, the holiday has already come to us the other day!

Introduction to the Temple of Our Blessed Virgin
We will praise with prayers today...
Cahors will take communion with a full chalice
With the blessing of the Virgin and the Lord...

May the Orthodox holiday be glorious!
May he grant you humility now!
Let you celebrate it gloriously
And God grants you reverence...

Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the Temple -
It's a great day, and we all know it,
Her father and mother brought her to the temple of God,
And thus they sacredly kept their vow.
You people will visit the church on this day,
And then the shadow of anxiety will not touch you,
Bring your children with you too,
Find your salvation and happiness there again!

This day is always beautiful
Sun, wind or rain;
The world is bright and clear in spirit,
Everyone is included in the temple today!

Holy Mother of God
I entered the temple that same day.
This is the time to remember
Let us open the door to God's house.

On the Day of Entry into the Temple
Holy Mother of God
I sincerely wish you -
Let life be filled with goodness,

May your home be happy
Kind and welcoming,
And let love live in him -
Clear, noticeable!

Happy Entry into the Temple Day
Holy Mother of God!
She helps us
Keep your soul at peace.

Let this be the hour
The most joyful for everyone.
Congratulations! And let you
Fun and success await!

A little girl entered God's temple,
I found a holy faith there for myself,
She became our Most Holy Theotokos,
The prophecy of her earthly life was fulfilled!

Happy Entry into the Temple Day, I congratulate you people,
I sincerely wish you to live in health and love,
And may the Mother of God protect you from grief,
May faith in God protect you and grow stronger every day!

People today are Orthodox
Celebrates the big day.
Congratulations on your entry into the temple
Most Holy Theotokos.

I wish you strong faith,
Don't lose your fortitude.
And an honest, faithful prayer
Just cleanse the soul.

On the Day of Entry into the Temple
Holy Mother of God!
May your life be easy,
And peace reigns in the soul!

May God help you in everything,
Your loved ones will appreciate it.
A big piece of happiness to you,
So as not to bother one bit

On this day Mary entered the Temple,
This brought her closer to God.
So let her give you
Life has only a happy path.

Will save you from sorrows and troubles,
From problems and from bad words.
Also may the Testament help you
Always be happy and healthy.

I pray to the Holy Mother of God,
I ask for health to my loved ones,
Today I congratulate everyone,
With the introduction of the Most Pure One into the temple.

I wish you joy, goodness,
Throw grudges out of your heart,
Go to church and then
You will feel the meaning of life.

On a December day, kneel
Today Mary entered the temple to God,
And she devoted her life to faith alone,
She was humble and obedient.

Thank you, Our Mother of God,
We believe and are happy with our faith,
When you are with us, the world becomes more beautiful,
You save people from troubles and adversity!

How Anna was happy
On a solemn day,
When she led to the temple
Your little blood,
So we with all our hearts
Let us sing to Mary,
And bow to the temple
Let's all go today.
Her blessing
Let it dawn on us all,
And gives pleasure
And he will keep the faith!

Let's come to God's house with prayer
We will fall before the image,
For salvation with hope
We will light the candles.

Bright holiday of the Orthodox
The light will light in our souls,
And Mary the Most Holy
Will save everyone from sins!

When the Holy Mother of God turned 3 years old, her parents decided to fulfill their promise and bring her into the Temple. Here Mary was met by a priest. The parents of the Mother of God directed their daughter to the first step of the stairs leading to the Temple. She quickly climbed the remaining 15 steps herself, without looking back. Then the high priest Zechariah, according to God's inspiration, introduced the most holy virgin into the Holy of Holies, where the high priest himself had access, but only once a year. Those present were overly surprised by what they saw. Her parents left Maria to be raised in the Temple until she was 15, where she prayed fervently and did handicrafts. Later, the widower Joseph was chosen as her husband.

On the Day of Entry into the Temple
Holy Mother of God
I sincerely wish you -
Let life be filled with goodness,

May your home be happy
Kind and welcoming,
And let love live in him -
Clear, noticeable!

May the Holy Mother of God
It will only bring you good,
And happiness without end and edge,
And joy for the year ahead!

Let her protect you from troubles,
Will send you a blessing
And gives only bright light,
Comfort, health and luck!

Congratulations on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos and wish you warmth, heartfelt joy, bright hope, sincere love, strong faith, a lucky star that will always lead you to grace.

People today are Orthodox
Celebrates the big day.
Congratulations on your Entry into the Temple
Most Holy Theotokos.

I wish you strong faith,
Don't lose your spirit
And an honest, faithful prayer
Just cleanse the soul.

A little girl entered God's temple,
I found a holy faith there for myself,
She became our Most Holy Theotokos,
The prophecy of her earthly life was fulfilled!

Happy Entry into the Temple Day, I congratulate you people,
I sincerely wish you to live in health and love,
And may the Mother of God protect you from grief,
May faith in God protect you and grow stronger every day!

Blessed Virgin Mary
On this day she was brought into the temple!
From my heart I wish today,
On this bright holiday, happiness to all of you!

Let those leading to the temple of this stage
They will lead you to prosperity with goodness!
May Mary give humility,
Grace and peace of mind!

Holy Mother of God,
Who gave Christ to the world,
On this blessed day
She was brought into the temple.

On this day to all Christians
I want to wish you well
Blessed Virgin Mary
I'll light my own candle.

I will say a quiet prayer,
I ask for kindness, humility,
Protect and preserve
Give your blessing.

On this Orthodox holiday,
On the Day of Entry into the Temple
Beautiful Mother of God,
I wish you happiness!

May Maria give you
Kindness, humility, light,
Be honest, be patient,
May you live many years!

On the Day of Entry into the Temple
Holy Mother of God!
May your life be easy,
And peace reigns in the soul!

May God help you in everything,
Your loved ones will appreciate it.
A big piece of happiness to you,
So as not to bother one bit!

Today is a Holy, special day,
The Most Holy Theotokos entered the temple,
I wish you peace, grace, happiness,
So that your soul is in harmony and peace.

I also wish you peace,
On Holy Day, light a candle,
For good luck, and, of course, for health,
Past troubles and let go of grief!

May the Holy Mother of God
Always protects you from troubles!
I wish you all the blessings of earth,
Let only peace reign in your soul!

I wish every moment
Appreciate with all your heart and soul,
And also the feeling of happiness,
Much health and love!

Congratulations: 48 in verse, 10 in prose.

On the day of introduction into the temple
Blessed Virgin Mary (Ukraine)
I sincerely wish you -
Let life be filled with goodness,

May your home be happy
Kind and welcoming,
And let love live in him -
Clear, remarkable!


Today Orthodox People
Celebrates the big day.
Congratulations on your Entry into the Temple
Holy Mother of God.

I wish you strong faith,
Don't lose your spirit
And an honest, faithful prayer
Just cleanse the soul.


Congratulations on the holiday and on the day of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, I want to wish that the soul really always be happy and free, that the heart retains its faith and bright hope, that every act and every day is kind and good, that one always remains bright-minded and righteous life path.


A little girl entered God's temple,
I found a holy faith there for myself,
She became our Most Holy Theotokos,
The prophecy of her earthly life was fulfilled!

Happy Entry into the Temple Day, I congratulate you people,
I sincerely wish you to live in health and love,
And may the Mother of God protect you from grief,
May faith in God protect you and grow stronger every day!


Holy Mother of God
On this day she was brought into the temple!
From my heart I wish today,
On this bright holiday, happiness to all of you!

Let those leading to the temple of this degree
They will lead you to prosperity with goodness!
May Mary give humility,
Grace and peace of mind!

When is the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018 - December 4


On the Day of Entry into the Temple
Holy Mother of God!
May your life be easy,
And peace reigns in the soul!

May God help you in everything,
They will be close to appreciate it.
A big piece of happiness to you,
So as not to bother one bit!


Today is a holy, special day,
The Most Holy Theotokos entered the temple,
I wish you peace, grace, happiness,
So that your soul is in harmony and peace.

I also wish you peace,
On Holy Day, light a candle,
For good luck, and, of course, for health,
Past troubles and let go of grief!


Let's come to God's house with prayer
Before the image we fall,
For salvation with hope
We will light the candles.

Bright holiday of the Orthodox
The light will light in our souls,
And Mary the Most Holy
Will save everyone from sins!


Happy Entry into the Temple Day
Holy Mother of God!
She helps us
Keep your soul calm.

Let this be the hour
The most joyful for everyone.
Hello! And let you
Fun and success await!


Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple
All Orthodox people will celebrate today.
I wish you on this holiday that faith always
Was the main basis for you in life.

May meekness and humility decorate your heart,
May Mary always help,
Pray to her sincerely, with complete dedication,
Then your years will flow by in happiness.

Congratulations on the feast of the introduction of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple


May the Holy Mother of God
It will only bring you goodness
And happiness without end and edge,
And joy for the year ahead!

May she protect you from troubles
Will send you a blessing
And gives only bright light,
Comfort, health and luck!


On this day we celebrate a big holiday,
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple.
There is a special event in the Christian world,
A symbol of aspirations and faith in God.

We wish you happiness on this day,
Peace, kindness, smiles, harmony,
Let bad weather pass you by,
The heart will be filled with love and light.


Holy Mother of God,
The peace that Christ gave,
Blessed on this day
She was brought into the temple.

On this day to all Christians
I want to wish you well
Blessed Virgin Mary
I'll light my candle.

I will ask you in silent prayer,
I ask for kindness, humility,
Protect and preserve
Give your blessing.


On the day of the Bright Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, may God send patience and health, strong faith and great hope, honesty and fidelity, prudence and kindness of hearts.


On this Orthodox holiday,
On the day of introduction into the temple
Beautiful Mother of God,
I wish you happiness!

May Maria give you
Kindness, humility, light,
Be honest, be patient,
May you live many years!

Congratulations on the Day of Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Many years have passed since then,
When Maria's parents
They led to the walls of the holy temple,
See church shrines.

To fulfill your vows
They were once given to God.
For the forces of light to win,
Forgiveness was guilty.

I definitely wish that
Luck came to you on this day,
And happiness, joy, and hope,
And of course inspiration.

Harmony in business and in the home,
I wish you a lot of love.
And on the day of the saint's entry
Say “thank you” to God.


Happy Entry into the Temple Day
To our Heavenly Mom!
Here he calls to the heavens,
The bell is wonderful.

I sincerely congratulate you
And I wish you grace everywhere.
Peace, joy, goodness
And so that life is like a miracle.


On the day of leading into the temple
Mother of God Mary,
I wish we had faith
Strengthened in their souls.

The ringing will melt
May it be in the blue of heaven,
And our prayers
Let Mary hear.

Let the steps of the temple
The way for good will be opened,
May the Mother of God protect
Us by holy power.


On the day of introduction into the temple
Our Lady of Mary
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
So that you keep the faith.

May holy heavens
Filled with grace
Faith in the Lord Christ
May it help us in life.

Holy Mother of God
We dedicate a prayer
To her holy power
We hope with all our hearts.


May the Most Holy Theotokos
Today will bring you joy,
Let her take care of you
I will send health to your whole family!

I wish your heart to be filled
Comfort, clear light and kindness,
So that everything you dream about comes true,
And every moment seemed like magic!

Poems for the Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple -
Sacred, honorable, solemn holiday,
May all your wishes come true today,
Many amazing and different miracles await.

And may this day bring us forgiveness
For all sins, bad thoughts,
Will give you plenty of kindness and patience,
So that any adversity can be overcome.


I congratulate you on this holiday!
Pray, work, let the strength be there,
I really wish you peace in your soul!

May you have enough strength and diligence,
To accomplish all the deeds that are destined for the Almighty,
You have so much light, kindness, mercy,
This means that all the days are not wasted!


The Mother of God entered the temple,
And silence fell
And all with a prayer on my lips
They ask for God's blessings a little.

With the Entry into the Temple of the Most Pure Virgin
Congratulations to everyone, of course.
Mental purity, health, happiness,
Remain a good person.


How Anna was happy
Have a solemn day,
When I was led to the temple
Your little blood,
So We with all our hearts
Let's sing Mary
And bow to the temple
Let's all go today.
Her blessing
Let it dawn on us all,
And gives pleasure
And he will keep the faith!


On the day of the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, I sincerely want to wish you pure love of heart and good hope, bright joy and undying faith, strong strength and generosity of soul, heavenly grace and a happy family.


This day is always beautiful
Sun, wind or rain;
The world is peaceful and clear in spirit,
Everyone is included in the temple today!

Holy Mother of God
I entered the temple that same day.
This is the time to remember
Let's open the door to God's house.


In the morning the churches hold services,
On the glorious Orthodox holiday -
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple,
Let's all pray together
For the health of loved ones and relatives,
And bowing our heads to the faces of the saints,
Let's cleanse our souls from evil and evil,
To live in the name of peace and goodness.


The door of heaven instantly opened,
Having met the daughter of Anna and Joachim,
A small girl, innocent of sins,
Mary boldly entered God's Temple.

O Mother of God! Our salvation!
We are sinful people - give us hope!
Repentance is achievable in the soul for everyone,
To enter God's kingdom of sinless people!


On this holiday of dedication
Virgin immaculate to God,
We wish you peace in your heart,
Our Lady will erase your worries
Fortunately, the door will open.
She entered the temple sedately
So that from an early age humbly
Dedicate your path to the sky,
So that for all of us every day
Ask God for love.


Congratulations on your entry into the temple,
I want all the people today.
After all, the Holy Mother of God
Everyone glorifies here and here.

I wish you this on your holiday
I am faith, happiness and goodness,
Ask for help - he will hear
All her prayers are from the heart.


On a December day, bow your knees,
Today Mary entered the temple to God,
And he dedicated his life to faith alone,
She was humble and obedient.

Thank you, Our Mother of God,
We believe and are happy with our faith,
When you are with us, the world becomes better,
You save people from troubles and adversity!


Today the holiday is very important
The Orthodox world notes
The Mother of God was brought into the temple,
We remember this event,
We wish great blessings to the people,
May this day bring good luck,
It's time for us to enjoy happiness
Let no one cry today!


Rejoice all Christians!
The Holiness remained in the temple,
I came there as a baby,
I gave myself entirely to God.

And her life is shrouded in mystery,
Both on earth and there - in the temple,
But then a blessing came,
Led to Jesus by birth.

So be so good
Have purity of soul
And may the Lord protect your home,
And commands you to be calm!


Dear Christians, we congratulate you on the feast of the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple, we wish you today and always not to forget about visiting church, to be firm in your faith and humble in your everyday affairs. May God give you the strength to pass all earthly tests with ease and never doubt the mercy of God.


Today is a holiday for all Christians, because the introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple is the day when we remember our protector and patroness, the Virgin Mary, whose parents gave her to serve God. It was with the introduction into the temple that the path began that led to the birth of Jesus Christ and because our sins were atoned for.


I pray to the Holy Mother of God,
I ask for health to my loved ones,
Today I congratulate everyone,
With the introduction of the Most Pure One into the temple.

I wish you joy, goodness,
Throw images out of your heart,
Go to church and then
You will feel the meaning of life.


You will hear the church bell,
Wear the outfits you embroidered.
And go to church today
Meet the Presentation of the Virgin Mary into the temple.

The purest Mary was brought there at the age of three,
And the will of the Heavenly Father was observed.
I advise everyone to come to the Holy Church already
Bring your beloved children with you too.

Go to church on Sundays and holidays
And listen to prayers, be involved in this.
And in this you may find salvation,
Your spiritual and present Transfiguration.


Introduction to the Temple of Mary the Virgin -
It's a big day, and we all know it,
Her father and mother brought her to the temple of God,
And thus they kept their vow.
You people will visit the church on this day,
And then the shadow of anxiety will not touch you,
Bring your children with you too,
Find your salvation and happiness there again!


At the age of three, Maria
They took me to the temple in Jerusalem,
Her parents, of course, are saints
All promises made to God were kept.

Maria ran up the stairs into the temple,
And she remained there in education until she was 15.
And only she was already allowed,
To the Holy of Holies, so that she can go.

I wish you to visit church today,
Bring your children to the temple of God.
To find your salvation in this,
And treatment for diseases of the spirit.


On this day Mary entered the Temple,
This brought her closer to God.
So let her give you
Life is just a happy journey.

Will save you from sadness and troubles,
From problems and from bad words.
Also, may a will help you
Always be happy (oh) and healthy (oh).


Day of Entry into the Temple
Mother of God Mary -
He reminds us
The way the saints lived stood up,

A vow was made to the Lord,
They handed over their daughter
In the hands of God, in God's temple,
They kept their true word!


Today we will all go to the temple together,
Clean in body and soul,
Let us pray to the Most Holy Theotokos,
Let's ask for kindness and warmth.

And unity will come,
We will praise her in chorus,
Angels will be watching
And we will not forget this day!


We kept our vow to God,
Joachim and Anna are theirs,
They took Mary to the Temple,
Our Lady's path is like this:

Easily climbed the steps
Leading into the mystery of sacraments,
Her life was sacred,
It is still a mystery.

Today we remember Her in prayer,
Cleansing your thoughts and soul!
Often turning to her for help,
In the heat or winter cold.


December 4, on that memorable date
(The Virgin Mary was also little once)
Her parents brought her to the temple
And they left her to live there until she was a girl.
Her whole life is shrouded in the mystery of the saint,
How a traveler wants to quench his thirst with water,
So it will be living moisture for our souls.
I wish you to always behave approximately,
So that the heart of God's path is only true.


Her little girl
Brought into the Lord's temple,
Maria ran briskly
Towards the golden gates.

The bishops were then surprised
And everyone prayed tirelessly -
They didn't know yet
That a miracle from above came into the house.

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